Nostradamus about Russia. Prophecies of Nostradamus about the future of Russia

The world is becoming more complex, tension is intensifying. This encourages many to look into the future, to find out what both wise analysts and clairvoyants predict. What a sin to hide, we all want to feel safe, to believe in the good. And the media often draw pictures full of threats. People just get tired of this. Therefore, materials containing information about the prophecies of seers are so popular .

Nostradamus about Russia
For example, now it has become fashionable to talk about what Nostradamus said about Russia. Frankly speaking, there are a lot of materials. Aspects are considered various. Interpretations contradict one another. Let's try to understand this cacophony of opinions and analyzes and understand what the country really needs to prepare for.

About the Prophet

You need to know that we will talk about a real person who died in the middle of the sixteenth century. Yes, the prophecies of Nostradamus about Russia, which many are now trying to decipher, were written more than five centuries ago. Their author lived in France. He was engaged in medicinal art, saving people from the plague that was raging then in Europe. It must be understood that in those days little was known about the eastern country. She had just begun to contact European society, not representing any serious interest for the local population. However, Nostradamus thought otherwise. He wrote a lot about Russia. However, as about other countries. His visions cannot be called particularly positive. The prophet foretold the world many trials, some of which have already come true and have sunk into the past. It is because of the sufficiently high level of feasibility of predictions that the quatrains of Nostradamus remain popular. There are many works, the subject of which is an attempt to decipher them. It should be noted that the author himself said that in its entirety its quatrains would be unraveled only after many centuries. One day they will find the right key, and the whole truth of his deep talent will be revealed to the world. Perhaps this has already happened. However, we learn this only in our own skin after experiencing all the horrors that Nostradamus wrote about. By the way, he also spoke about Russia, which is good that pleases. But let’s take a closer look at some of the quatrains concerning our country, paying attention to those facts that could not have been known to the seer, but nevertheless have long since come true according to his words. There are, by the way, a lot of those.

About quatrains

The French are proud of their ancient prophet. The prophecies of Nostradamus were reprinted at least nine hundred times. This fact clearly demonstrates their popularity, but says nothing about infallibility. The fact is that the predictions are written in the form of quatrains that do not contain dates or “geographical names”. And the seer and astrologer could not apply modern terminology. After all, he worked in the sixteenth century. Then, not all territories were known in Europe. The world seemed small, menacing, sometimes scary. The quatrains of Nostradamus are written allegorically.

quatrains of nostradamus
Many critics do not believe that they contain predictions. Their main argument is that the text can be “pulled” onto any fact. The prophet himself spoke of this, when he indicated the presence of a key, which should still be found. Nostradamus explained the impossibility of expressing visions directly by the fact that contemporaries may not only not believe him, but not withstand such information. He wanted to leave a message to distant ancestors, hiding part of his meaning from his contemporaries. It is believed that he completely succeeded. Quatrains of Nostradamus have been interpreted for almost five centuries, but have not yet reached a consensus. Scientists and townsfolk find in them all new facets and nuances, confirmed by certain events.

Predictions of Nostradamus about Russia

We remember that in those days the eastern territories did not particularly concern the contemporaries of the prophet. All the more interesting is his attention to them. Names Russia, by the way, does not occur in quatrains. He calls this country a different name nonetheless quite recognizable. Interestingly, the prophecies of Nostradamus concerned a sufficiently long period of time. Some of them have already become a distant story for us, about which experts mainly speak and think. For example, in his quatrains there is information about the features of the character of Ivan the Terrible, the number of his wives and heirs. In addition, Nostradamus accurately described the throne of the Russian throne. He spoke of False Dmitry and the reforms of Patriarch Nikon. Nothing seems to go unnoticed by his all-seeing eye. He saw and described events about which a man of his time could not have an idea. The predictions of Nostradamus about Russia of the Middle Ages are quite detailed. However, we are not interested in them. It is much more useful to understand that in our time the great French astrologer spotted. Moreover, historical events, according to researchers, are consistent with its quatrains. Therefore, he can be trusted. In any case, among the many quatrains it makes sense to look for those that hint at the future of Russia. His predictions strike with incredible, in fact, accuracy. More on this.

