How to install a plastic window with your own hands?

No one will argue that modern plastic windows are the best solution compared to old designs. They create complete comfort indoors, protecting from the cold and the penetration of unnecessary sounds. Everyone wants to know how to dismantle old and install new windows or how to install them in a new building. The desire to save money and install plastic windows in the house with your own hands is a completely normal solution. Oddly enough, but for this you do not need to have something supernatural and unusual. One has only to arm yourself with theoretical knowledge and read some GOSTs. After that, everyone will be able to answer the question of how to install a plastic window.

Action plan

How to install a plastic window yourself? Before starting work, it’s worth composing for yourself an elementary plan of action:

  • Make measurements of openings for future windows.
  • Remove the old structure, if necessary.
  • Prepare openings for installation.
  • Lock windows.
correctly install plastic windows in the house

When you have the data on hand, you can contact any company involved in the creation of plastic windows and make your order. But there are some minor disadvantages. It is difficult to find a company that can give a full package of guarantees for its products. The fact is that only after installation does each person give his guarantee for an expiration date and, if something is violated, repairs or completely dismantles it.

Therefore, you need to properly install plastic windows. But there are no specific size requirements, because everyone can create their own openings in the house. If the measurements are performed incorrectly, the window will either not enter the opening or, conversely, will be smaller. As a result, many ideas will simply collapse, and work will be added. This also happens during installation. If a design with violations is created, then all the advantages will come to naught.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully study any recommendations and not to skip a single step in the work. Only then will the windows be mounted efficiently and will last a long time. Some employees from the company, having experience in this field, skip steps to save time. If the owner will not be constantly nearby, it is not always possible to notice errors. So below is a detailed instruction of all actions. And the beginning is the determination of sizes.

Measurements and ordering window structures

Before installing a plastic window, you need to correctly measure. The opening has its own characteristics and not always a standard configuration. This affects the end result, so it's worth every moment to understand. The sequence of measurements is as follows:

  • Work is being done on a rectangular window. The first is the width (the extreme points of the slopes along the inside of the wall). Height is the distance between the upper slope and the windowsill. This result is increased by the width of the window sill. It is necessary to measure at several points in order to provide for the presence of irregularities. It is difficult to find a design with the smoothest components. The main thing is a smaller result. Using the construction level, you need to subtract the error vertically and horizontally. If there are deviations, it is worth creating a preliminary diagram on paper. Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand how to install a plastic window if the size does not match over the entire surface. But it should be a figure equivalent to a real design. After that it’s easier to understand what the new design will be.
  • Data will have to be collected for all window openings in the room. It is believed that the width most often has errors, but the second indicator is usually ideal. The basis is the smallest total.
  • How to position the window unit? The installed plastic window should occupy two thirds of the width of the wall from the internal position. If additional manipulations are performed (insulation or sound protection), this parameter is reduced.
  • Determination of external tide. Here the solution can be standard or personal. Do not forget that the building may be cladding. In this case, this size changes.
  • What will the windowsill be? There is a calculation here. This is the distance from the inner part of the wall to the plane where the window is located, plus the overhang and minus the width of the window frame. With a departure, you should be careful that it does not overlap the heating element. If the appliance is too deep, ventilation gaps can be made.
  • Slopes are necessary in this design, but at the level of absence of the windows themselves it is difficult to accurately calculate the size. Therefore, this step is taken after installation. Well, the length should be like the window opening itself (plus a couple of centimeters for errors and inaccuracies).
how to install plastic windows

Performing correctly each step is not difficult. As a result, accurate data are obtained, according to which it is no longer scary to order a design with double-glazed windows.

How to determine window opening data with opening sash?

Answering the question of how to install a plastic window with a quarter, it is necessary, again, to make the right measurements. As usual, measurements are taken on the outside. If this is a brick building, then do not forget about the cement-sand addition under the window itself. When the thickness is large, then the glazing becomes the same. Measurements are taken on the inside of the quarter. And the rest (low tides and window sills) is measured in the same way as in the previous version. There is nothing special in this process. The main thing is to understand how to do it right.

Work with a balcony

How to understand the desired width? The parapet itself should be measured, on which the structure is fixed, and then subtract 60 millimeters from each side. This distance will take an angular profile. It is the same on all sides - from the front and side. Another parameter is height. It is also postponed from the parapet to the roof of the balcony, after which it is deducted 30 millimeters for installation distances. This applies to any constructions of this kind.

