How to get rid of acne spots

All women at any age dream of having soft and smooth skin. To achieve such results, it is necessary to make a lot of effort. Excess sebum, malnutrition, street dust, sweat - all this contributes to the appearance of acne and blackheads. Getting rid of any manifestations of acne is not an easy task, including acne spots. The latter can significantly worsen the appearance. You should not be upset because of this, since today a large number of ways to get rid of them are known.

acne spots

First of all, you must follow the rules of hygiene when removing acne and disinfect problem areas. This will help prevent acne marks. It is best to seek help in a beauty salon for this procedure. In this case, you will avoid unpleasant consequences. What to do if you have failed to protect your skin from spots from acne?

Volcanic clay and lemon balm

An excellent mask based on blue clay will quickly help to remove acne spots . This is a great alternative medicine that will remove not only redness, but also small scars. For it you will need crushed blue clay and a few drops of lemon balm oil. All this must be diluted with water and applied to inflamed areas. The mask is kept for about half an hour and washed off with water. Melissa has a wound healing and relaxing effect. Therefore, such a mask is best done before bedtime.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice will help whiten acne spots. This is a very simple and proven recipe. A tablespoon of lemon juice should be mixed with egg white (whipped). This mask is applied only to problem areas.


remove acne spots quickly

The unique aroma of this mask will certainly please you. It will not only save you from spots from acne, but also give you minutes of real pleasure. For it you will need a teaspoon of honey and a few pinches of cinnamon. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin for half an hour. The procedure can be performed every other day.


This freshwater sponge is known to anyone who has ever tried to get rid of acne spots. This tool is very effective, but use it with extreme caution. There is a spoiler due to the many small needles that irritate the skin. As a result, there is a rush of blood to the surface of the skin. This contributes to the resorption of stains, even old ones. For the mask, you can use both powder and ready-made gel. The latter acts more gently, so for a start it is better to purchase it. It is applied to the skin in a circular motion. The first procedures can cause discomfort. Their duration is recommended to be limited to 5-10 minutes. In the future, the time can be increased up to 20 minutes. After that, you need to wash your face thoroughly.

St. John's wort

whiten acne spots

St. John's wort tincture is used to wipe the face. Cooking it is very simple. Three tablespoons of dried flowers are poured with 200 grams of alcohol. It is necessary to insist them 12-15 days. Wipe the face with the mixture after washing.


Parsley will help to smooth complexion . 50 grams of raw materials must be crushed and filled with half a liter of hot water. All this must be put on low heat and languished for about 20 minutes. After this, the broth is filtered and frozen. The resulting cubes of "parsley" ice rub the skin.

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