RNIMU: student reviews

The growing prestige of some educational specialties is striking, for some reason everyone seeks to study as a tourist, psychologist, manager, cooperative consultant, etc. With the prestige of these specialties, unfortunately, their uselessness also grows, and against this background, diplomas of highly specialized specialists are increasingly valued. especially in medicine. Training as a doctor is a very difficult, but very commendable task. High-quality medical education requires young people to maximize their concentration in the acquisition of knowledge, practical skills, and self-development. In our country, there are not many truly worthwhile cult medical universities, but the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov is one of them.

General facts about the Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov

The university takes 27th place in the ranking of the best higher educational institutions of Russia, according to the data of the international rating agency Expert RA, and the second place in the same rating among medical universities. Among its graduates there are many famous scientists, excellent doctors of various profiles.

Today it is the only university in the country that provides the opportunity to receive a double diploma of the European standard.

School History

RNIMU was founded back in 1906. Then the modern university functioned as women's courses. Since 1930, this institution has the status of a state medical institute, and since 1956 the university bears the name of the great surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the university was renamed the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (RNIMU). Departments, faculties and scientific divisions have also been reorganized, since the scale of the university’s activities went far beyond the average educational center. RNIMU has become one of the largest and most prestigious scientific, research and medical institutions in Russia.

The university continued to expand gradually, but it took a new seven-mile step in development in 2010, when it received the status of "National Research University".

The best place for a detailed acquaintance with the history of the university is its museum, which is located in the main building on the 4th floor. Open to all comers on Mondays after lunch.

Infrastructure of the campus RNIMU

For a full-fledged educational process, it is important for a university to have not only a staff of qualified teachers and a strong scientific base, but also a modern materially developed infrastructure. It is much easier and more effective for students to gain knowledge in comfort and convenience.

Very few educational institutions have such a developed material base and the right infrastructure for comprehensive development as RNIMU. Student reviews, however, emphasize that it is time to repair and ennoble some buildings and, especially, dormitories. The main complaints of students relate to the fact that classrooms, especially departments and deans, are regularly updated, but hands do not reach from year to year to student premises, for example, dormitories or a canteen.

Many Muscovites received news of two large-scale fires on the campus of the Second Medical. The latter occurred in May 2015. Then the building of one of the hostels broke out, as a result of which three students from Africa and Southeast Asia died, another three dozen people received varying degrees of injury. The cause of ignition was called the unsatisfactory condition of the wiring, in addition, there were no fire exits in the building.

As for educational institutions themselves, even the most biased students note their excellent condition and proper equipment. The audiences are well equipped, many have multimedia projectors, Wi-Fi. In laboratory rooms and classrooms for practical training, especially at the faculties of pharmacy and microbiology, the special requirements for room safety are met (proper flooring, ventilation, etc.).

Another iconic heritage and pride of the university is a huge scientific library. In the funds of the storage, covering an area of ​​6759.6 square meters. m, there are valuable scientific works, publications, leading publications. A reading room with 175 seats is equipped, Wi-Fi and an electronic library are available with subscriptions to the world's leading periodicals.

Students have at their disposal a huge sports complex with 8 halls with changing rooms and showers, as well as the Konakovo training and sports complex, located on the banks of the Volga and equipped for year-round use.

Research centers, practice bases, internships at RNIMU

Also, on the basis of the university, the Training Center for Innovative Medical Technologies was established in 2011. It is located on the street. Ostrovityanova, 1. The opening of the center made it possible to bring the training of surgical specialists to a new level. Students have the opportunity to take practical courses and hone their skills using the latest equipment.

Also, the unique scientific and educational center "Emergency conditions in pediatrics" is open on the basis of RNIMU. The reviews of specialists and students emphasize the urgent need for such centers in all medical schools. At workshops, students have the opportunity in the system of continuous educational process to hone the skills of emergency care for children.

The university is licensed to provide medical services to patients. Responsible for this is the Academician Yu. E. Veltishchev Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics, which is the country's leading pediatric center.

The Russian gerontological scientific and clinical center on the basis of the university conducts research activities and works as an outpatient center.

Medical care profiles: laboratory diagnostics, endoscopy, radiology, functional diagnostics, surgery, urology, cardiology, neurology, gynecology, orthopedics, etc.

University structure: faculties, departments, units

The educational structure of the university has 8 faculties, each of which provides training in a number of specialties.

  1. Medical Faculty. This is the oldest and most status faculty of the university. The university is accredited to train medical specialists . The training program is designed for 6 years. Full-time form of education. The faculty has almost 40 departments in medical fields (surgery, oncology, biochemistry, urology, hospital therapy, ophthalmology, psychiatry, forensic medicine, neurology, etc.).
  2. Dental faculty, on the basis of which there are two departments. The biggest competition at this faculty is explained not only by the rapidly growing popularity of the specialty, but also by the complexity of training qualified dental specialists. Training also includes working with real patients from the fourth year under the guidance of a practitioner. High-quality basic medical training, honing practical skills and improving manual skills - this is the ideal formula for training professional dentists at the N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. Feedback from graduates and their employers about the quality and novelty of the knowledge gained, their practical value, allows us to call the dental faculty of RNIMU one of the best in Moscow.
  3. The Faculty of Pharmacy prepares specialists in the direction of Pharmacy. Students undergo practice not only in clinics, but also in pharmaceutical industries.
  4. Faculty for the training of foreign citizens. The university provides training for foreign citizens in the main medical specialties. About 1,000 students from more than 60 countries study full-time. Training is conducted in Russian, but for communication and better assimilation, the material is duplicated in English.
  5. Biomedical faculty. The faculty trains qualified specialists in clinical disciplines and modern biomedical sciences. The emphasis in the educational process at the MBF is on fundamental theoretical training and research. The faculty has 20 departments. Basic: radiation diagnostics, immunology, genetics, nanobiotechnology. It is these specialties that fundamentally differ from the clinical, practically useful areas of medical business. They work more for the future of medical science, conduct archival research on major diseases and treatment methods. A particularly promising path is research on the correction of genetic and neurological pathologies.
  6. The Psychological and Social Faculty unites 4 departments and trains specialists in the direction of Clinical Psychology. If you analyze the teacher’s feedback, the faculty of the RSIU “Psychological and Social Education” has a lot of fundamental profile advantages that allow you to train professionals in psychological science. The fact is that psychologists are trained by many different specialized universities (pedagogical and economic), but only in a medical university can they really train qualified specialists who are able to work with acute pathologies of personality disorder and borderline conditions.

