Diseases of the female reproductive system can be asymptomatic. Therefore, the patient can find out about the pathology when the ailment passes into an advanced stage. To avoid this, you need to be examined by a gynecologist at least once a year. One of the rather common pathologies is the so-called hormonal ovarian cyst. Features of the disease, its symptoms and treatment methods will be discussed below.
Disease Description
A hormonal ovarian cyst is a benign mass, which is a hollow capsule, a bubble filled with homogeneous contents. It can be liquid, fat, blood or other substances. Hormonal cyst is a collective concept. It appears due to a number of pathological processes in the body.
From the name of such a neoplasm, it is clear that hormonal failure causes the appearance of an ovarian cyst. However, there are many reasons for the appearance of cysts. This can be an inflammatory process, exposure to external adverse factors, taking certain drugs.
The cyst is not regarded as a true ovarian tumor. It grows from the structure of this organ. The cyst membrane is the connective tissue. It does not grow, but only stretches. Such a formation can only be on one or both ovaries. As it grows inside the capsule from the connective tissue, the contents accumulate. Because of this, cysts often rupture or twist.
But here's a true ovarian tumor, medical experts call a cyst. It can grow, germinate in neighboring tissues. The probability of its development into a malignant tumor is high.
To understand the mechanism of cyst development, you need to have an idea about the work of the ovaries. These organs contain a stock of follicles. They are constantly produced alternately in one or the other ovary. Some of them undergo reverse development, which is called atresia.
The remaining follicles grow, go through the stage of ovulation, the formation of the corpus luteum. Over time, a process such as apoptosis (programmed cell death) occurs. She completely resolves. But with a violation of apoptosis, a neoplasm is formed. Most often, the cause of the appearance of such deviations is a hormonal failure, but this process has not yet been thoroughly studied.
A hormonal ovarian cyst of the left or right can belong to one or another species. The approach to its treatment depends on the category to which the neoplasm belongs. The vast majority of women of childbearing age have follicular and corpus luteum cysts.
These are less dangerous neoplasms that pass on their own after 2-3 months. But there are other types of cysts. The most common are the following varieties:
- Functional. Corpus luteum cysts belong to this category. They arise at the exit of the egg follicle. Tumor growth begins after ovulation. In the normal state, the corpus luteum has a size of 17-25 mm. If the size has become larger, this formation is called a cyst. In diameter, they can reach 5-6 cm. During physical exertion, the shell can rupture. Hemorrhage occurs, which requires urgent surgery. Internal bleeding can be fatal.
- Follicular. These formations are the result of non-occurring ovulation. The follicle does not tear, but grows further. Fluid accumulates in its cavity. The dominant follicle has a size of 17 to 23 mm. If he did not ovulate on the 11-14th day of the menstrual cycle, his size exceeds the permissible norm, the formation is called a cyst. The diameter of such a cyst can reach 12 cm over time.
- Paraovarial. Such formations are between the ligaments of the ovary. The formation has one capsule, the size of which is 2-10 cm. Inside it contains liquid. It determines a small amount of protein. Such a cyst develops slowly.
- Endometrioid. It is a consequence of endometriosis, which appears in the ovary. Endometrial cells, due to certain circumstances, enter the ovary. Moreover, they obey the laws of menstrual regulation. When the time comes for menstruation, such cells are destroyed and accumulate in the capsule. Blood thickens and is reduced in this formation.
- Dermoid Such cysts almost never become malignant. Inside the capsule are the rudiments of the adnexal tissues, for example, adipose, bone. Such a cyst grows slowly, but over time it can put pressure on neighboring tissues, disrupting their proper functioning.
- Cytadenoma. This is a cystoma or a true cyst. Such a neoplasm may have one or more chambers. Depending on their contents, they are divided into mucinous and serous.
These are the main types of hormonal ovarian cysts. Treatment depends on the type of neoplasm. It can be conservative or surgical.
The main causes of cysts
Hormone-active ovarian cysts occur due to a number of disorders in the body. The mechanism of their occurrence is not fully understood. The main reason for this pathology is a violation of apoptosis, as well as an imbalance of sex hormones.
In addition, in patients with such pathologies, inflammation of the female genital organs is often present. Endocrine diseases are also possible. These are the main reasons for the development of cysts. Among other factors provoking their development, the following are noted:
- Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, etc.).
- Overweight or underweight.
- Climate change, living conditions.
- Stress, overwork, depressive illness.
- Early or, conversely, late onset of sexual activity.
- Great physical exertion.
A hormonal ovarian cyst can occur in both a very young and an elderly woman. Therefore, timely diagnosis allows you to identify pathology in the early stages.
There are various symptoms of a hormonal ovarian cyst. Although much more often the disease proceeds without any signs. Such cysts are detected during an ultrasound scan or at the examination by a gynecologist.
But in some cases, the presence of a similar formation can be suspected by the corresponding symptoms. The hormonal ovarian cyst has a number of manifestations:
- Drawing pains in the lower abdomen or from one side.
- During intercourse, soreness intensifies.
- A feeling of heaviness appears in the lower abdomen.
- Uterine dysfunctional bleeding.
- Pressure sensation when bowel or bladder is empty.
- Nausea or even vomiting with increased physical activity.
- Menstrual irregularities up to amenorrhea.
