Thomas's theorem: philosophical reflection or confirmation that thoughts are material?

From the beginning of human history, great minds have tried to streamline knowledge about the formation of states, their decline and the role of society in these events. In the 30s of the 19th century, this field of study was singled out as a separate science - sociology. Philosophers and thinkers have gained an official field of activity on which it was possible to sow their conclusions. So, once Thomas's theorem on the reality of a situation was put forward, similar in its statements to the now popular idea of โ€‹โ€‹the materiality of thoughts.

If people consider situations real, they turn out to be real in their consequences.

Path to recognition

William Isaac Thomas was one of the creators of social psychology. Teaching at Oberlin College and the University of Chicago earned him a doctorate and a professorship. In addition, this allowed him to conduct extensive monitoring of the real life of the youth of that time. Thus was created one of his greatest works, Sex and Society. The publication was met with great interest, making the scientist popular among the progressive population.

Students of the early 20th century

William Thomas did not allow himself to forget about himself. Over the next ten years, he lectured not only to his students, but also during his many trips to Europe. It is not surprising that the five-volume work on the Polish peasants, created by him in collaboration with the sociologist F. Znanetsky, brought both world fame.

Government attempts to throw Thomas off the pedestal of the enlightener of fellow citizens did not bring the expected effect. The arrest of the scientist by the FBI officers on charges of violating the law on sexual coercion, of course, dealt a serious blow to his reputation and career. But among the population, its popularity increased to unprecedented heights, and the works began to be sorted out into quotes.

What is written with a pen

Given these circumstances, it becomes clear why Thomas's theorems occupy such a significant place in sociology. After all, it is known that ideas on the implementation of situations have been put forward before. Such great thinkers as Bishop Bossuet, Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud acted as the founders of this position. In addition, Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher of the 17th century, expressed the idea that prophecies became the cause of many situations.

But it was precisely the thought formulated by William Thomas that was not forgotten, like so many others, but was called the Thomas theorem. A mathematical analogy was supposed to emphasize the indisputability and truth of the statement.

When Prophecies Come True

William Isaac Thomas

A prominent sociologist Robert King Merton played a significant role in popularizing the statement. True, he believed that the main merit in the wording belonged to the future wife of William Dorothy. In his books, he called the utterance โ€œThomas's theorem,โ€ emphasizing the idea that the idea was not one scientist, but a joint work. But such a nuance often went unnoticed and was forgotten over time. However, it remains an indisputable fact that materials on sociology, speaking about the idea of โ€‹โ€‹realizing situations, are mainly mentioned precisely by Merton's works. He cites the theorem in his work, โ€œSelf-fulfilling prophecies.โ€ Only one textbook out of forty studied by modern analysts refers directly to the work of spouses.

Parable of the Bank

To clarify the ideas, Merton describes the contribution situation as an example.

It was 1932 in the yard. Mr. Cartwright Millingville was in high spirits. His bank brought, albeit not very high, but stable income. Piles of papers lying on the table awaiting signature confirmed the liquidity of the organization.

bank of the beginning of the 20th century

The attention of the manager was drawn to the growing homon. For Wednesday, the bank was too crowded. Mr. Cartwright sighed sympathetically, suggesting that people were fired in the middle of the week. Otherwise, they would be at their workplaces.

Meanwhile, against the general background, sharp loud phrases began to be heard. The familiar banking rumble exploded with exclamations and abuse. This was the beginning of the end for the once prosperous banker.

Mr. Millingville was not familiar with the work of sociologists. But he knew perfectly well that a rumor about bankruptcy was enough for a business to collapse. Frightened investors, in a hurry to get their savings, unwittingly realize what was not supposed to happen.

False truth

false judgments heavy load

A self-fulfilling prophecy is an inherently erroneous judgment. Only the reaction of a person who has changed his intentions allows him to be embodied. An event that was not destined to happen is embodied in real life, because it was perceived as having reason.

The theorem involuntarily confirms the idea that the idea is material that is gaining momentum. Of course, the rationale is based on fundamentally different outlooks on life. However, the main theses received identical foundations: the image created in the minds, especially supported by unwavering knowledge, takes on embodiment.

It remains only to correctly put into practice what the great minds have been working for centuries. After all, it is only in our will to choose the direction of our own thoughts.

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