Faculty of Pediatrics

The leading pediatric faculty in the country was opened in the pre-war years. At different times, leading scientists and the best children’s doctors in the country were graduates of this faculty of RNIMU. Departments of the pediatric faculty (there are 54 of them) have the best ratio of teachers with the highest scientific degrees in the country (doctors of medical sciences, associate professors, candidates).

The educational process at the faculty of pediatrics has fundamental differences, includes a number of important psychological disciplines, a bias has been made on the development of diagnostic and practical skills. Departments work in the main medical areas. The most popular departments, and, of course, the specialties with the largest competition: pediatric dentistry, department of pediatric surgery, neurology.

Some departments are considered the most important, as they carry out training of students regardless of their profile, teach important general disciplines, for example, “Fundamentals of patient care”. These include the Department of Propaedeutics of childhood diseases RNIMU. Student reviews note how important it is to find a common language with teachers in these departments on time, because they have many disciplines in each course.

International Faculty of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University: Feedback on Cooperation with European and American Universities

It should be clarified what is the fundamental difference between the faculty for training foreign citizens and the international faculty. The first one accepts citizens from other countries for training, and the second helps Russian citizens to get a double European diploma.

Transfer to this faculty is possible from among first-year students according to the results of passing the IMAT test.

This cooperation is a unique project within the framework of the Russian Federation, but in the European countries for the cooperation of educational programs, the university has long been a common practice.

Students of the specialty "General Medicine" can receive a double diploma. For this, the university leadership synchronized the curriculum of the courses, loans, loads, hours with the program of the University of Milan.

Also in the near future it is planned to compare the curricula of the biomedical faculty of RNIMU and the University of Turin.

The first students entered the international faculty in 2014, so it is not yet possible to find out the opinion of graduates or their employers about the quality of knowledge and the reliability of the diploma. However, students of the faculty make very flattering reviews about the specifics of teaching.

International medicine is a faculty of RNIMU, which makes it possible to simultaneously obtain a diploma of two universities. But the programmatic load of students is also higher, exams can be taken within the walls of a Moscow university, but only a committee of teachers from the University of Milan accepts them.

Budget programs, number of seats

The second medical university accepts applicants for state programs at the expense of budget allocations. Depending on the specialty, the number of budget places varies. For example, in the specialty “General Medicine”, the number of public places is 600, “Pediatrics” is 450, and “Dentistry” is 45. 10% of budget places are distributed among students who are subject to special quotas (disabled people, orphans, and veteran children). The number of contract places is approximately half lower for each specialty.

The University regularly holds Open Doors Days to enable applicants to get acquainted with the curriculum in advance, estimate their chances of admission, find out the most reliable information about the number of places for the chosen specialty, the list of documents, etc. You can also chat with already held students at the Russian National Research and Humanitarian University. You can find out reviews about teachers, the rules of the hostel from them - those who study in the walls of this institution.

Test control of knowledge at RNIMU

Back in 2013, as part of a systemic anti-corruption initiative, a test control system for students' knowledge in some subjects was introduced.

Students had to take specially designed tests once a quarter online in classrooms with video surveillance. At first, this system caused a lot of confusion on the part of students and teachers. She really leveled out the possibility of bribery or prejudice against students, but in the early years a lot of embarrassment arose due to the dampness of these innovations.

The question of the accuracy of the test assessment of knowledge was also raised. Indeed, most medical specialties require more practical and analytical skills. In subsequent years, the system was adjusted, finalized, now it functions well. They introduced a new level: after test assignments, the student passes an oral exam, and in some specialties a practical test.

Reviews about RNIMU them. Pirogov

Research Medical University is also called the Second Medical. This is indeed the second largest and status metropolitan and national university with many years of educational practice, research developments. He always had a solid reputation and authority in the scientific community.

Each person has his own unique opinion; sometimes what is to the taste of one is categorically unacceptable to others. A few very subjective reviews obviously should not ultimately affect the decision of the applicant to devote the next six years to studying at the university. It is advisable to spend a day or two, make a visit to Open Day or sign up for preparatory courses in order to independently form an opinion about the university. But with a proper measure of adequate skepticism, we can analyze what students say about RNIMU. Their reviews most often relate to the prosaic everyday aspects of student life: dormitories, dining rooms, workloads, etc.

The hostel is located near educational buildings, you can get to classes pretty quickly. The dining room, science library and sports center are also located on the campus. Nobody praised the conditions in the hostel, the building is quite old, it needs repair and a global review of safety rules. And the number of places is limited, first of all, students are populated by quotas.

But the dining room reviews are different. Many wrote that after 2015, food quality has improved markedly, prices are adequate, service is fast.

Academic workload by different students is perceived differently, but in general, the learning process is not much like a serene youthful courage. The university has a fairly strict attitude to the quality of knowledge among students, respectively, and the level of requirements is high. Deductions for poor progress, late delivery of exams and tests in RNIMU happen often.

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