Full site statistics - what are its goals and objectives?

A website and advertising on the Global Network are in most cases not the only means of promoting and selling products and services. Together with these effective tools, other marketing methods are also used. An accurate assessment of the contribution of each of the methods and methods of promoting a product on the market is rather difficult, since the contribution can be joint. In the realities of our state, exclusively direct sales through the Internet site are carried out for a relatively small list of groups of goods and services, and this, in turn, further lubricates the marketing effect of the Global Network.

On the other hand, Internet technologies provide users with the opportunity to study in detail the behavior of customers attracted in this way. The fact is that each action of the site visitor is “recorded”, which in turn makes it possible to conduct a complete analysis. Properly analyzed complete site statistics, for example, makes it possible to analyze the performance of certain components of an advertising company immediately after its start. This makes it possible to make advertising campaigns more flexible, and therefore more effective.

Flexibility and the ability to adjust advertising activities at any time are the main opportunities that the owner of the Internet resource gives full statistics on the site.

Viewing site statistics is the first step when deciding on the evaluation of the effectiveness of Internet tools (the resource itself, an advertising campaign), which are essentially tools that allow you to solve specific commercial problems (sales, product technical support, etc.).

So, complete site statistics allows you to solve the following problems in the aspects that require an assessment of site performance :

Task number 1. Rate the overall audience of the site.

Full site statistics make it possible to use information about the number of visitors to the site, the number of Internet pages they viewed, the number of new visitors, the regional distribution of visitors, socio-demographic characteristics, and compare all these data with competitors.

In addition, it becomes available to find out the sources of visitors to the site, that is, where they come from (from search engines, advertising campaigns, other resources), which search queries were used.

Among other things, full site statistics make it possible to perform a detailed assessment of attendance, that is, find out which sections of the Internet resource are most popular among users, the average depth of viewing the site, the ways in which the documents presented on the site are viewed.

Task number 2. Rate the quality of the audience.

The statistics clearly demonstrate how many visitors can be considered targeted, that is, who have come to the site for certain purposes, which are required by the owner of the resource - visiting landing pages, viewing product characteristics, direct purchase, etc.

Another important aspect of the quality of the site’s audience is the assessment of the sources from which the targeted visitors come from, as this makes it possible to find out which advertising is most effective in terms of achieving the ultimate goal that the site owner sets.

Task number 3. Correction of technical parameters.

Full site statistics make it possible to evaluate how well the site is indexed by search robots, as well as identify technical problems inherent to the resource and hampering its operation and achieving a high level of efficiency. Such problems may include links to non-existent resources, overloading the site and much more.

Unfortunately, to date, the only tool capable of solving all of the above problems does not exist. The use of full site statistics requires the use of various means, methods and approaches to achieve a high level of effectiveness of their implementation. Concrete methods and solutions should be used depending on the list of tasks to be solved.

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