ASTU: rating. Astrakhan State Technical University: specialties

Astrakhan is a large regional center with a developed infrastructure, culture and education system. More than 35 universities are represented in the city. Astrakhan State Technical University is one of them.

Many applicants choose it, as innovative technologies develop there, the best teachers work, and an interesting extracurricular life. What is an organization and how can I go there?

General University Information

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The university has an interesting history, which begins back in 1930. The first name of the organization is the Astrakhan Institute of Fisheries and Fisheries. In 1938, the name was reorganized into a technical institute, but in 1994 the institute changed its status to a university.

Full modern name of the university: Astrakhan State Technical University.

The main founder is the Federal Fisheries Agency represented by Ilya Vasilyevich Shestakov.

Address of the administrative building: Astrakhan, Tatishchev street, 16.

The rector of the university is Alexander Nikolaevich Nevalenny.

The rating of ASTU is still high thanks to a large branch network. At the moment, 4 institutions are tied to the organization:

  1. Yeisk Marine Fisheries College.
  2. Dmitrov Fisheries Technological Institute.
  3. Temryuk technical school.
  4. Volga-Caspian Marine Fisheries College.

Structure of Astrakhan State Technical University

Astrakhan State Technical University

The university has a branched structure, consisting of institutes, faculties and departments. Each of the units has its own Regulation, in accordance with which any activity of the control is carried out.

The university has the following institutes:

  • urban planning;
  • information technology and communications;
  • oil and gas;
  • marine technology, transport and energy;
  • fisheries, nature management and biology;
  • economics.

The main faculties of the university:

  1. Secondary education.
  2. Legal.
  3. Additional education.
  4. Preparatory for foreign citizens.

Departments and departments of ASTU are the smallest structural units in a university, there are more than 40 of them.

The administrative group of the university also consists of special units, for example, the human resources department, general department, student office, legal department, graduate employment assistance center and others.

Specialties and training programs at the university

agtu astrakhan

The high rating of ASTU was formed due to the huge range of specialties that can be obtained on the basis of the organization.

It is worth noting that now higher education consists of several levels: undergraduate (or specialty), then graduate, then postgraduate and doctoral studies. In ASTU there are all these levels. In addition, in the branches of the university you can get secondary education.

The university provides the opportunity of full-time, part-time, evening and distance education in training programs.

The main specialties at ASTU for bachelors:

  • Economic areas, management, jurisprudence: economic security, economics by profile (finance and credit, accounting, business economics), management, commodity science, marketing in trade, advertising and PR,
  • Specialties related to the interaction with natural resources: ecology and nature management, tourism, biology, environmental management and water use, aquatic biological resources and aquaculture.
  • Information specialties: software engineering, information technology, communications, applied informatics, computer science and computer engineering, information security.
  • Technologies and equipment: chemical technology, electric power industry, heat power system, refrigeration equipment, technological machines, etc.
  • Construction: design of the architectural environment, architecture, construction.
  • Fishing and technology: shipbuilding, industrial fishing, water transport management, operation of ship installations, etc.
  • Oil and gas production: applied geology, oil and gas business and other areas of preparation.

Material support

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ASTU in Astrakhan has a modern and generally accessible material and technical base.
The university itself conducts training in 10 educational buildings, in which there are fully equipped computer classes, lecture halls, laboratories, classrooms for classroom studies.

So that students during the educational process can receive additional scientific literature, as well as a snack or go to the doctor, several buffets, a library, a medical center and a polyclinic are equipped at the ASTU.

For full-fledged physical education, the university has a sports complex, which significantly increases the rating of ASTU among all universities in the city: it has several swimming pools, gyms for acrobatics, athletics, tennis, a games room.
A large area in the educational campus is occupied by an equipped stadium with a field of 7 thousand square meters and 6 running tracks.

For nonresident students 3 hostels are provided.

Educational process organization

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The training week lasts 6 days. AGTA teachers and students go out in accordance with the curriculum, which is 2 weeks.

Every month, students studying on a free basis receive a scholarship, and for special services you can get an increased payment. At the end of each semester, students are expected to pass the session, and before the summer holidays there is an internship.

Admission Campaign at ASTU

Admission to the ASTU is based on USE scores, introductory internal interviews and tests.

Documents for future bachelors are accepted from June 1, and ends on July 26. Special conditions for applicants on the basis of open source software (until July 11) and applicants for the "architecture" direction (until July 10). When applying with you need to have: a passport, photos, a document of education.

What do students do besides studying?

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The rating of ASTU among universities for organizational and educational work is very high, because here they work in different directions and try to involve a large number of students.

Every year, mass events are held aimed at rallying the teams: Tatyanaโ€™s Day, Knowledge Day, ASTU Day and many others.

For sports lovers there is a special club.

The Student Club is actively developing, in which the guys are engaged in vocals, choreography, acting, art word. Collectives are created here that further protect the honor of the university at various competitions and festivals.

Young people who strive for science do not go unnoticed: laboratories, the latest equipment, teacher advice - everything can be involved in their scientific research, the university supports this area.
Thus, ASTU is a worthy choice for continuing education; parents can confidently entrust their child into the experienced hands of teachers, deans and specialists working with students.

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