How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes: effective means and methods

Sweating is a natural reaction of the body to various factors. Thus, toxins, salts and substances formed in the process of mineral metabolism are eliminated. As you know, a person sweats from heat, during stress, nervous strain and in a number of other cases. The fluid secreted by the glands is able to penetrate deeply into the fibers of the tissue, spoil its appearance. In the article, we will consider how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes using various means.

Why is it difficult to remove stains?

Sweat densely and deeply eats into the tissue, as in the process of exit it mixes with the fatty sections of the skin. Changing the color of clothes is caused by the active reproduction of bacteria, for which a mixture of dead epithelial flakes and fluid is a favorable environment for life support, which is why spots appear on the fabric.

Not many people know how to get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes. The trouble is because the biological fluid secreted by the glands in the armpits is the most corrosive. This is because it consists of 15% of fat and protein substances and 85% of water. Due to this composition, the liquid easily penetrates into the fibers of clothing and emits a pungent odor.

How to remove sweat from clothes

How to quickly get rid of the smell?

There are times when you definitely need to put on this or that thing, and it, despite the washing, does not exude an aroma of purity and freshness. In this case, there are several ways to help remove sweat from clean clothes:

  1. As mentioned above, an unpleasant odor arises in the process of reproduction of bacteria that spread throughout the sweat stain. Even if amber is present on clothes after washing, it means that it was carried out at a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees. You can get rid of the problem if you put the thing in the freezer. Under the influence of low temperature, bacteria die, and the unpleasant odor is eliminated.
  2. You can cope with the problem with the help of vodka. To do this, the spots are treated with liquid and allowed to dry, if there is no time for this, the thing is ironed.
  3. If there is a question about how to remove the smell of sweat from the "armpits" of clothing, do not forget about ammonia. You can prepare a very effective solution to combat the unpleasant aroma on things. 1 teaspoon is stirred in a glass of water. salts and ammonia, the resulting composition treats places on the fabric where the smell of sweat is most pronounced. After an hour, the remaining moisture can be dried with a hairdryer or iron.
  4. Another effective method: a cotton swab is moistened in pure gasoline and sweat stains are soaked with it, then the same manipulation is carried out using ammonia. After some time, the thing is dried with a hairdryer, there will not be a hint of smell. However, it is worth noting that regular use of this method is not recommended. From constant chemical exposure, the tissue becomes thinner and can tear at the most inopportune moment.

No Wash Methods

You can remove the smell of sweat from clothes without washing using the following methods:

  1. Denatured alcohol. With its help, you can quickly and effectively remove the smell from white silk. According to 1 tbsp. l ammonia and denatured alcohol mixed with 4 tbsp. l water. The resulting composition processes the fabric from the wrong side, the best result is achieved if you use a soft brush. It is worth remembering that silk is a delicate fabric, you do not need to make an effort and rub it hard.
  2. Fabric softener. 1 teaspoon is stirred in a glass of water. air conditioner. The finished solution is poured into the spray gun and clothes are sprayed with it.
  3. Ammonia. This method is not suitable for colored, delicate and shedding fabrics. In a ratio of 1 to 10, ammonia is diluted with water and a pinch of salt. In the resulting solution, a cotton pad is moistened and the fabric is treated, including the lining of a jacket, coat, leather jacket or down jacket.
  4. Newspaper. If the thing is dark, it can be wrapped in newspaper, the newspaper rests in all other products inside and is stored in this way for a week. Newsprint absorbs odors. After several days, it is removed and thrown away.
  5. 9% vinegar. Depending on the type of fabric, the maximum possible temperature is set on the iron. The thing is turned on the wrong side, gauze spread on problem areas soaked in a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1 to 4. Then the area is carefully ironed with an iron. This method is suitable for clean things, otherwise it is extremely difficult to wash clothes later.
    Remove sweat odor from clothes when washing

Methods followed by washing

To remove the smell of sweat from clothes during washing, these methods will help:

  1. Salt and dishwashing detergent. These two components work well together and effectively eliminate odors. 1 tbsp. l any detergent for dishes is mixed with a triple amount of salt, the finished composition is applied to problem areas and rubbed. In this form, the thing should lie a couple of hours, after which it can be washed.
  2. Another effective method for clothing made from natural fabrics. The clothes are turned on the wrong side, areas with the smell of sweat are densely sprinkled with salt and left for a couple of hours. Then the thing can be washed.
  3. Ammonia and salt. This method is the most optimal for use on bright things. In a glass of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l salt and 1 tsp. ammonia. A cotton swab is moistened in a liquid and sweat stains are treated. After that, the thing is immediately washed away.
  4. Sodium bicarbonate (soda). Almost every housewife has baking soda in the kitchen, with its help you can quickly get rid of the smell on clothes. A thick layer of soda is applied to the sweat stain and rubbed with light movements. After 20 minutes, the item can be rinsed or washed.
The smell of sweat on clothes: how to get rid

The use of household chemicals

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes using chemicals? Very simple. To do this, use:

  1. Laundry soap. They rub the problem areas and leave them in soapy foam for 20 minutes. Before you start the washing machine, pour soap into a powder compartment grated on a fine grater.
  2. Washing powder. A double portion of the washing powder is dissolved in a basin of water and the item is soaked for half an hour, and then machine-washed in the usual way. This method is not the most effective, but helps to remove unripe spots.
  3. Shampoo. The use of hair shampoo is recommended for delicate fabrics. The stain is slightly moistened with water and a little shampoo is applied. Then gently wash by hand and leave for 15 minutes. After time, the product is rinsed and dried. How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes if the stain is eaten? In more advanced cases, the shampoo is foamed in warm water and the item is soaked for 1.5-2 hours, and then washed in the usual way.
  4. Oxygen stain remover. On sale you can always find specially designed products to combat unpleasant odors and sweat marks on clothing. They act at the molecular level, penetrating deep into the tissue. Use them according to the instructions.
  5. Odor control sprays. As a rule, they are composed of water and plant components and are safe for children. The problem area is sprayed with a spray, covered with a plastic wrap or bag and left for half an hour. Then the thing is enough to dry.
How to remove sweat from clean clothes

How to wash?

