Who are lesbians? Who are passive and active lesbians? Why become lesbians?

Lesbians are women whose sexual desire is aimed at people of their gender. Many people are not aware of their attraction and therefore can become lesbians in adulthood. Many of them have successfully been married, they have children and, perhaps, have extensive experience in sexual relations with people of the opposite sex. This does not prevent them at some stage in their lives from beginning to doubt their orientation and want to try something new, which subsequently may well lead to the choice of a same-sex partner. Who are the lesbians? Why are they becoming? How are they treated in society? This is what will be discussed in the article.

In 1953, Kinsey published the “Report on Female Sexuality”, which shows that five unmarried and ten married women have one who has had periodic homosexual relationships, and only one percent of them can be called a true lesbian. For the rest, this remains nothing more than an interesting experience that can bring more pleasure than sex with a partner of the opposite sex. The same report says that fifteen percent of all women had lesbian fantasies, but most did not dare to realize them.

who are lesbians

Historical information

Who are lesbians? Many historians agree that the term comes from the name of the Greek island of Lesbos. It was there that the poetess Sappho was born and spent her whole life. It is believed that in her verses the beauty of love between two women is praised. In addition, she and her students actively practiced same-sex sex. Despite the fact that later information appeared about male partners of Sappho, the version of the “island” origin of the term remains the main one.

Mentions of who lesbians are also in documents related to Ancient Sparta. There are many references to this form of sex in Chinese literature. A detailed analysis of it showed that such relations in those days were not considered in China as something immoral or wrong.

who are passive lesbians

Interpretation of the term

Who are lesbians? Today there are three main interpretations of the term “lesbianism”. The first is a woman with a homosexual orientation, that is, one who is looking for sex with partners of her gender.

The second is a woman with a homosexual identity, that is, denying her gender. Such people deny their feminine nature, often change their gender, this phenomenon is considered a psychological deviation and is currently not fully understood, and also cannot be treated.

The third interpretation is a woman who constantly practices homosexual behavior. In Russia, the law uses the term “lesbianism” to mean behavior in which sexual contact between two women is characteristic.

who are active lesbians

Why become lesbians?

Sigmund Freud, a hundred years ago in his works, pointed out that most of the women, about 2/3, have bisexual inclinations. In his opinion, the reasons for this should be sought in the infant years, when the first pleasant sensations are associated specifically with the mother - affection, tenderness, care. Modern scientists could not refute Freud's theory, but she received no evidence either. Although no one argued with the fact of bisexuality of women. However, bisexuality is not the reason that a woman becomes a lesbian.

Modern scientists have found two main reasons for the transition of women from a relationship with a man to a relationship with a woman - physiological and socio-psychological.

The first reason is associated with insufficient production of the female hormone estrogen and an excess of male. For this reason, a woman acquires a masculine way of thinking, behavior, appearance and sexual attraction. It is such lesbians who are usually called active in society, although this is not entirely correct and is not the rule.

The socio-psychological reason includes several options - an unfavorable family climate, fear of a man or violence on his part, unrequited love for a person of the opposite sex, low self-esteem with an excessive need for love and protection, fashion, dissatisfaction with sex with a man.

why become lesbians

Passive lesbians

Active and passive lesbians - who are they? Already at the end of the 19th century, two terms were adopted - buch and fem. In the modern world, these names began to die, and previously characteristic couples by the type of butch-fem also also began to recede into the past. Most often they can be found among young and inexperienced homosexual women.

Who are passive lesbians? Fem, or a passive lesbian, remains a woman in every sense of the word: in appearance and behavior. She is very difficult to distinguish from a heterosexual woman. She likes to take courtship, is more often a slave and is inclined to engage in the arrangement of the hearth.


Who are active lesbians? Butch, or active lesbian, is a woman who plays a dominant role, that is, actually takes on the role of a man in a pair. She is characterized by a short haircut, the style of dressing as a boy, piercings, tattoos. In this case, the male behavior does not apply to relationships in bed. An active lesbian seeks to protect her partner, takes care of him, performs hard and masculine housework. Most often it is she who is responsible for the material well-being of the same-sex family and has a desire to advance in the service. More often than not, ordinary people take Bucha for lesbians. An active lesbian soon comes to the realization of sexual attraction to her sex.

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The benefits of lesbian sex

Many lesbians who have agreed to share their experiences say that sex with a person of their gender can be much more interesting and exciting than its traditional form. The fact is that sex between a woman and a man is characterized by a desire to achieve orgasm. For most lesbians this issue is not important. Most of the lesbian sex comes down not to genital, but to be more exciting and tantalizing, like preliminary caresses. Kisses, stroking, hugs are the main points of such sex. In general, for many women, it is tactile sensations that are the main value in sex, which in relationships with a man most often fades into the background or is completely absent.

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Negative aspects of lesbian sex and relationships

Oddly enough, the main minus (it is also a plus of same-sex relationships between women) is a typically feminine view of the world. Two women who have been in a relationship for a long time face the difficulty of not being a woman. It is believed that it is men who are the main initiators of sex, so two women often expect the first steps from their partner, and this leads to a decrease in sexual activity, even if both of them have great interest in this area.

Several studies have been conducted, of which it was found that female couples are more likely to reduce the frequency of sex than male or bisexual couples. According to statistics, less than once a month, classes are found in 47% of lesbians, 33% of gays, and only 15% of married people.

The second problem of lesbian relations is their rejection by society. Even in the modern world, where laws have been adopted in many countries that allow same-sex marriage, one can encounter a hostile attitude not only from fellow citizens, but also when applying for a job, entering schools and other social institutions. Often in people who are in same-sex relationships, children experience great difficulties with social adaptation. Many couples prefer to hide their relationship, which does not make them stronger.

who are lesbians

Attitude to lesbians in society

Who are lesbians? How do they respond to them in society? Attitude to lesbians in the world varies depending on culture, historical era, country. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, in many cultures, lesbianism was not something unnatural, it was not forbidden or encouraged. There is a lot of information about the wives of kings and generals, as well as the empresses, who, in anticipation of their husbands, spent time with lovers and concubines. Since the 1950s and a little earlier in many countries this was completely unacceptable and could be punishable by law. There are many cases when well-known members of society were forced to leave posts or undergo compulsory treatment because of homosexual love. After the sexual revolution, this attitude began to disappear, but in many countries the old model still remains.

If you divide by country, then since the 70s of the last century, there has been a warming towards same-sex love in the countries of South and North America, as well as Central and Western Europe. Japan has taken a neutral position on this issue, and in the countries of Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS, Africa and the Middle East, the attitude to this day is sharply negative.

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