The nuances of old houses

The question of how to install plastic windows in a wooden house arises from many. The process itself does not happen as usual. To do this, part of the slopes on each side is removed. The fact is that the window opening itself is larger, since a lot of space is poured with cement mixture or insulation.

If you do not remove it, then when you install a plastic window "Rehau" or any other, a collapse may occur, which will affect the measurements. This method helps to make the opening larger and let a lot of light into the house.

How does the fastening method affect the choice?

Before you install a plastic window with your own hands, you need to understand which installation method is more suitable. When the data is already available, the person goes to the manufacturer. Further, size adjustment and creation of the window itself can occur. Here a decision is made on how many flaps will be, what accessories are required, etc. The fastening system can be any, but a lot depends on this. This includes:

  • Frame fixing in the window mounting plane.
  • The use of supporting reinforcement. It is introduced into the design at the creation stage.
how to install a window

The first method is used more often, but for it you need to completely disassemble the window. But the second option is suitable for installation without experience, since the double-glazed window can not be removed. This will not break the tightness. But there is a nuance: such a design is heavy, and one cannot cope with the work.

Preparation for installation

How to install a plastic window yourself? Before you start, you need to remove everything near the window for convenience. But there is no need to start work until the design has been created and delivered. Each company has its own terms, but force majeure situations can occur, because of which the delivery time increases. There is no need to rush.

Inside, furniture and everything that is close is also cleaned. If you need to expand the opening, then there will be a lot of dust, you will have to protect furniture or take out. If there is already heating when dismantling old frames, it is better to cover the batteries from construction waste. Covering the floor also does not hurt. After preparing the opening itself for further reconstruction.

What to do with a window profile?

It is clear that the installation of a plastic window in a house or apartment will begin with the creation of an opening. If necessary, then the dismantling of double-glazed windows is carried out. In this case, the glazing bead will have to be removed. This is done with effort, but carefully so as not to damage. First, vertical ones are removed, only after that - bottom and top. In order not to confuse, everyone should be noted, because if confusion occurs, there may be a gap.

When tilting the frame, the double-glazed window itself comes out of there. Hinged windows are also dismantled. The decoration is removed, the screws are twisted. As a result of such work, one frame remains. On the inside, holes are made for fasteners. Three anchorage points on the sides will be sufficient, two at the top and bottom. Inside the plastic window there is a reinforcing metal case. Therefore, you need to drill, given this feature. Anchors fit 10 millimeters in diameter, so the drill should be the same.

install plastic window

When the work is done on installation on the mounting ears, it is easier. Because it will not be necessary to disassemble the entire structure, and after that to assemble it. It is worth using special mounts. They are included with the window.

Work with construction foam

How to install a plastic window yourself? To prevent heat transmission from occurring in the lower part of the window, it is necessary to fill with foam in the place of fastening of the stand profile. This is done a little earlier than the start of installation work, so that the foam can become dense.

Not every master performs such work to save on the total waste of material. But it is believed that such a thermal bridge gives a draft, although it is difficult to notice after fixing a new frame.

How to remove the old window and prepare the opening?

When the time for installing a plastic window in the cottage or house is set, you can remove the old structure. If the frame will not be used in the future, then do not be careful with it. Take off the quarters, or they just break. Further dismantling of the structure occurs with the use of a saw. Finished parts are easy to clean using any suitable tool. Some dismantle nails with tools. Old gaskets are also removed. How to install plastic windows into the apartment? After the old slope is removed. But this choice is made depending on the work on the new design. Dismantle the windowsill. Further, using the intended equipment, the cement substrate is removed. The resulting garbage is collected and taken away, otherwise it will simply interfere with the installation of a new window. Work is taking place not only outside, but also indoors. The dirty stage ends.

What next?

The internal sides are cleaned, after which the dirt is removed. Any construction steps involve the application of primers. Often workers do not do this, but if the house is already old, then a new waterproofing is laid. It will be good to walk with a layer of foam around the entire perimeter of the window. Sometimes they make the design more reliable by inserting a new window box.

When work is underway in buildings of value, it is forbidden to resize the window. In this situation, it is worth returning the dimensions of the old window. It will have to be supplemented with a cement screed or wood. It all depends on the work plan. Each stage should be carried out taking into account the needs and desires of the owners. But when a person takes up work himself, he tries to create the most reliable design.