Often, ordinary cleaning is not enough. It is important to know and apply some of the rules that make it possible to remove the smell of sweat from clothes using machine wash:

  • Before sending the thing to the washing machine, it must be soaked. To do this, dissolve 5 tbsp in three liters of water. l vinegar essence and leave the product in solution for 2-3 hours.
  • After this, the armpits and the collar are washed with a small amount of shampoo. Due to its composition, it perfectly washes dirt and an unpleasant odor.
  • In the drum of the machine you need to add half a glass of salt, soda or lemon juice.
  • If the product allows, wash it at a maximum temperature of 90-95 Β°. High temperatures kill pathogens.

How to dry things?

In the removal of the smell of sweat from clothes, drying of things is also involved. As a rule, this is done in a well-ventilated room, in the shade or partial shade, in order to preserve the brightness of the color and protect the clothing from burning out. In this case, it is recommended to dry it in the sun, after turning it inside out. In this way, UV rays reach problem areas and help eliminate odor.

If for several reasons it is not possible to dry things in the sun, after drying they should be ironed under gauze soaked in a weak vinegar solution.

Remove sweat from clothes without washing

Get rid of the smell on outerwear

Many do not know how to eliminate the stubborn smell of sweat from clothes that are worn in cold weather.

To cope with the problem on outerwear is much more difficult than with everyday. This is due to the composition of the fabric, sewing and the inability to use hand or machine wash. However, there are several ways you can fix the problem:

  1. Ventilation. In this way, you can get rid of a slight smell of sweat. The thing is hung in the air and left for a day.
  2. Ammonia. Mix 5 tbsp. l water and ammonia and add 1 tbsp. l salt. The resulting composition is processed under the axillary region and the collar of the product, and then hung out in the air. After a few hours, the smell was gone. This method is most suitable for cleaning jackets.
  3. How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes with soda? Sodium bicarbonate is stirred with a small amount of water until a mushy state. From the wrong side, in places with a sharp sweat smell, a thick layer is applied to the finished mixture and left to dry completely. Then the product is thoroughly shaken. Best of all, the method has proven itself in combating bad breath on leather things.
  4. Activated carbon. This method is the best suited for use on coats, jackets and jackets that cannot be washed. All problem areas on clothes are sprinkled with crushed tablets of activated carbon and left in this form for several days. If the product is light, coal can be placed in a double layer of gauze.
How to remove sweat from clothes

Get rid of the smell of sportswear

During physical exertion, everyone sweats intensely, the longer the training lasts, the stronger the form is saturated with an unpleasant odor. And if you don’t immediately wash things, then it’s simply impossible to put them on for the next workout. Therefore, people are thinking about how to remove the smell of sweat from sportswear.

It is not so difficult to get rid of it, but if you resort to the use of aggressive chemicals too often, the fabric wears out faster. To avoid this, do not run the state of the clothes:

  1. Immediately after training, the form must be washed or dried in the open air. Otherwise, after each lesson, bacteria will develop more actively on the pants and T-shirt and the smell will be more unpleasant.
  2. It is possible to facilitate the washing of a tracksuit soaked in sweat if you soak it first. To do this, for each liter of water is added 1 tbsp. l vinegar essence, in the finished solution, soak the thing for 30-40 minutes, and then wash it in the usual way in the washing machine.
  3. As has been said many times, high temperatures contribute to the destruction of bacteria. Therefore, having studied the tag on a sports product, it is necessary to set the maximum possible temperature during washing.
  4. If possible, it is better to dry a tracksuit in the open air. This will allow the form to weather as much as possible, and in sunny weather, thanks to UV rays, undergo bactericidal treatment.
Removing sweat odor from clothing

Stain Prevention Rules

In order not to worry about how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes, it is enough to follow the following recommendations:

  • Daily hygiene procedures should be carried out, in the hot season - twice a day.
  • Use antiperspirant for armpits or deodorant. Apply it after a shower to dry and clean skin. Do not rush to put on clothes, give the product a couple of minutes so that it begins to act. The use of a deodorant does not depend on the time of the year, it is always used.
  • If things are soaked later, it will be much easier to cope with the problem if you immediately begin to act. The smell is worn harder again or left on for a long time, and it will be extremely difficult to remove it.
  • You can avoid an unpleasant amber if you change shirts and blouses every day, especially in the warm season.
  • In no case should you iron contaminated clothing, even if it was worn once. Hot air introduces spots and smells deep into the fibers of the fabric, after which it will be very difficult to eliminate them.
  • In hot weather, it is better to choose clothes made from natural fabrics that allow the skin to breathe. In synthetic things, sweating intensifies.
  • Clothing should dry in a well-ventilated area or in the air.
  • In order not to spoil a shirt or blouse made of delicate fabric, you can wear a cotton T-shirt underneath.
  • If a thing smelled strongly of sweat, it is better to wash it separately.
  • The sweat of a healthy person does not have a pungent odor. As a rule, the cause of a strong amber can be a disrupted endocrine system, obesity or other health problems.

The smell of sweat is not the biggest nuisance, but it can cause a lot of problems. It can even cause self-doubt. Therefore, it is important to know the nuances of how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes. To avoid this, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene and timely care for wardrobe items.

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