Francis Bean Cobain is the only daughter of Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain. Kurt Cobain is a famous rock musician, vocalist and guitarist of the popular Nirvana band. Francis was born in the late summer of 1992 in Los Angeles (California, United States of America). Knowing the name of the daughter of Kurt Cobain, it is interesting to find out in honor of whom they gave her a name. And they named her in honor of the beloved singer and actress Kurt Cobain - Francis McKee. The godmothers became the good friends of her parents - actress Drew Barrymore and rock musician Michael Stipe.
Favorite daughter of Kurt Cobain
As soon as Francis was born, Kurt literally idolized her. He sang songs to her, fed her, got up at night to bed and rocked the baby, he loved the girl very much. The last time Francis saw her father alive when she was less than two years old - it was April 1, 1994. On that day, she visited him at a drug rehabilitation clinic, her father played with her and sang songs to her, and about a week later Kurt was found shot dead in his house.
Father's tragedy
The examination found a rather large dose of heroin in the blood of Kurt Cobain, death came from a gunshot wound to the head. There is another version - Kurt was killed. The proof of this is the amount of heroin found in the singer’s blood, according to experts, death in itself is already leading. Then it is not clear why Kurt needed to shoot himself after that. And besides, there is a possibility that in this state he simply could not hold the gun in his hands. There were 3 rounds in the gun, which is absolutely pointless when a person was about to shoot himself in the mouth. Also, no fingerprints were found on the weapons, not even Kurt himself. This means that someone just erased them.
April 10, 1994 the funeral of the famous Kurt Cobain. His widow, Courtney Love, talked to the grieving fans of the popular group "Nirvana" and distributed to all of them some of the singer's belongings. Kurt Cobain’s body was cremated. Courtney Love brought part of the ashes to the monastery in Ithaca (New York), where he was blessed and added to the clay, from which later ritual memorial figurines were made. Courtney kept the other part of the ashes. In 1999, on Commemoration Day, the mother of rock musician Wendy Cobain decided to hold the final farewell ceremony with Kurt Cobain. The farewell ceremony was attended by: mother - Wendy Cobain, wife - Courtney Love, father - Donald Cobain, girlfriend and ex-girlfriend of Kurt - Tracy Marander and the daughter of Kurt Cobain herself - Francis Bean Cobain. While the monk was reading prayers, daughter Francis dispelled her father’s ashes over a stream in Olympia, where Kurt Cobain sometimes lived and worked there in the late 80s and early 90s.
A difficult start to life Francis
Since the death of his father, the life of little Francis has become just awful. The daughter of Kurt Cobain, whose biography is full of tragedy, has become popular. Paparazzi constantly watched her, and what her mother Courtney Love did was just awful! Courtney has been deprived of parental rights more than once. For the first time, they wanted to do this just a few months after the birth of Francis. Mother was accused of using heroin during pregnancy, but Courtney managed to fight off the charges. Love herself claimed that at the time when she was using heroin, she did not yet know about pregnancy. Then Courtney was deprived of parental rights 2 more times. The girl managed to live with her grandparents and in the orphanage, while her mother ran through drug clinics and courts. August 18, 2010 reported that Francis received almost half of the inheritance from her father.
A rebel or a glamorous diva?
Francis grew up a girl with character and very naughty. Studying at school was quite easy for her. The daughter of Kurt Cobain, whose photo periodically appeared on the pages of magazines, gave her first interview at age 13. In her interviews, the girl talked mainly about her style, about her parents and about her great desire to get into show business. Francis told the press that she loves feminine clothes and melodramas. Her glamorous interviews in which Francis showed off Prada shoes and vintage dresses really disappointed Kurt Cobain fans. They would like to see Francis a rebel, such as her father was.
From June to August 2008, Francis completed an internship in a well-known magazine. Career did not go, as the editors allowed her only to brew coffee for employees, so her interest in this work quickly faded. There were speculations that in 2010, Francis will play the role of Alice from the movie “Alice in Wonderland,” but Francis refused, citing preparation for university entrance exams.
Attempts to break into show business
Francis celebrated her 16th birthday in the Party of the Dead style. The holiday itself was more like Halloween, not the birthday of a young girl. The girl expressed her passion for horror in her gloomy drawings.
By the age of 17, Francis had accumulated quite a few drawings, and she arranged her personal exhibition under the pseudonym Tim Fiddle. In her drawings, the girl depicted incomprehensible abstractions to anyone, parts of human bodies, monsters. It is not clear what the girl wanted to express in her drawings. Maybe this is another child's protest against a difficult childhood or another trick of Miss Cobain, to somehow draw attention to herself. But nevertheless, the society recognized these works as talented (this is understandable, because she is the daughter of Kurt Cobain!). Some drawings were even bought, but not at a high price, as Francis probably wanted.
At age 19, Frances starred in a photo shoot organized by her photographer Edi Slimane. She had the image of a rebel: a rock princess, a dark beauty with tattoos on snow-white skin. These photos made a big noise on the Internet.
Cobain's personal life
Francis has a friend, she has been dating musician Isaiah Silva for a long time, who looks very much like her father. But not everything is as good as it seems. At the moment, there are rumors that Francis has recently become very strange to behave.
Kurt Cobain’s daughter now quite rarely leaves home. Basically, he asks the servant to go for groceries, very rarely sees his friends and relatives. Her friends say that over the past year and a half they saw the girl only a few times, and her behavior became like paranoia.