Sometimes car owners note that at idle the engine is unstable or troit. Usually, in the cabin, increased vibrations are felt. Moreover, if you increase idle speed when the engine is under light load, the engine will stabilize. Let's find out the reasons why the engine adjusts at idle, and also get acquainted with the recommendations of professionals for troubleshooting.
How to determine that the motor is actually troit?
The very first and main task of the driver in detecting such a malfunction is to accurately determine that one of the cylinders is not working. To do this, you can use the built-in diagnostic tools in the car. If the engine is old, then the search for an idle cylinder will be discussed later.
In general, the indicators of the “triple” of the engine are as follows. In the cabin, you will feel bounce and vibration that disappear when you press the gas. Also, one of the symptoms is a long warming up of the car at low temperatures. You can hear this problem - the motor will be irregular, one beat will be dropped.
If the Priory engine fuses 16 idle valves, this will be accompanied by power losses and increased fuel consumption. If the “Check engine” lamp on the dashboard lights up, and there are other symptoms from the list above, then the motor definitely trips.
Reasons for unstable engine operation
In fact, there are enough reasons for this. Among them are candles, as well as various sensors. One of the reasons may be an injector contaminated with deposits - it is not able to spray fuel, so it just pours. Diagnostics should begin from simple to complex. You can use the exclusion method. Further we will consider the most popular versions.
Car candles
Basically, the source that the engine adjusts at idle are candles. If one of them does not work correctly, then the engine will shake - one of the cylinders does not work.
To find out which of the candles does not work, you can apply the old method. Despite the fact that this diagnostic method is old, with its help you can very quickly and efficiently find a broken candle.
It is necessary to start the engine and then, in turn, remove the spark plug cap from each cylinder. If the motor tries to stall while pulling the wire from the plug, then the plug is in full working condition. If the motor does not react to pulling off the cap, then the candle in this cylinder does not work.
There is another method. After the engine is idling, you can unscrew the candles and inspect them visually. Usually you can identify a broken candle even with the naked eye. She will be filled with fuel. Still on it there will be no characteristic deposit. The defective spark plug must be replaced and then the engine will return to normal operation.
BB wires
If the engine adjusts at idle, then the problem may be related to the operation of the ignition system. The reason for this is the armored wires, which most often fail. If the wire has damage, then the spark will break through and, naturally, there will be no spark on the candle. The fuel mixture in the cylinder will not ignite. The wires are best checked with a multimeter.
Among the faults of the wires, it is possible to single out problems with contacts at the junctions with candles or with a coil. Also, the conductive core can have various damages. If the insulation is destroyed, then this will be accompanied by breakdowns and leakage of current. In addition, faults include increased wire resistance. It also negatively affects the sparking and operation of the ignition system.
Wire diagnostics
If the engine undermines on the canvas, then experts recommend making sure that the wires are working.
One of the easiest diagnostic methods is to use a working wire. It is installed on each of the cylinders. If after these actions the engine began to work stably, then it is worth replacing the entire kit.
To find a breakdown, you need to wait until it gets dark outside. In the dark, open the hood and start the engine. Breakdown, if any, will be clearly visible - the spark will break through at the breakdown site.
If there is an additional insulated cord, then you can also check the health of the BB-wires. It is necessary to strip the ends, and then one end of the wire is shorted to ground. The second end is driven along the surface of the cord - special attention should be paid to bends, caps, joints. If there is a breakdown, then a spark forms between it and the wire.
Finally, you can check the resistance using a multimeter. The device is put into resistance test mode. Then the contacts of the multimeter are connected to the two ends of the wire. If the cord is working, then its resistance will be within 3.5 kOhm to 10 kOhm. If the resistance threshold is higher, then it is better to replace the wires.
One of the common reasons why the VAZ-2115 engine fails to idle is sensors. The main culprit for unstable operation is the DMRV or mass air flow sensor. In addition, it is worth checking the throttle position or throttle position control element and the idle speed control. DPKV can also create problems (affects the operation of the crankshaft).
Along with the problems associated with sensors, various malfunctions can be distinguished that are directly related to the computer itself. There are cases when the Priors engine just slightly adjusts at idle, and diagnostics using electronic priors reveal errors that cannot be fixed.
Sometimes the motor troit due to the ECU tuning popular today. After flashing that is not recommended by the manufacturer, characteristic symptoms of tripleting may appear.
Fuel system
Continuing the theme of modern injection engines, it should be noted the problems that are associated with clogged nozzles. In this case, the injection of the fuel mixture is uneven, and as a result, the engine adjusts at idle.
Experts recommend cleaning the fuel system more often, cleaning nozzles, and refueling with high-quality fuel. Sometimes it happens that a problem appears after refueling at unknown gas stations with unknown gasoline.
Another reason is the fuel pressure. It can be either insufficient or very large. If a pressure regulator is installed in the fuel rail, then ideal values are approximately 2.5 bar per XX. If the regulator is in the tank, then the pressure should be kept at 3.8-4.0 bar. If the pressure does not match, then the Kalina engine is idled. This phenomenon is characteristic not only for Kalina, but also for Priory.
Extraneous air suction
If the motor shakes violently, if the idle is very unstable, it is possible that the reason is related to the suction of extraneous air. In this case, the mixture is excessively depleted, which causes friction due to misfire. It is recommended that the intake manifold be checked for leaks.
It is necessary to visually assess the condition of gaskets, hoses in the vacuum system. O-rings on nozzles are also required to be checked. Particular attention should be paid to the vacuum brake booster, its valve. It is not difficult to detect air leaks in general - you can use a regular cigarette or liquid to clean the carburetor in the cans.
If there is air leakage, then the smoke from the cigarette will go to the place of leakage. If you spray a place where there may be suction, liquid, then the speed will stabilize and grow. If the system is completely tight, but still the VAZ-2114 engine adjusts to idle, then the reason is deeper. We will talk about this later.
Valves and problems with them
On most domestic cars, as well as on some old foreign cars, it is necessary to regulate the thermal clearances of the valves with a frequency of 10-20 thousand kilometers. If you do not engage in adjustments, then the valves may not tightly close or not fully open. For this reason, the motor can also troit at idle and even stall. The reason is simple and banal - the gas distribution phases are violated.
It happens that during operation of the engine, the valve burns out - this will certainly affect the operation of the motor. Such a malfunction can be detected by low compression in the cylinder. If the problem is related to the ordinary production or partial destruction of the rings, then experts recommend pouring a little oil into the cylinder and measuring the compression with it. If as a result of measurements the compression has increased, then the damaged valve must be replaced.
Expert advice and recommendations
As you can see, if the VAZ-2110 engine adjusts at idle, then the reasons for this work can be very different. It is worthwhile to understand that various malfunctions in the operation of the ignition distributor or gasoline pump can also provoke friction. But in this case, the engine will take turns in each cylinder.
In some cases, to solve the problem you need to fill in high-quality fuel, warm the engine well. In other cases, cleaning candles, replacing wires will help. And although in most situations these simple actions save the situation, sometimes they may not work.
If there are deviations in the operation of the engine, then this is already an occasion to replace the candles with filters. You also need to clean the power system, check the fuel pump and fuel pressure. You can conduct computer diagnostics. But the problem must be dealt with immediately - if you ignore it, then in the future it can lead to expensive repairs. Do not ignore this symptom - it is better to start searching for problems on time.
So, we examined the causes of unstable engine idling, and also found out how to fix this malfunction.