In recent years, it has become very popular to have a large family. A few decades ago, couples could not afford to give birth to more than two children. Parents feared that they would not be able to feed and raise the kids to their feet. Currently, families with many children are given many privileges. That is why women without much concern consider a situation such as a third pregnancy. It is about this condition that will be discussed in the presented article. You will find out what features pregnancy, childbirth (third) and the postpartum period have.
A word to specialists
Doctors say that the third pregnancy is never like the previous ones. Even in the same representative of the weaker sex, these conditions are very different. Throughout the entire period, the baby develops completely differently from what happened to his older brothers and sisters.
Doctors say that not only the third pregnancy has its own characteristics. Delivery can also occur differently than it was in the past. Gynecologists claim that often the third pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by various complications. To avoid them, you need to prepare in advance for such an event. Consider what features the third pregnancy has.
New position
Conception for the third time occurs in the same way as in previous cases. On certain days, which are called fertile, sexual contact leads to conception. The only exceptions are cases of artificial insemination. It is worth saying that if the first two times a woman became pregnant as a result of IVF, then the third time this often happens in the natural cycle. This is a big surprise for the couple.
For the third time, a woman can learn about her new position a little earlier than in the first two cases. In most cases, the fairer sex feels that she is pregnant. However, tests for home use still show a negative result. Many argue that a third pregnancy is diagnosed much earlier. However, it is not. You can find out about the new situation only after a delay in menstruation or through a blood test for the presence of the hormone of pregnancy.
Genetics and possible problems
The third pregnancy features has such that most often it occurs after thirty years. Some representatives of the fairer sex decide to give birth to heirs even after forty. In this case, it is worth considering the fact that by this time the future mother already has certain diseases. Often these are problems with the thyroid gland, abnormalities in the work of the cardiac and circulatory system, as well as exhaustion of the ovaries. All this can lead to problems during the bearing of the baby.
Do not forget about genetics. In most cases, a third pregnancy always requires specialist advice. Remember that after thirty years, the risk of birth defects for a baby increases by about 20 percent. If you decide to give birth to a third child at age 40 and later, then know that in such cases, approximately 40 out of 100 babies have deviations.
The condition of the cervix and cervical canal
Pregnancy with a third child can cause some problems. During the first and second birth, the cervical canal is shortened, and the cervix opens completely. Of course, in the postpartum period, all these processes are restored. However, tissues tend to stretch over time.
In the third pregnancy, a woman may encounter such a problem as isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In this case, it is almost impossible to determine the possibility of pathology in advance. That is why the expectant mother, pregnant with a third baby, needs to regularly visit a gynecologist and be especially attentive to herself. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is a premature shortening and opening of the cervix. This condition can be adjusted. However, for this you need to contact specialists in a timely manner.
Third pregnancy: belly
The appearance of the future mother, who wears the third baby in the heart, also has its own characteristics. For the first and second time, the tummy can be located quite high. Omission occurs only a few weeks before birth. This is because the muscles hold the baby’s head.
With a third pregnancy, the ligaments that hold the uterus are no longer so strong. As a result, premature abdominal prolapse occurs. This is not a pathology. Most likely, delivery will occur on time. However, if additional unusual symptoms are found, consult a doctor.
Placenta position
During pregnancy with the third baby, a woman may encounter such a problem as placenta previa. Often this happens because the mucous membrane of the genital organ in the bottom has already been thinned. The placenta is attached in the most favorable place for the development of the child.
Presentation of the placenta or its proximity to the pharynx can lead to bleeding or the threat of termination of pregnancy. At the same time, doctors often prescribe a caesarean section for the expectant mother . This will help to avoid many complications during childbirth.
Feelings of a future mother
If you have a third pregnancy, the sensations may be completely different from the first two times. Many women with more than two children say that each time they suffer less from toxicosis. This condition is caused by the ingress of harmful substances into the mother’s blood, which are secreted by the fetal egg. As a result, a representative of the weaker sex may feel nausea, discomfort, weakness, and so on. By the third pregnancy, the woman’s body gradually adapts to this condition.
