DIY spray booth

For any owner of a service station, it is important that his complex represents the full range of car repair services. If it is enough to have equipment and a room for tire works, then for all tin works not only the presence of tools is required, but also a special room for painting - a spray booth. With your own hands, at first glance, making such a camera is difficult. But the fabulous cost of buying very often leads to the fact that the craftsmen themselves take up the matter.

Of course, such a room requires special equipment. For full-fledged operation, the paint-drying chamber is equipped with three main systems: filters, heat exchangers, hoods. This set of equipment provides the necessary temperature and level of air circulation. The operation of this system consists of three cycles: street air cleaning, car painting and drying.

Filters, air vents, air intakes, heating elements and mode control panels - all this is necessary to get a spray booth. It’s difficult to master such work alone, it’s better to choose a team of at least three jack-of-all-trades.

The phased scheme is as follows:

  • selection of a suitable room;
  • choice of the basis for the camera;
  • wall decoration;
  • selection of instruments for overhead and side lighting;
  • organization of competent ventilation;
  • selection of devices for filter elements and floor;
  • securing the camera.

Manufacturing tips

The camera should have a comfortable ride and a concrete (or iron) base. It is also recommended to use a plastic lining for covering the walls of the spray booth . Illumination in the working area should exceed 600 lux. To provide such illumination, lateral light sources are usually installed in addition to ceiling lights. The most suitable light sources are fluorescent lamps and LED lamps, as these sources provide the best color rendering and illumination. The most efficient placement of lighting in the chamber is ensured by the installation of long lamps in a checkerboard pattern.

During car painting, a large amount of solvent vapor is emitted and fog is formed from paint particles. In order to avoid the negative impact of these factors, a ventilation system is provided. The ventilation system must be installed common intake and exhaust. Typically, the system is supplemented by local hoods at the locations of tables and stands. The principle of operation of ventilation consists in the operation of two fans: forcing and exhausting. Ventilation works in three modes: purification of street air, intake + heating of air from the street and extraction of spray mist, drying mode (filtering and heating of air to +60). Filters are usually installed in two stages (for better air cleaning), so that the do-it-yourself spray booth complies with safety measures. They should be located in the floor and on the ceiling.

Work order

Before making the spray booth, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials. These are boards, film, scotch tape, tape measure, marker, saw, nails, clerical blade scraper. Then you need to create a drawing and mark the boards according to it. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the working area due to the placement of all devices is reduced. Volume and height also become smaller, so if you calculate it incorrectly, there may be problems with the car driving in. It is necessary to check all measurements several times, and then you get a real spray booth. Do it yourself will need to do a lot of work:

  • build a frame;
  • sheathe it with a film or lining;
  • install lighting fixtures;
  • then it is necessary to install an air intake, heating elements and a heat gun under the ceiling;
  • then equipped with a floor. This will include: grill with hood, filters and heat generator;
  • Further install a gate for entry.

For safety reasons, all equipment must be explosion proof. Heating appliances - have thermostats. The insulation must not give in to burning. The ventilation system should fully cover the entire space of the room. If you follow all the tips and recommendations listed above, then a spray booth for cars with your own hands will turn out like a purchase.

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