Russian State Humanitarian University: Master, faculties. Russian State University for the Humanities

Applicants choosing a higher educational institution will have to make a serious decision - to decide on an educational organization for admission and further education. At this point, you need to weigh the pros and cons, because getting an education is the beginning of a career. What kind of specialist this or that person can become depends on the educational organization, on teachers. When choosing a university, attention should be paid to the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH). This is a well-known educational institution, which is located in Moscow and offers education at the undergraduate and graduate schools.

What is a Russian State Humanitarian University?

The Russian State University for the Humanities is a university that combines long-standing traditions and modern technologies. It exists since 1930. The university grew out of a small historical and archival institute. He is currently a large educational organization. More than 10 thousand students study in the head unit. In their branches there are about 20 thousand.

The Russian State Humanitarian University has many advantages. Here are just a few of them:

  • convenient location of training campuses (in the center of Moscow);
  • friendly and democratic atmosphere;
  • the presence of one of the largest libraries in Russia (there is a department of rare books dating back to the 17th century);
  • equipment of classrooms with technical means and multimedia complexes;
  • the presence in the university Wi-FI;
  • the presence of a comfortable guarded hostel.

RSUH Master

What faculties and institutes does the university have?

The Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) consists of institutes and faculties. The first structural units providing student training, there are 9. Here is a list of institutions:

  • historical and archival;
  • linguistics;
  • mass media;
  • law, administration and economics;
  • psychology;
  • security technologies and information sciences;
  • history and philology;
  • antiquity and eastern cultures;
  • new educational technologies.

There are 3 faculties in total:

  1. Philosophical. At this university-wide faculty, the teaching of philosophical and general humanitarian disciplines is organized.
  2. Sociological. This structural unit implements training in several undergraduate profiles - "Sociology of Management and Organization", "Sociology of Advertising and Marketing", "Political and Business PR".
  3. Art history. This faculty is created for creative people. It offers applicants such training areas as “History of Art”, “Design”, “Museology and the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites”.

Russian State University for the Humanities

RSUH, magistracy: what is it and why is it important?

With the transition of our country to a two-level education system, universities began to prepare bachelors and masters. The RSUH was no exception. Applicants who enter after graduation or a college are offered a bachelor's degree. This is the first stage of higher education, a kind of foundation for acquiring new knowledge. 4 years of full-time study at the bachelor's program. After obtaining a diploma, you can continue training, because there is a master's program at the RSUH. This is the second stage of higher education.

To enter the magistracy of the RSUH, it is not necessary to have a diploma of this university. A graduate of any higher educational institution can become a student. In this case, the direction is allowed to choose absolutely any, and even one that is not related to the existing specialty.

At the Russian State Humanitarian University, the master's program will be useful to many people. It provides an opportunity to deepen existing knowledge, gain additional competencies for the selected master's program, or get a completely new profession. And all this is possible in 2 years. This is the duration of the training.

RSUH Master's program cost

Why is it worth entering a magistracy at the RSUH?

Full-time undergraduates of the Russian State Humanitarian University have all the student benefits. Firstly, when entering a university you can get to a budget place. Secondly, students are granted a deferment from military service. Thirdly, undergraduates are given a scholarship. The first 6 months it is received by all students studying on a budget. In the future, the scholarship is paid only taking into account the learning outcomes.

At the university, magistracy has another advantage. It lies in the fact that a huge number of programs are offered to people who are attracted to the graduate school of the Russian State Humanitarian University. Linguistics, ethnology and anthropology, history, design, economics, jurisprudence ... And this is only a small part of all existing directions. On some of them, it is possible to obtain only a diploma from the Russian State Humanitarian University, and on others, two diplomas (Russian State University for the Humanities and a foreign partner university). In the latter case, the term “international master's programs” is applicable.

What is the essence of international master's programs?

Probably, there is no student who would not dream of building his career in any other country. At the Russian State Humanitarian University, such dreams become a reality for students thanks to international master's programs. The curriculum includes studies at a native university and a guest semester, during which students live in another state and study at a foreign university.

The countries and universities to which students are sent are determined by the chosen training program. For example, at the Russian State Humanitarian University, the master's program in “Historical Comparative Studies and Transitology” provides for studies in Poland at the University of Mikołaj Copernicus (Torun).

magistracy rpgu reviews

How to enter the Russian State Humanitarian University and how much will you have to pay for studies?

In order to become a student at the RSUH, you need to prepare for the exam or entrance examinations at the university. This can be done on courses offered by the university. They are implemented in the form of full-time. At regularly held classes, applicants communicate with experienced teachers, fill in the existing knowledge gaps. For applicants who do not have time to attend college, distance learning courses have been developed. They allow you to repeat the material in any convenient place and at any convenient time.

Some students of RSUH study for free. This is possible when entering budget places. Applicants who do not fall on them, pay their tuition. In full-time undergraduate studies, the cost is from 77 thousand rubles to 130 thousand rubles. It is defined for each direction of training. And now, information for those people who are interested in graduate school. The cost of training in existing areas is from 80 to 115 thousand rubles.

RSUH Master in Linguistics

Thus, the Russian University for the Humanities is a modern educational institution that opens up wide opportunities for students. That is why the undergraduate and graduate programs of the RSUH have positive reviews. Students say that in a university you can get a quality higher education, improve the level of foreign language skills, study abroad. Graduates are in demand in our country. Outside of Russia, they also easily find work in the specialties received.

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