Laminate Care Instructions

Since its inception, laminate flooring has been popular. And this is not surprising if the flooring combines beauty, durability, ease of installation and relatively low cost even from the highest quality and world famous manufacturers. The pricing policy is very flexible, and the consumer will always be able to choose the best option for the cost, taking into account the conditions and place of operation.

But to preserve a presentable appearance, lack of creak and preserve the softening properties of the laminate for decades, it is not enough just to purchase and correctly lay it. Throughout the entire period of operation, proper care for the laminate should be ensured. After all, as in other materials, this coating has its own nuances of use, which we will try to understand.

Proper laminate floor cleaning

Keeping the laminate clean does not require much perseverance when cleaning. It is enough to walk with a broom or vacuum cleaner, followed by wet wiping the floor. And you just need to add a little vinegar or saline to the water, and stains after drying the floor will not appear. But here you need to take into account one nuance when cleaning the laminate: he really does not like a lot of water.

Today, there are already moisture-resistant laminate models that are used even in the bathroom. Locks in such panels are covered with wax and repel water, but for the most part the laminate does not have such properties. And is it worth it to overpay for moisture resistance only in order not to adhere to the elementary rule when caring for a laminate.

If water nevertheless spills on the floor and gets between the joints, the panel locks will begin to swell and the laminate may swell. Even dismantling, drying and new laying will not always help to fix such defects. And the consequences will be catastrophic: the laminate begins to creak when walking, the panel locks are loosened and cease to properly perform their functions. Due to the gaps formed, chips begin to appear along the edges of the panels, since the floor is no longer integral and the resistance to the upper corners of the panels during any movement. The consequence will be the loss of the appearance and properties of the entire floor.

Laminate "bloating"

Therefore, wet cleaning should be carried out with a well-wrung sponge or rag. It will be even better to use special care products for the laminate, which are added to the water during wet cleaning.

Special laminate cleaning

In each room there are places with the greatest cross, where the laminate is dirty more and needs better care. And if just washing the floor is no longer enough, due to settled dirty places and stains, you need to resort to more aggressive cleaning methods without damaging the floor surface.

Almost any pollution can be removed using special tools that have a direct purpose to combat such stains and are sold in large quantities. But for all types of stains, one remedy is not suitable, since pollution is very diverse in its structure.

Having picked up the right tool, you need to apply it to the stain and wait until the stain dissolves. After that, the treated area is wiped with a damp cloth to completely clean the surface. It is important that the cleaning agent does not contain ammonia.

Other stain removal methods are also used. Let's look at existing laminate care products at home.

Removing stains with improvised means

Stains on laminate flooring

The first and easiest option to try is to breed two tablespoons of shampoo for children in four liters of water. In this case, the dirt is rubbed off much more easily, without abrasive action on the surface, but only with slight contamination.

Nylon fabric is used to remove various oily stains. She is also able to get rid of a fresh stain of blood, beer or berries.

Oily spots

Common footprints are easily wiped out with baking soda or a pencil eraser.

Wipe contamination with an eraser

There is a practice of freezing spots if they are tarry or greasy:

  1. Freeze this stain with ice or frozen foods.
  2. Scrape it off with a plastic knife.
  3. In conclusion, the treated area can be wiped with window cleaner if there is still a trace of the stain.

You can try to wash ink and paste with warm water and soap. When this method does not work, you only have to buy a special laminate care product for ink removal.

Laminate Ink

Warm soapy water is also used to kill alcohol stains. But if the stain is resistant, then it should be wiped with denatured alcohol.

To remove a marker or chewing gum from the surface, you need to use a solvent with which old paint is washed. As an alternative and more aggressive method, toothpaste is used. It is applied to the stain for a short time and rubbed dry.

The paint is effectively removed by white spirit, car chemistry or a simple solvent. It is only advisable not to delay such funds for a long time on the laminate.

Polyurethane foam is easily erased by the Dimexidum preparation in 5 minutes after its application. At the end of the treatment, the area is wiped with a damp cloth.

Washing powder wipes nail polish on the laminate. The powder is dissolved in water and a rag is applied to the place of contamination.

Scratch Removal

Scratches on the laminate inevitably occur when objects with a large weight move on the floor or the sole grips the floor during a step. At first, the scratch remains barely noticeable, but after it will necessarily appear.

You can deal with scratches with a special paste or grout of the desired color, which fills the damaged area. And you can use an ordinary eraser that erases the damage site. Soda in paste form is also used. It corrodes the damaged area, which will only need to be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth.

Laminate scratches

Plaque removal

When cleaning the floor with various methods, a wax coating often forms, which forms the basis of the laminate flooring. Paul loses his appearance and requires action. It is not difficult to solve this problem if you dilute 1 cup of vinegar in 4 liters of water and wipe it.

Laminate sheen

Over time, the coating of the laminate erases and loses its former shine. This is especially important in an apartment - laminate care is directly displayed on family comfort. Gloss of the coating can be given during wet cleaning in many ways:

  1. A glass of vinegar (can be apple) is diluted in five liters of water.
  2. A glass of lemon juice or a tablespoon of citric acid is diluted in half a bucket of water for polishing the floor.
  3. Half a bucket of water is added half a glass of lemon juice, half a glass of vinegar and a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid.
  4. Branded funds.
Laminate sheen

Laminate creak

Squeaking is also related to laminate care. It becomes a consequence of an uneven floor or a violation of laying technology. There are also cases when polystyrene foam is chosen as a substrate, which after 6-7 years loses its quality and can sag. The result is surface level differences and, as a result, creak. Roughness of the base of the laminate is still possible if it is laid on foamed polypropylene. This substrate consists of bubbles, which can burst under high loads, creating drops in the base at these places.

The only solution to the problem will be the dismantling of the creaking place, identifying and eliminating its source. Fortunately, the laminate is endowed with an obvious advantage over other coatings, in the form of dismantling without any harm to the panels. It is important that this work is carried out in compliance with the installation rules.

Laminate dismantling

Laminate Care Instructions

Laminate care is as follows:

  • Do not allow a lot of contamination of the floor from the laminate, so that you do not have to use aggressive chemicals again. Regular weekly cleaning will not be burdensome, since such a floor is washed perfectly.
  • To clean from a variety of contaminants, only those products that are designed to remove them should be used.
  • When cleaning, it is strictly forbidden to use metal devices or products with a high acid content. They are able to damage the top layer of the laminate of acrylic resin, which protects the floor from abrasion, dirt, moisture and mechanical stress. Thanks to the protective layer, the care of the floor from the laminate occurs without difficulty and effort.
  • Do not ignore scratches. They need to be quickly eliminated with a special paste. If animals live in the house, have a child or constantly use objects that can damage the surface of the floor, you need to get such a paste in advance.
  • To preserve the laminate at the front door, it is recommended to cover this area with a rug, a piece of linoleum or other material that protects from dirt, which can eventually peel off its protective coating.

Features of laminate care

When cleaning and cleaning the described floor, it is important to remember the following:

  • Laminate is very afraid of water, so during systematic cleaning or during cleaning it can not be used in large quantities. When you wipe the floor from the laminate, it should remain dry.
  • It is forbidden to use abrasive, alkaline, acid-containing and metallic products.
  • Any processing of the laminate should begin with a sample in an inconspicuous place in the room to determine the reaction of the coating to the substance. Any stains should not be soaked, and cleaning products do not leave for a long time.
  • Do not dry the laminate in an unnatural way.

But the main thing in preserving the original appearance of the laminate for many years is the accuracy of use, systematic and proper care for it.

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