prophecies of nostradamus

Current invention and visionary

Judge for yourself what a man knew in the sixteenth century, even if he was well-educated? Probability theory has not yet been discovered, chemistry is only in its infancy, initial information on physics, biology is at the level of intuitive understanding. However, the predictions of Nostradamus over the years contain very specific facts. For example, he spoke of a stinky and deadly wind that would blow in Europe. Then it sounded strange. Now, with the invention of chemical and biological weapons, lines have become meaningful. Allegorically, the seer also wrote about the atomic bomb. It should be noted that many troubles predicted European nations Nostradamus. He spoke differently about Russia. In this country, which he called either Slavs or Aquelon, sometimes New Babylon, the sun of the future “golden age” will rise. But more on that later. Let's get back to the inventions seen by an astrologer through time. In the quatrains of the seer and the poet there is a direct, clearly readable hint about the construction of land and water transport. He even described a submarine, which, you see, could not be just a figment of the imagination of a medieval philosopher. Interestingly, many are mistaken in the interpretation of quatrains. So, according to some researchers, the predictions of Nostradamus for 2015 are grim and negative. They said that in 2014 a real disaster awaits us. Interpreters agreed that Nostradamus predicted a nuclear conflict. However, so far this has not happened, fortunately. Perhaps people misunderstood the predictions of Nostradamus. Russia and Ukraine, or rather, the conflict between them, on the other hand, fit perfectly into the prophecy. It is no secret that the entry of troops into a neighboring country could have caused the most terrible consequences, including catastrophic ones.

Nostradamus predictions for 2015

Let's go back to the history of Russia

It is also necessary to note several events foreseen by Nostradamus. By the way, no one disputes such a fact. So, from his time, the astrologer saw the future of Russia as bloody, heavy, filled with troubles. He spoke of the long periods of tyranny that ordinary people would have to endure. He also predicted a revolution, the transfer of power and property into other hands. Nostradamus very accurately described the fate of Nicholas II. He was sure that meekness would destroy the king. In addition, the astrologer clearly described the psychological state of the executioners Nicholas II. “Fearful at dawn will lead him to execution,” he wrote. Agree, it was difficult from those times to see the future of Russia so accurately. Predictions about the socialist period of the century are also striking in their accuracy. It seems that Nostradamus himself visited the future and described what he saw as understood. He wrote:

I am afraid of the unknown third ruler

Mysterious, barbaric, terrible country.

His companions are killed by him,

And old age will save only hell.

In these lines, researchers clearly recognize Joseph Stalin. Also, by the way, the seer pointed to Hitler and his deeds. The predictions of Nostradamus for years contain information about the beginning of the Second World War, and also indicate the winner. Incredibly, the quatrains describe the biography of the future Fuhrer and his inglorious death. The future of Russia Nostradamus considered extremely difficult and successful. If you consider that some quatrains have already come to life, then it is worth exploring further. Agree, since the experts were able to see our past in quatrains, it makes sense to try together with the author to open the veil in the future.

Europe in the seer quatrains

For a modern person is not a secret global world. The future of Russia is closely connected with its neighbors, their situation, the situation in these countries. The seer foretold the homelands, predicted misfortune and suffering. In general, this is a distinctive feature of the French astrologer. He tried to warn distant descendants that it is impossible to change, but you can try to weaken it. The predictions of Nostradamus for 2015 are full of similar hints. For example, he says that in Europe there will certainly be a war. By the way, many believed in this. In general, the idea of ​​the need for resettlement in the Southern Hemisphere was discussed for some time in European society. Indeed, according to researchers, the continent will die under a hail of nuclear strikes. Agree, there is something to think about. Other clairvoyants spoke of the troubles of Europe. So, Vanga saw this territory depopulated, poisoned, non-residential. The same was written much earlier by Nostradamus. Quatrains about Russia are not so gloomy. The seer believed that this territory would survive the trials that fell to the lot of peoples. What Wang did not deny.

Russian future predictions

About World War III

The French soothsayer said that not all the future is predetermined. Some events can still be changed. So, he saw that in the twenty-first century a global war could begin. First, the rulers of the four countries will be killed. This event is due to happen in 2010, Nostradamus said. War breaks out and affects all continents. Few outlive her, the seer said. He also pointed to the one who will be at the head of the instigators of the world fire. He described him as a bearded Muslim. On his orders, hostilities will begin. By the way, some researchers are sure that this person has already entered (according to the seer's chronology) into a conspiracy with the rulers of Russia. Let's say right away, not everyone agrees with this interpretation. Moreover, more than four years have already passed since the mentioned date, and, fortunately, nuclear missiles are in their mines. Perhaps, not serious researchers write about the Third World, but those who wish to promote on “fried topics”. Today it’s important that all the dates indicated by the seer have practically passed, and there haven’t been any terrible events. So, Nostradamus was not always right. He wrote all the more about the future of Russia, without limiting its existence in 2015. And in the case of a global nuclear conflict, modern people understand this very well, it is unlikely.