There are other symptoms, the appearance of which urgently needs to call an ambulance.
- The abdominal wall is tense.
- Severe pain in the lower abdomen.
- High temperature (above 38ΒΊ) in case of pain in the lower abdomen.
- Uterine bleeding, except for menstruation.
- Weakness, dizziness, intense thirst.
- Fainting.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Pallor of the skin, severe sweating, frequent urination.
The listed symptoms may indicate a cyst rupture. In this case, you need to act quickly. Internal bleeding is life threatening. Need urgent medical care of a surgical nature.
Treatment of hormonal ovarian cysts cannot be prescribed without proper diagnosis. This is a set of studies that allows you to determine some features of the disease. Based on the results of the examinations, a decision is made on the methodology and treatment regimen.
In some cases, a doctor may be suspected of having a cyst on examination. However, to obtain accurate information, an ultrasound scan of the ovaries is required. This examination allows you to determine the location and type of cyst, its size. Based on the information received, the doctor decides on the choice of treatment methodology.
On ultrasound, the cyst looks like a dark spot. This is an anechoic region that has a membrane. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations:
- computed tomography of the ovaries;
- laparoscopy;
- analysis to determine the level of sex hormones;
- analysis of tumor markers CA-125 (reflects the activity of the process), HE-4 (preclinical form of cancer);
- puncture of the Douglas pocket, which is used for suspected internal bleeding due to rupture of the cyst.
If there is no suspicion of an oncological process, a wait-and-see tactic is chosen. If within 3 months the cyst has not resolved, or at least has not decreased in size, it is removed surgically.
Treatment features
The hormonal ovarian cyst can pass on its own. Therefore, doctors and choose a wait-and-see tactic. This happens in most cases, but only if it is a follicular or corpus luteum cyst. It should be understood that even the most harmless, small neoplasm requires constant monitoring by doctors. This prevents the development of complications.
To increase the likelihood of self-healing, you need to normalize the hormonal background. You need to know exactly which substances in the blood do not meet the established standards. This is an effective approach, according to reviews. Hormonal treatment of ovarian cysts is prescribed according to an individual scheme, based on the characteristics of the patient's body. These are tablets that can be used for contraception.
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy are also prescribed. The doctor may prescribe physiotherapy, as well as enzymatic drugs. Conservative treatment lasts for several menstrual cycles. Then again, an ultrasound is prescribed. Based on its results, a decision is made on further actions.
If conservative treatment has failed, surgical intervention is indicated. It can be laparotomic (open incision) or laparoscopic (using an endoscope).
If this is a planned procedure, most likely, the doctor will prescribe a procedure with laparoscopic access. In this case, the abdominal wall is injured much less. The recovery period will be short. In case of emergency surgery, a laparotomy is performed. This happens if there is a suspicion of a tumor degenerating into a malignant neoplasm or if the size of the cyst is larger than average. Also, when a cyst is ruptured or twisted, a laparotomy operation is prescribed.
Hormone therapy reviews
According to reviews, the hormonal ovarian cyst is more likely to occur if certain drugs are used. Their list is significant, but the choice should be made only by the gynecologist after the diagnosis. The treatment regimen includes the following drugs:
- Hormonal pills.
- Antibiotics.
- Vitamins
- Painkillers
- Antidepressants.
The list of hormonal drugs for ovarian cysts includes progesterone-based tablets. Similar tools have proven effective. With their help, according to reviews, it is possible to cure an ovarian cyst without surgical intervention. Progesterone regulates the second half of the menstrual cycle. When used in a treatment regimen, it is possible to slow down the growth of the cyst. Because of this, the neoplasm is gradually reduced to complete disappearance.
Hormonal pills for treating ovarian cysts are oral contraceptives. They inhibit the production of estrogen, so ovulation during therapy is absent. If this hormone is not produced, the cyst also stops growing. Taking birth control pills helps prevent the development of new cysts. It can be either mono- or biphasic drugs.
Reviews on effective pills
Gynecologists in their reviews note some names of hormonal tablets from ovarian cysts. In their opinion, the most effective drugs are:
- Dufaston.
- "Anteovin."
- Logesta.
- "Jeanine."
The doctor makes the choice of the drug based on data from diagnostic studies and the characteristics of the course of the disease. Self-medication can be very dangerous. If necessary, the gynecologist adjusts the treatment regimen, as this or that drug may not be suitable.
Oral hormonal contraceptives take the course. Skipping the drug is strictly prohibited. Therapy lasts from 3 to 6 months, but not longer. The duration of use of such drugs is limited.
A common cause of the development of pathology is the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. Therefore, together with hormonal therapy, the doctor prescribes antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal drugs.
The doctor makes the choice of the drug based on laboratory tests. It is precisely determined which pathogen caused the disease, as well as in which area of ββthe genitourinary system it develops. The choice should also be made by the gynecologist. Some drugs do not fit together.
Often the cause of the disease is a decrease in immunity. To increase it, take vitamin complexes. They must necessarily include folic, ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins of groups B and E. This will support the body, providing it with the necessary substances. The healing process will be faster, and new problems can be prevented.
It is important to fully relax, eat right. It will be necessary to normalize the weight, walk more in the fresh air. Physical and emotional stress must be reduced. In this case, immunity will be restored, the body will start the regeneration processes.