How to make tulle snow-white at home: methods and options with a description

It will not be a secret to anyone that white curtains require proper care. Despite the fact that today there are various means, many young housewives are interested in how to make the tulle snow-white. The choice of method depends largely on the type of fabric from which the product is sewn. The most common varieties today include tulips made of nylon and organza. In this article, we will take a closer look at bleaching methods, as well as determine how to choose the best method.

Organza Tulle

how to make tulle snow-white at home

So what do you need to know about this? How to make tulle snow-white at home? Organza requires special care. This fabric must not be washed with industrial cleaners. She also does not tolerate exposure to hot water. As for folk remedies for whitening, for organza, soaking with a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide is suitable. Rinse the fabric in its former color with rinses in saline with the addition of greenbacks. A mixture of blue is also good. To prepare such a composition, you need to take 3 liters of water and 3 tablespoons of a liquid substance. After the agent has completely dissolved, the tulle should be lowered into the prepared container and left for 5 minutes. Then you only need to rinse the tulle in clean water.

Blue is also suitable for bleaching in a washing machine. Just pour the product into the department for the air conditioner, and you will get a great result.

Nylon Tulle

how to make tulle snow-white at home in the washing machine

What is its feature? It is a very delicate and delicate material. What to do to make tulle snow-white? It is worth remembering that nylon can not be washed at a water temperature of more than 30 degrees. When using the washing machine, the speed must not exceed 400. Otherwise, you risk damaging the fabric. How to bleach nylon at home? Many commercially available industrial bleaches can ruin the material. As for folk remedies, it is better to use those compounds that provide a stable effect in cold water.

Kapron can also be soaked in a solution of brilliant green. A composition based on potassium permanganate helps to bleach this fabric. The preparation of such a bleaching agent takes a minimum of time and helps to achieve an excellent result. To prepare it, take three liters of warm water and add so much potassium permanganate to it that the water turns a pale pink color. In the resulting solution should be added 100 grams of laundry soap, grated. Thoroughly mix the composition until a foam forms. Kapron tulle should be placed in such a solution for half an hour, and then washed in a washing machine using the "Hand Wash" mode. The number of rinses can be doubled.

Color change

how to make the old tulle snow-white

What to do if the tulle turns yellow? How to make it snow-white? Solutions of blue, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide and soda will perfectly cope with the yellowing of tissues of various types.

Also, over time, the curtain can become dull and gray. How to make tulle snow-white if it is gray? This problem most often occurs with materials such as organza and nylon. When bleaching, be sure to consider the features of these fabrics. They must not be boiled or immersed in too hot water. To get rid of gray plaque, it is best to use soda and brine, as well as hydrogen peroxide.

Putting in order the old curtain

So is it possible to do this? How to make tulle snow-white at home? To return to the old tulle the original whiteness is very difficult. Often here it is not possible to limit oneself to one bleaching method. A range of restorative measures may be required. Let's consider in more detail how to return the fabric to its former whiteness:

  • wash in a washing machine with powder;
  • boil the tissue for an hour in a soap solution;
  • soak in hydrogen peroxide and rinse in clean water;
  • rinse the tulle in a salt solution.

To fix the effect, rinse the fabric in warm water with the addition of starch.

Use whitening salt

the tulle turned yellow how to make her snow-white

Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. If you are interested in how to make tulle snow-white at home, you can use the following simple folk recipes. There are a number of simple tools that can be found in any kitchen. One of them is ordinary edible salt. This is a safe and very affordable product that does not cause allergies and has excellent cleaning properties. It can be used to clean any fabrics. Let us consider in more detail how to do this.

How to make the old tulle snow-white with salt? To prepare a powder-salt solution, you need to take 4 tablespoons of coarse salt, 100 grams of washing powder and 4 liters of water. The fabric should be kept in the resulting solution for 5 hours. Ideally, tulle should be left in this condition all night. After that, it can be washed and rinsed in the usual way.

You can also use salt as a prophylactic. To do this, each time after washing, place the curtains for 15 minutes in a solution prepared from 5 liters of water and 5 tablespoons of salt.

How to whiten curtains with brilliant green?