About the leaders of Russia

In seer quatrains, researchers find a wealth of personal information. Naturally, ordinary citizens were not particularly interested in him. He spoke of those in whose power the adoption of critical decisions. So, in his quatrains many recognized Yeltsin, who would be involved in the collapse of the "red" country. Then, Nostradamus wrote about the grave suffering of ordinary people in general. Next is such a quatrain:

The country benefits grave changes.

Away clever exiled, rules the country

Cautious with a noble heart.

People's life is changing everywhere.

There is an opinion that the current leader of Russia is described in the last lines. Although some researchers are quite cautious in such interpretations. In any case, time will tell who is right. Some say that the future described in this quatrain has already come. Others propose to wait until 2025. Here, every modern person has the right to have and express his own opinion. After all, we are the builders and witnesses of the events. We are to judge them. Michel Nostradamus spoke about Russia in the twenty-first century more positively than about other countries. In it, he saw the source of the rebirth of mankind.

what nostradamus predicted Russia

Last test

It should be noted that almost all researchers agree that the "golden age" is already close. The date of its onset varies. Optimists point to 2025, pessimists suggest waiting another ten years. However, before this time of universal dawn there will be another, it should be noted, a mysterious test from our position. The quatrains speak of a “conflict” with China. But our relations with this country do not cause alarm yet. What is the meaning of the conflict, which some call the war, is still unclear. It is believed that this will be a dispute of ideologies. And he is quite likely. After all, China is a completely different, by the way, a very ancient civilization. Finding a common language with her is not so simple. People there think and live differently, profess other values. If two ordinary people sometimes cannot come to the same conclusions and live peacefully, what can we say about civilizations! So that they can coexist and develop normally, a tremendous work must be done at the level of meanings and ideas. But modern mankind has not yet approached this. But before the "term" there are only ten or twenty years left.

Golden age

Let us hope that Russia will survive the “last test” with less losses than all previous ones. Moreover, there is something to strive for. Nostradamus calls our country the future "spiritual center of the world." He believed that a new religion would arise in this region. It will be like a “floating boat,” light and pleasant. Joy comes from this prediction. People will begin to treat others with compassion, care and try to help. Open up new sources of energy. People will experience a period of worship of the "golden calf." Other values ​​will appear. Maybe now we still can not understand them. However, Nostradamus from time immemorial suggests that it will be so. People themselves will change, become different. They will strive not for material accumulation, but for spirituality. The greatest value will be considered creativity, the ability to create joy for others. There are researchers who believe that Nostradamus predicted to Russia the beginning of this beautiful century already in 2014. Although, so far we have nothing to see in our present. Perhaps the sprouts of beauty are already there, only we cannot distinguish them from the painful routine. Probably looking "in the wrong direction." Moreover, the constant noise background in the information space does not contribute to deep reflection and thoughtful observation. The seer said that people will learn how to create new organs, invent the elixir of immortality. Many miracles await us soon if the quatrains of Nostradamus are deciphered correctly. It is necessary to clarify that the author himself was sure: a misinterpretation of his quatrains poses a threat to humanity.

predictions of nostradamus russia and ukraine

About various interpretations

Quatrains of Nostradamus are well-deserved. Perhaps they are most often mentioned in various studies; those who talk about the future rely on them. The network has already accumulated a lot of different information on this subject. It is all the more interesting to look at their retrospective. You know, more often than not, one may encounter the fact that the authors are trying to “pull out” the biased point of view from quatrains. As they say, each sandpiper praises its swamp. The authors of the interpretations present their own point of view, trying to justify it with the help of lines from the works of the great astrologer. Such "works" can hardly be taken as the basis for a vision of our future. Rather, they are “information shells” in an escalated virtual war. So, many were preparing for the end of the world in 2012. At that time, materials began to appear in the information space that Nostradamus saw our future just like that. But did we survive the indicated period? The planet did not fall apart, global shocks were avoided. You could forget about the hype. However, the thoughtful reader is not recommended to do this. After all, it’s worth relying on such events if you want not to follow the propagandists of the wrong sense. It is necessary to learn to distinguish biased opinions from impartial reasoning. And the works of Nostradamus deserve to be seriously dealt with, and not used in a cheap information war, without meaning and global goals. The seer was glad about the future of all mankind, suffering from the fact that his people would be at the sunset stage. Nevertheless, he looked at the future positively and optimistically.He was sure that the human race would not slide into the madness of self-destruction. Now everyone is trying to see in his writings a reflection of his own petty views. Such "specialists" must be calculated and excluded from information sources. Otherwise, it will not be possible to understand the flow of materials, to distinguish truth from notions.

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