What can be said about the movements during the third pregnancy? Everything is very interesting here. Most women feel the baby’s kicks much earlier than the first time. All due to the fact that the fairer sex already knows how it should be. Doctors say that the baby's movements during the third pregnancy can be felt as early as 16 weeks. However, there are women who claim that this happened much earlier.
Training fights
The third pregnancy reviews has the following. Experts say that very often during their first pregnancy, expectant mothers confuse real fights and training. As a rule, this does not happen when waiting for the third baby. Training contractions help the uterus prepare for the birth process. Usually they begin to appear after 25 weeks of pregnancy. However, with each subsequent childbearing, this process is increasingly approaching the date of birth.
Training contractions during the third pregnancy are usually felt after 32 weeks of development of the baby. However, they do not have a certain regularity. Also, these sensations in most cases are painless. If additional symptoms join, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The special control group should include mothers after cesarean.
Third birth - natural
Recently, more and more after Caesarean gynecologists allow a woman to give birth on her own. A prerequisite for this is a break between the appearance of children for at least two years. Also, the moral attitude of the future mother and the condition of the scar after the previous operation are always taken into account. It is worth noting that if for the first and second time the birth took place via Caesarean section, then you have very little chance of a natural process. When the operation was performed once, a woman may well feel all the charms of ordinary childbirth.
In the event that the first two babies were born naturally, the third birth passes quickly. All due to the fact that the body of the future mother already knows about the basic requirements. Under the influence of certain hormones, the cervix opens very quickly. If amniotic fluid is poured out, then this process can occur in several contractions. That is why, at the first signs of labor, you should rather go to the maternity hospital. Your baby can be born very rapidly.
Stimulation of labor
Some mummies, giving birth for the third time, may be faced with the fact that they need stimulation. This situation is explained by the fact that the contractility of the uterus is no longer the same as before. In this case, doctors carry out stimulation. Certain drugs are administered to a woman, and within a few minutes the strength of labor is restored.
It is worth noting that the rejection of the necessary stimulation can lead to rather disastrous consequences. Usually in this condition, the fetus begins to suffer. Prolonged hypoxia causes irreversible changes in the brain of the crumbs.
Cesarean section
If you have a third pregnancy, cesarean can be performed for the first time. The operation can be scheduled or emergency. If all your children were born in a similar way, then there are certain risks. The scar after cesarean section with each subsequent pregnancy is thinning. This can lead to premature rupture. This situation becomes dangerous not only for the child, but also for his mother.
Doctors strongly do not recommend women to plan a fourth child after the third cesarean section. Often, medical personnel suggest ligation of the tubes during surgery. This will lead to lifelong contraception. However, not all representatives of the weaker sex decide on this procedure.
The peculiarity of the work of the mammary glands in the third birth
After the birth of a child, the mother begins to produce milk. The hormone prolactin contributes to this. In primiparous women, milk begins to be released on the third day of the baby’s life. Prior to this, the baby is forced to eat colostrum or an adapted mixture, which is often given out in maternity hospitals.
In the case of the third birth, everything is somewhat different. In such women, colostrum may appear during pregnancy. This usually occurs after 35 weeks. Milk comes almost immediately after the birth of the baby. As soon as you first put the crumbs on your chest, you will feel a rush of milk. It is worth saying that the mother of three children often has hyperlactation. This is a condition when there is a lot of milk in the chest, and the child is not able to eat all this. In this case, doctors recommend purchasing a breast pump or performing pumping with hands.
The recovery period and its features
After the third birth, a woman’s body can recover slightly longer than usual. That is why you need to monitor the discharge and, if necessary, consult a doctor for advice. It is worth noting that with each subsequent birth, the duration of the lochia increases by about one week.
The muscles and skin of the abdomen also recover much longer. That is why, just a month after giving birth, you need to start light gymnastics. Remember that nothing is impossible. Any flabby muscles can be toned. However, for this you need to make an effort and be patient.
You became aware of what features a third pregnancy and the delivery process have. In most cases, this time the future mother feels more relaxed. She already knows the basic nuances of childbirth and pregnancy. However, this does not mean that you need to refuse to consult a gynecologist. It is necessary to regularly visit a doctor and take all tests. Take all the drugs prescribed for you and do not refuse the prescribed studies. I wish you success!