The left side hurts during pregnancy, how dangerous is it

A pregnant woman in expectation of a child always feels some anxiety associated with her health, and, therefore, with the health of the child. The sudden feeling that the left side hurts during pregnancy should alert the young mother, especially if this is the first pregnancy. During this period, hormones rage in the body, rebuilding it so that physiologically it is ready for gestation and childbirth. But sometimes abdominal pain is a signal to take emergency measures.

Sensations may be different

Pain occurs most often at the beginning of pregnancy, and this occurs due to the restructuring of all internal organs. Therefore, when the left side hurts during pregnancy in the first trimester, this can be perceived as a simple feeling of discomfort. At the same time, symptoms can indicate various health problems. You need to be able to distinguish simple uncomfortable sensations from truly threatening symptoms for the health of a young mother or baby.

Listen carefully to the changes that are happening to you.

1. When the stomach hurts as if it stretches the left side during pregnancy, then women who do not have more than two months of pregnancy and before it painful menstruation was common should not be worried. Ligaments that support the stomach stretch, the uterus presses on the internal organs, so discomfort in the initial period of pregnancy is not terrible if minor pain occurs by the end of the first trimester. Subsequently, it is more advisable to purchase a bandage in order to support the stomach. It will help get rid of the feeling that the left side hurts during pregnancy.

2. When the growing fetus shifts the intestines to the side, the sensation that the left side hurts during pregnancy may increase, since the displacement occurs to the left. Your lunches and dinners in your gut may be uneven. In addition, hormones "work" to relax all muscles. Peristalsis in the intestines is slightly reduced, so constipation, flatulence can occur and, as a result, the left side hurts. During pregnancy, it is important to pay attention to the nature of the pain. Does she have minor symptoms or is acute.

3. At any stage of pregnancy, even without the occurrence of pain, immediate medical intervention is necessary for any type of bleeding.

When can a pregnant womanโ€™s stomach become โ€œsharpโ€?

The signs of an โ€œacuteโ€ abdomen must be known in order to call an ambulance in time when the woman has a pregnancy. Pain in the left side can be caused by a fairly large group of diseases. They can be united by common signs that require the mandatory intervention of doctors. The main signs of an โ€œacuteโ€ abdomen:

  • Emerging acute pain, regardless of where it is located. There can be both severe and growing pain.
  • When the abdominal muscles on the front wall tighten (throughout the abdomen or in a limited area).
  • When causeless nausea or vomiting occurs, severe flatulence, delayed administration.
  • If the pressure decreases, the woman is swooning, there is a cold sweat and pallor.
  • There is an increase in temperature and a frequent heartbeat. This is also an occasion to call a doctor.

Do not panic, but show maximum attention

The causes of abdominal pain in pregnant women, especially acute ones, can have a variety of reasons and it is better to play it safe than not to pay attention, so you should definitely consult a doctor in case of acute pain. The cause of pain can be a pathology that manifests itself only during pregnancy - gestosis. If there are pains in the upper abdomen, acute headache, "flies" in the eyes, high pressure and twitching of the muscles of the face - immediately call a team of doctors.

What to do before the ambulance arrives? Create all conditions for the pregnant woman to feel as good as possible. Close the curtains or put out a bright light, do not make noise, try so that the woman does not remain alone. Be careful not to have cramps. If they occur, keep a spoon wrapped in a towel ready to prevent the patient from clenching his teeth. The head should be raised. If your doctor has prescribed medications, you must take them. Gestosis requires inpatient treatment.

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