Beautiful wishes good night beloved girl

We live in an age of communication, when close people have the opportunity to be constantly in touch throughout the day, even if they are at a great distance from each other. With enormous employment at work, every man always has a moment to send good night wishes to his girlfriend. This is easy to do using the messenger for mobile devices. And if there are difficulties in the selection of text, we suggest you use this article.

the girl does not sleep, insomnia

Short wishes by SMS

Users of the simplest cell phones most often use SMS messages, accompanying them with cute emoticons. What can such wishes like good night to your beloved girl look like in your own words? These are short but capacious phrases that allow you to convey the emotions of the sender, in order to create a positive attitude at the addressee:

  • My soul! I wish you sweet dreams! Remember: we part only for a few hours, and all my thoughts are now under one blanket with you.
  • My dear titmouse! Fantastic dreams for you, which tomorrow will certainly tell. We will definitely see you, go to sleep.
SMS for beloved

At the stage of a romantic relationship, each girl before going to bed will have pleasant memories of the touching moments of a day:

  • Kid! I hope my bouquet stands in a prominent place and protects your sleep. Sleep, my joy, see you tomorrow!
  • My love, relax! You sang so cool for me today. And now I play a lullaby for you and kiss on the nose.


This modern form of communication allows you to write good night wishes to your beloved girl on the background of a romantic picture specially selected for the text. A similar message can be sent on social networks, accompanied by a funny sticker.

We offer the following message options:

  • The tired sun went on vacation, it's time for you, my beloved, my extraordinary girl!
  • Listen to my command, baby: put out the lights, close your eyes. Dreaming of me all night! Check in the morning!
  • Rodnulka! I am a subway train driver today. Caution, eyes close. Our next station is a sunny morning!
  • Sleep well, my princess. Imagine: I, your faithful page, is now next to you. I straighten the pillow, wrap you in a blanket and gently whisper words of love in your ear.

Good night wishes beloved girl in verse

Both messages and SMS messages can be written in the form of beautiful quatrains. We bring to your attention several options:


I'm happy that you are with me

Spend days, but you need to sleep.

Let sweet dreams come true

I will miss you!


You are my dear little angel

I'm glad that we are together now.

Sleep will tear us apart for a while

But tomorrow we'll sing with you again!


Know you good night

I wish for a reason.

I'll be right back, then you're sure

You can’t sleep until the morning!

waiting for a loved one

Voice messages

Being at a distance, it should be remembered that with the difference in time zones and ignorance of the girl’s plans for the evening, it is not always appropriate to call mobile phones before bedtime. But the magic of voice, which allows you to reduce the separation of a couple of kilometers, should not be ruled out. In this case, sound messages come to the rescue. This is convenient because the text can be prepared in advance, and a good letter can more remind you of a good night to a beloved girl, including all the necessary information:

  • My ginger sun! Let us be apart now, but we are always helped by a magical tool. It is able to shorten the largest distance. This is imagination. Let's imagine: we are lying together, gently hugging. You, my dear saffron, have buried a nose in my shoulder, and now I am sorting your curls. Hear, I say how wonderful and unusually beautiful you are. I believe: in a dream one sees what he had been thinking about the day before all day. Personally, I'm sure I will see you! And I will be happy to appear in your dreams! Sending you the hottest kiss, my beloved baby!
wishes in verses

Falling asleep together

Even if the lovers spend their nights together, one should remember: before falling asleep, anyone experiences some kind of excitement on a subconscious level. Therefore, the most durable couples, if possible, go to bed at the same time. If a man should work, he says good night to his beloved girl and spends some time with her in bed, helping to fall asleep in his arms. Only after this proceeds to the deferred affairs. Affectionate words at this moment, of course, will not be superfluous:

  • Sweet dreams, dear! Try to get a good night's sleep in order to please me in the morning with your cheerful voice. I'm near!
  • Have a nice dream, baby. I want morning to come faster, because I’ll miss you every second.
  • My dearest diamond! I am happy that you are with me. I wish you a good rest, get enough sleep for two.
  • Fall asleep with the taste of my kiss on my lips, and I will listen to your breath, dreaming of your fantastic smile. Until morning, baby!
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What should you remember when saying good night to your girlfriend? Beautiful wishes are those that come from the heart. During the courtship period, they are easily found, overwhelming a person engulfed in passion. But if tender words are entered into tradition before going to bed, this will help to make relations warmer and at the same time stable.

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