Tetracycline teeth: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Many patients turn to the dentist with a problem about changing the shade of enamel. This defect is called tetracycline teeth. How dangerous is this diagnosis, does it require specific treatment?

What is tetracycline?

Tetracycline is an active component of many drugs with a wide spectrum of action. Medicines with this substance are used in the treatment of pneumonia, ulcers of various etiologies, skin rashes. For several decades, doctors could not understand why the enamel acquired a persistent yellow color in patients after using a number of drugs. Only in 1980 did the concept of “tetracycline teeth” appear. Everything turned out to be extremely simple. Tetracycline, entering the body, is mineralized with calcium, provoking irreversible disturbances in the structure of bones. A similar effect can be obtained only if the fabric is in the process of formation. For this reason, young children and pregnant women are at risk for this defect. Moderate intake of tetracycline does not threaten health. At large dosages, the substance can cause hypoplasia.

tetracycline teeth

Reasons for the development of pathology

Tetracycline teeth appear in only one case - when taking drugs with the same component. The development of such a cosmetic defect can be promoted by both oral and external use of medicines. Enamel does not darken immediately, but with time. The specific period of the manifestation of the pathology depends on several factors. It:

  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • food exposure;
  • the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • the response of the body to the drug.

External signs

When taking drugs with tetracycline, the cumulative effect manifests itself in different ways. Enamel can acquire a variety of shades, stained or completely change its color. Pathology usually begins to appear on the neck of the tooth or along its contour. When small doses of tetracycline are ingested, only the inside of the enamel is colored. In the case of constant medication, the color of the teeth changes in a chaotic manner. For example, one canine is covered with stripes of gray with a touch of yellow, and the other remains unchanged. The color of the enamel itself can vary from poisonous lemon to brown. With the simultaneous use of products with coloring substances (coffee, wine), the shade of the teeth becomes dark gray.

tetracycline teeth whitening before and after

The basic principles of treatment

Before starting the course of treatment, it is necessary to make sure that the change in the shade of enamel and other symptoms were caused by taking tetracycline group drugs. The influence of other factors that can change the color of the teeth should also be excluded. What does that require? The dentist conducts a visual examination of the dentition and examines the patient’s history. One of the most effective diagnostic methods is the use of a UV lamp. Under its rays, the areas in which tetracycline is present should be highlighted accordingly. After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor selects therapy. The treatment of tetracycline teeth is a laborious process that involves several stages:

  • professional cleaning;
  • remineralization;
  • fluoride varnish coating;
  • cosmetic correction of the defect (whitening + restoration).

To achieve maximum effect, treatment should be comprehensive. Let's consider each stage in more detail.

tetracycline teeth treatment

Professional cleaning

Professional cleaning involves carrying out a procedure to remove hard and soft deposits from the surface of the enamel. It contributes to a more effective diagnosis, better penetration of drugs. Most of the procedures used in the treatment of this pathology are performed under the condition that there are no carious processes in the oral cavity. Therefore, before they begin, it is necessary to eliminate all dental diseases.


Tetracycline teeth, or rather stains on them, appear due to insufficient mineralization of enamel. Replenishment of the deficiency of these substances is an important component of the course of treatment. To strengthen the enamel, preparations with fluorine, calcium and phosphorus are used. The standard course of treatment consists of 15 phono- and electrophoresis procedures.

Fluoride varnish coating

After remineralization, dentists recommend covering the teeth with fluoride varnish. This preparation is a dark viscous liquid and consists of many components useful for enamel. After coating, a hard layer forms on the surface of the teeth. It protects the enamel from the effects of negative factors and the loss of minerals. Fluoride is also designed to inhibit the vital activity of bacteria in the mouth, which contribute to tooth decay.

tetracycline teeth whitening reviews

Tetracycline teeth whitening

Dental reviews indicate that treatment with tetracycline staining should be aimed at strengthening the enamel and preventing its further destruction. Therefore, separate from the course of therapy is the elimination of a cosmetic defect. Given the degree of damage, bleaching or restoration is used. Consider each option in detail.

Whitening (vital or internal) is recommended for uniform coloring of enamel. In the first case, a laser and a ZOOM lamp are used. With their help, you can lighten the enamel by about 10 tones, and the effect persists for several years. Laser whitening is considered the most gentle procedure. The doctor applies a special gel to the enamel, and then irradiates it with a lamp. At this time, the photosensitive coating begins to release oxygen, which contributes to the discoloration of the pigments on the teeth. Such a procedure is absolutely painless. The duration of treatment is determined by the dentist, taking into account the degree of neglect of such a pathology as tetracycline teeth.

Whitening using a ZOOM lamp is as follows. First, hydrogen peroxide is applied to the enamel, and then irradiated with a special apparatus. A similar procedure is sometimes accompanied by discomfort and pain.

tetracycline teeth whitening

Internal bleaching is indicated when dyeing deep-seated fabrics. In this case, medications are injected into the pulp cavity. The choice of a specific method of cosmetology correction of a defect is determined by the doctor together with the patient. Each of them has both positive and negative reviews. The latter in most cases are due to the lack of professionalism of doctors and the low level of dental clinics. A certain role in the choice is played by the cost of the procedure. Using a laser will cost about 10-12 thousand rubles, using a ZOOM device costs twice as much. For many, the deciding factor when choosing become photographs of other patients who have undergone whitening of tetracycline teeth. Before and after each procedure, the shade of enamel on these pictures is different, so you can draw certain conclusions about the effectiveness of a particular method.


Restoration is indicated for partial damage to tooth enamel. Given the degree of staining and localization of spots, in modern dentistry use a photocomposite, veneers or prosthetics procedure.

A photocomposite is a special material that resembles resin in appearance. The composition is applied to the tooth surface and then irradiated with a halogen lamp. Under the influence of light, the photocomposite hardens, forming a strong crust. Restoring with veneers requires a different approach. During this procedure, a ceramic plate is placed on the front surface of the tooth. This is a rather expensive method, but with its help it is possible to obtain the effect of a "Hollywood smile." In case of damage to the deep tissues of the tooth, when the listed correction options are powerless, use prosthetics.

how to whiten tetracycline teeth

To summarize

Pigmentation on enamel is not always caused by the use of products with coloring components. Quite often, patients after this treatment are treated with certain drugs. This article provides information on how to whiten tetracycline teeth. The choice of tools and techniques for implementing such a procedure is huge. Timely requesting qualified help allows not only to return a beautiful smile, but also to prevent the development of complications.

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