Do not spare the time and money. If you want to create a cement-sand screed, it must appear necessarily. It takes time to dry. Only after this, work continues again. It is because of this that many refuse to do anything. But in the end there will be unreliable protection from external conditions.

Window installation and fixing

Often people wonder if you can install a plastic window in the winter. Here they focus on the ability to work with building accessories. This is polyurethane foam, cement, etc. If the temperatures are not too low, then everyone can try, but, according to the masters, it is better to work when it is warm outside. Although in emergency situations, every problem is solved.

How to install plastic windows in winter? The substrate is fixed at the end of the window opening. Today this component is commercially available, although it is realistic to use simple wooden blocks. They are selected so that they are the same in the horizontal plane. Elements are in the middle. After choosing a window design, the entire frame or window is completely fixed to it. After complete installation, these supports are not removed. The fact is that the anchor-clamps will not be able to constantly hold the heavy frame. Using the pegs, the window will be fixed and additional support will be created on the sides.

How to install them?

In this matter, accuracy will not hurt. They should be between the window opening and the window itself, but it is better to the upper edge so that the structure does not bend. At the same time, it is always worth checking the plane with a building level. It is believed that it is better to use a water level, since others may have a slight error. In addition, the new design is checked against others already standing.

install window

To remove the error, you need, again, to play the substrate. When the horizontal position is aligned, you need to do everything perfectly vertically. As soon as the entire perimeter of the future protective structure will be as even as possible, then fixing begins. It is better to check several times than to dismantle then. An anchor is used to fasten the entire plastic window.

What comes next?

Then you need to use a hammer drill. Although many work with a drill or screwdriver. The holes in the frame are punched in parallel with the holes in the wall. In order for the window to be installed correctly, fixing it starts from the bottom. Anchors are placed in holes and tightened, but not completely. After, a level check is performed. Only then are holes made at the top of the wall. Then the middle is measured. How to install plastic windows in the house? In the next step, the anchor is inserted around the entire perimeter and slightly tightened, checking for evenness. After completing the preparation, you can fix the same. But you do not need to survive maximum from anchors, otherwise the frame will simply skew.

Sometimes in the process of fastening, plates are used. It is a durable metal attached to the frame itself, which has ears. It is in them that the anchors are already installed and tightened. This addition is bent until it snuggles against the wall. Only then do holes begin to drill. The top, bottom, and then the middle are fixed. You should not change this order, otherwise the whole structure will begin to bend and shift. Do not forget about the level check.

Drainage Fixation

If you look at the design of the plastic window, then the bottom is the groove for installing the drainage system. When it is in place, it is fixed with the help of foam. By technology, these works are similar to PVC windows. Sometimes it is necessary to use additional fastening, but more often this is not necessary. Before you take the design from the manufacturer, it is worth discussing the issue of drainage.


When the anchors have fixed the main frame, the moment of assembly comes. You need to start with the last actions that were in disassembly. Double-glazed windows are deepened in their places. It's time to work with the stroke (glazing beads). Plastic windows are being installed in the apartment in stages. To get everything in place, a rubber mallet is used. They gently tap on the entire working surface.

how to install plastic windows in the house

If swing wings are present, then their fixation is carried out in the reverse order. When the main installation is completed, the flaps are checked for opening quality. Then pass along the entire perimeter with a building level. Do not forget about the airing position. The leaf in this position should not move by itself. When the full range of checks is completed, the flaps fit snugly into place and the sealing process begins.


In the next step, we need to fill the gaps between the window and the wall as much as possible. For this, foam is acquired. Such a tool has been tested for years and is considered effective. Do not forget that after some time, being under the rays of the sun, it can collapse. This contributes to the loss of key benefits. Therefore, it is worth organizing protection after all work has been completed. Need to make slopes. They will serve us as additional protection.

how to install plastic windows

If this is not done, the windows will begin to fog up and freeze over time.You can also apply a special protective film that is moisture resistant. It is applied over the entire area except the bottom. The film will protect the mounting foam from water from the outside, as well as produce condensate drainage from the inside. Some do not do this in order to save. But this is wrong, because a plastic window is damaged. After the installation of the windowsill already begins.


So, we figured out how to install a plastic window with our own hands. This is all the work that will have to be done. You need to wait a day until the entire structure hardens, and only then can the sashes be opened. Accessories are also customizable. It should correspond to the time of year (winter or summer). On the question of how to install a plastic window with your own hands, some points can be missed, but subject to the basic installation rules.

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