How to remove clove earrings: tips and tricks

Earlier, ears were pierced with a needle, later a special apparatus appeared, which quickly gained popularity. Today, almost everyone who wants to decorate their ears with earrings is making holes using this β€œpistol”. How to remove clove earrings after a puncture?

how to remove clove earrings

A modern way to pierce your ears

For the procedure, special medical earrings made of hypoallergenic alloy are used. They have a pointed end, which provides an easy and almost painless procedure. The earring is placed in a special device, often referred to as a "gun." Then, with its help, piercing is carried out, followed by fixing the earrings with a lock on the opposite side of the lobe.

how to remove clove earrings after a puncture with a gun

When and how to remove clove earrings? Some time after the puncture should take place before removal, so that the canal can completely heal. This usually takes up to a month and a half.

How to remove earrings?

Naturally, the earrings that pierced the ears will want to be changed to other, more attractive ones. To do this, carefully remove the existing cloves. Make it easy. But you should adhere to a few recommendations on how to remove clove earrings after a puncture with a gun.

First you need to ensure the safety of the procedure, so be sure to wash your hands. Such a simple measure will help to avoid the possible entry of dirt into the punctured channel. In addition, you must prepare alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and a piece of sterile bandage or gauze for processing.

how to remove clove earrings after

To remove the earring, you will need to perform two actions: unfasten and remove it. The biggest problems arise when unfastening. In order not to damage the ear, you need to grasp the earring with one hand in front and the other with the clasp on the opposite side.

Do not rush; care must be taken not to injure the ear. Once the lock is unfastened, you can remove the carnation. For the first time, there may be some difficulties with pulling out the earrings - this should not be scary, as it is the norm. Then you need to treat the ears with alcohol or peroxide and give them a rest for two to three hours. After that, you can put on new earrings, previously treated with alcohol. If the pair of earrings being worn is a carnation, do not press the earring tightly to the ear with a clasp.

How else can you remove earrings?

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in the procedure for replacing earrings, but quite a few complain that the lock is not removed. How to remove medical clove earrings? Tips will help to carry out this process correctly and painlessly:

  1. Quite often, a mantle gets into the lock, which dries up and does not allow to unfasten the earring. In this case, you can try to soak the castle with alcohol or cologne. You can also try to soak the dried sucrose on the earring while taking a bath.
  2. You can try to open the lock with nail scissors. You need to insert each tip into the rings of the castle and gently unclench them. This procedure should not be done on your own, you will need outside help.
  3. In extreme cases, you can try to eat an earring with nippers. You need to act very carefully so as not to damage the ear.

The last two tips are pretty controversial. With improper manipulations, you can damage the lock, bend the earring or injure your ear. Therefore, you should think several times whether it is worth resorting to such methods if you could not remove the cloves in a safe way.

The surest way to solve the problem

Of course, home experimentation can be dangerous and not have the desired effect. And in cases where there is no understanding of how to remove clove earrings, you should contact the master who pierced the ears. He will quickly and painlessly remove medical earrings, disinfect the canal. It is worth referring to it if inflammation occurs and pus appears.

how to remove medical clove earrings tips

What you need to know to wear earrings was a joy?

The question of how to remove earrings-cloves for the first time, excites many. But this is only the beginning of a β€œrelationship” with these jewelry. So that the channel does not overgrow and there is no need for re-piercing, you need to wear earrings constantly for the first six months. Even when a lot of time has passed after the procedure, it is recommended to wear earrings regularly, at least half an hour a day.

The best choice would be a gold or silver pair. These metals are considered safe and even healing. The further choice should be based on the safety of the metal, so you should stay away from cheap jewelry of dubious manufacture.

Each change of earrings should be accompanied by a preliminary washing of the hands and their treatment with alcohol.

The difficult problem that many mothers face is how to remove clove earrings from young children. This is best done in a salon where ears are pierced. If the child is spinning and does not allow touching his ears, you should try to do it at home while the baby is sleeping.

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