So what do you need to know about this? There is another rather unusual way to make the tulle snow-white. Surprisingly, for its implementation you will need green. This substance is used in the final rinse. To give the tulle a dazzling whiteness, you should prepare a solution consisting of 250 ml of water, 3 tablespoons of salt and 7-8 drops of brilliant green. The resulting mixture should be left for 4 minutes until a precipitate forms. After this, the solution is added to the rinse water, without passing a precipitate. Otherwise, greenish stains may appear on the fabric. The washed tulle is soaked in such a solution for 3-4 minutes, periodically turning it. After this, the curtains should be pulled out, wrung out a little and hung to dry completely.

Whitening kitchen curtains

Using simple folk remedies, kitchen tulle can also be cleaned of dust, carbon deposits and yellowish deposits. This is a simple, inexpensive, and very effective method. To prepare the cleaning composition, it is necessary to take a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in a ratio of 2: 1. The mixture must be poured into a container with 5 liters of warm water. After that, tulle is placed in it and left for half an hour. Then the fabric should be gently rinsed and hung to dry.

Bleach soda

What is the peculiarity of this method? Such a simple and inexpensive product, like soda, can also be the answer to the question of how to make tulle snow-white. Soda is used to pre-soak the curtains before the main wash program. Preparing a soda solution is quite simple: for 4-5 liters of water, you need to take 50 grams of washing powder and one tablespoon of soda. The solution is stirred until the grains are completely dissolved. Then, in the resulting product, the tulle is soaked for 20 minutes. After that, the product can be transferred to the machine and washed in simple mode.

Bleach in a washing machine

how to make snow-white tulle in a washing machine

This aspect should be given special significance. How to make tulle snow-white in the washing machine? If you do not have time for long preparatory soaking, you can combine the bleaching process with machine wash. It is preliminary recommended to shake the tulle thoroughly from small debris and dust, and then carefully fold and put it in the drum. Make sure that in the machine by chance there are no forgotten things that can dye the fabric.

For bleaching in the washing machine, you can use tools such as Bingo Tulle, Dr. Beckmann, Frau Schmidt, Pilotextulle. As for folk methods, the most safe for technology are salt, soda and confectionery baking powder. Add these components to the detergent drawer. The washing mode is better to choose "Delicate" or "gentle". The water temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees, otherwise the tulle may turn yellow. Also monitor the speed of revolutions, it should be no more than 400. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the fabric structure. You can also add 1 tablespoon of vinegar during washing. This will give the curtains a brilliant look.

Housewife tips

how to make tulle snow-white

How to make tulle snow-white at home in the washing machine? How to quickly give the fabric a radiant look without spending extra money? The recommendations of experienced housewives will help you easily and quickly solve this issue.

If you want to achieve results quickly, use chemical bleaches. These substances are added to the tray of the washing machine along with the powder. In case of severe pollution, you can pre-soak the tulle with bleach for 25-30 minutes. However, too often, such remedies are best avoided, as they can destroy tissue fibers.

To more gentle cleaning methods include folk remedies. They are inexpensive and can easily be used even by novice housewives. In addition, home bleaches do not cause allergies. Perfectly removes dirt from delicate white fabrics with simple edible salt. To bleach 10 liters of water you will need 3 tablespoons of salt and half a glass of washing powder. Leave the curtain in such a solution for at least 3 hours, and then wash it manually or in a washing machine. You can also use a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide for bleaching. You can buy these funds at each pharmacy. For quick cleaning, it will be enough to add a tablespoon of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to warm water, mix the composition well and place the curtains in it. After this treatment, the tulle should be thoroughly rinsed. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used for washing in the machine. To do this, simply add 20 ml of the substance to the compartment for washing powder.

To give the tulle a radiant appearance and embossed shape, use starch. To do this, the pre-washed product should be placed in a container with 10 liters of water and 200-300 grams of starch. In this condition, the curtains should be left for 5 hours. After this, the tulle should be hung without drying to dry.


In this review, we examined in detail how to make tulle snow-white. For this purpose, it is not necessary to use expensive cleaning compounds. You can get by with quite traditional means such as baking soda, salt and starch. If there is no particular contamination on the product, then it will be enough to use a simple laundry soap. Unusual methods of whitening include a method that involves the use of brilliant green. When used correctly, this tool helps to achieve an amazing result. It is also possible to achieve whiteness of the product by using substances such as potassium permanganate and bluing.

what to do to make tulle snow-white

Sometimes, over time, the curtains may turn yellow or gray. A solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will help them return their previous color. If you want to give relief to the curtains, then starch will be the best tool.

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