How to remove the mustache above the lip? Effective Removal Methods and Methods

Mustache - facial hair, unique to men, as we used to think. Sometimes, most men cannot even imagine that a good part of the female population is fighting a damned mustache above their upper lip! Most often, brunette women face a similar problem, since dark hair is more noticeable on the face, but in fact, the antennae can ruin the life of any of the beautiful girls ... The worst thing is when in adolescence, in addition to acne on the face, appear above the lip THEY. If you are reading this article, then you are also interested in how to remove the antennae above the lip.

mustache brunette

Where did they come from ?!

As mentioned earlier, for the male part of the population, facial hair is a completely normal phenomenon. But it also happens that the representatives of the weaker sex have a "fluff" above the upper lip.

Here are some of the reasons why you became one of these "lucky ones":

  • Genetics. Someone inherits a villa on the beach, and you have a mustache. Appreciate it or get rid of it.
  • Antennae may appear with age. In adolescence or in menopause.
  • Such changes in the face can occur due to hormonal disorders. In this case, you need to go to the endocrinologist. If the guesses about the hormonal disorder turn out to be true, then you will be prescribed the appropriate treatment.

Tools to help remove the mustache above the lip at home

mustache girl
  1. Tweezers or tweezers are the easiest way to remove unwanted hair. This method will need to remove hairs a couple of times a week.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. The most common hydrogen peroxide can also help remove the mustache above the lip at home. Peroxide will brighten your hairs if their length is not very long and if you do not want to get rid of them in other ways. Soak a cotton pad with peroxide and run a few times along the antennae, getting old as little as possible to touch the skin. It is necessary to repeat the procedure every two days. You can notice the result in a couple of weeks.
  3. Depilation. Depilation allows you to remove hairs without a root. Do not use a razor to somehow remove the mustache! Otherwise, bristles will soon appear in their place. It is better to choose a cream for depilation (for the face, otherwise if you use another cream, there is a high risk of an allergic reaction). This method of removing hairs will not hurt you, but the result is enough for only a week or less.
  4. Epilation. Epilation allows you to remove hairs along with the root. Epilation is worth a little more.

Epilation. How to get rid of the antennae at home

Unwanted hair above the lip can be removed with a wax strip. Yes, you have to gather strength and tolerate, because it will hurt. But do you understand that beauty requires sacrifice? But thanks to this option, the hairs on your face will not grow for about four more weeks!

hair removal strips

Shugaring (or sugar hair removal) will help to remove the antennae. How to do shugaring? Now you will understand ...

Shugaring Recipe

That's right, itโ€™s the recipe. But trying cooked to taste is not recommended. For the recipe you will need:

  1. One large spoon of granulated sugar.
  2. Ten tablespoons of water.
  3. One teaspoon of lemon juice.

All components must be mixed and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. After that, cook it still on low heat, until the resulting mass takes on a brown color.

Let the โ€œdishโ€ cool down for about three or five minutes, then roll up a small ball and put in place the hair that you want to get rid of. Sharply pull the โ€œstripโ€ of shugaring to the side and anoint the hair removal area with a soothing cream.

It hurts, for quality.

Epilation of antennae in salons

this is a depilation of antennae

If all of the above methods are not suitable for you, then perhaps you will agree to solve your problem by going to the salon, where you will be saved from unwanted facial hair.

The first of these is laser hair removal, during which the hair follicles are destroyed by laser radiation. This method is more suitable for those girls who have fair skin but dark hair. You can get rid of the antennae after the first session forever! But it may be that the cost of such a procedure will unpleasantly surprise you.

The second is electrolysis hair removal, during which the follicle is destroyed under the influence of electric current. We warn you that this procedure is painful and can guarantee the complete disappearance of hairs from your face forever after only a few such sessions.

Bioepilation includes epilation with the help of hot, warm, cold wax and sugar. Such a procedure will delight you with its result for about another two or three weeks.

Photoepilation is a way to remove unwanted hair using krypton lamps, the principle of which is similar to a flash. The result remains for a long time, and this method comes out more economically than all other types. But before deciding on this method, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

how to remove antennae

How to remove the antennae at home using folk methods

The first way. How to remove antennae with dope seeds.

It is required to finely grind the seeds and, pouring them with vodka, mix. Then let the seeds brew for exactly three weeks. You should get a thick mixture. She needs to lubricate the antennae for ten or fifteen days. After a while, you will be able to see the result of your work. The antennae above the lip themselves will begin to fall out. But if you decide to use this method, then you should be very careful, because dope is a very poisonous grass!

The second way. How to remove the antennae with the help of a walnut shell.

It is necessary to fill the shell with water and put in a water bath, after which the shell should be there for about an hour. The resulting broth needs to be wiped with skin over the upper lip. The antennae will become lighter and thinner, slow down their growth rate.

how to remove the antennae

Get rid of the antennae with home clay

To prepare you will need:

  1. One kilogram of sugar.
  2. Zelenka.
  3. Half a glass of water.
  4. Half a glass of vinegar.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, and mix water and vinegar in a cup, then add them to the sugar. After this, mix the resulting mixture and put on a slow fire. The brew needs to be mixed. When the sugar has dissolved, add a third of a bubble of green stuff. Continue stirring the โ€œdishโ€ until it takes on a dark green color and its consistency becomes thick. Then remove the cooked from the fire and let it cool. The warm mass must be transferred to another glass container. Before that, do not forget to wrap it with cling film.

After the resulting mass has cooled, you can begin to remove the hairs. Break off a piece of โ€œclayโ€, which then should be slightly kneaded and glued to the area of โ€‹โ€‹skin with antennae. Have you stuck? Now tear off right away. Here is the result.

Good luck in your fight with a mustache on your face. We hope that one of the methods listed in this article will be able to please you with its result.

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