What shows pelvic MRI in women? Pelvic MRI: preparation, reviews

There are a number of methods that allow you to explore the function of the internal structures of the body, while receiving a layered image of the organ under study. Such studies include methods of tomography - computer and magnetic resonance.

The essence of the method

Tomography is based on obtaining images of organs and bones after exposure to a certain type of radiation. In computed tomography (CT), these are X-rays, and in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), they are magnetic radiation. In the study, radiation passes through tissues and organs, from many angles, a lot of images are obtained, then the intelligent system of the device creates a three-dimensional image.

which shows MRI of the pelvis in women
CT allows you to see the size of organs and bones, to identify the displacement of internal organs and the presence of tumor processes, but their functional state cannot be assessed. This method is prescribed for the study of blood vessels, chest, bone structures, hollow organs.

MRI, in comparison with CT, allows you to determine the condition of soft tissues, ligaments, tendons. Compared with the first method, it is safe, can be used in pregnant women, which is of no small importance.

Device MRI

The appearance of the CT and MRI apparatus is not different and is a moving table on which the patient is located, and a camera that reads information from different positions.

pelvic MRI in women
MRI can be open and closed. Closed is a sealed chamber in which the patient is placed. Open devices are more modern, the patient is delivered to the study area, while remaining in the open space, which is convenient for people with a large body mass and who are afraid of an enclosed space. However, at the same time, closed devices are more often used, since they have a power more than 2 times that of open systems.

which shows an MRI of the pelvic organs in women

Pelvic MRI in women

If any disease of the organs of the lumbar region is suspected, a tomographic examination is almost always prescribed. MRI of the small pelvis in women allows you to identify problems of the vagina, uterus, ovaries, rectum, bladder, and organs of the lymphatic system. The range of diagnostic issues that this technique can be identified is quite wide.

pelvic MRI in women

What shows pelvic MRI in women? Indications for the purpose of the study are traumatic injuries of the lumbar region with impaired organ function, with suspected tumors in this area, to assess the degree of damage to organs with an existing tumor. In addition, the category of what shows MRI of the pelvic organs in women includes inflammatory diseases of the above organs.

Study preparation

Many are interested in the question of what is needed for research. To conduct pelvic MRI in women, special preparation is not required, usually before the examination, health workers themselves take into account the necessary factors and give the necessary recommendations.

  • Firstly, the examination should be carried out on a suitable day of the cycle, when the optimal functional load on the internal genital organs is either 6-12 days of the cycle, or its second half. Research is prohibited during menstruation.
  • To conduct pelvic MRI in women, preparation should include nutritional adjustments during the day before the study. Excluded from the diet are products that can impair the visualization of organs - cabbage, black bread, dairy products, drinks with gas, etc.
  • The day before, it is necessary to take activated carbon in the required dosage or another drug that reduces the level of gases in the intestines.
  • Before the study, you must drink no-shpu or its analogues.
  • An enema is indicated, but in practice, you can often do with a laxative.
  • You can’t urinate a few hours before an MRI.

When the study is not carried out

Despite the fact that there are many diseases in women with pelvic MRI, there are a number of limitations, according to which the method cannot be applied.

A relative contraindication is 1 trimester pregnancy, a serious condition of the patient, the presence of advanced chronic heart failure.

which shows MRI of the pelvis in women with infertility
And certainly MRI is contraindicated in the presence of metal implants in the body of the subject (after all, the basis of exposure is magnetic radiation); with diseases of the nervous system, when it is impossible to maintain immobility; body weight over 150 kg, body circumference over 150 cm.

In the presence of renal failure and the need for research with a contrast agent, the study is also not carried out due to the complexity of removing the substance from the body.

MRI and infertility

One can often ask whether MRI of the pelvis is of any help in women who are diagnosed with infertility.

To do this, you need to address the causes of this ailment. Of course, there are many causes of infertility, because a combination of many factors is necessary for conception. However, from an anatomical point of view, the violation can lie in the anatomical failure of the internal genital organs, which shows an MRI of the pelvic organs in women. For the most part, we are talking about disorders in the ovaries and uterus. To determine the causes of infertility, a comprehensive comprehensive series of studies is carried out, and many may argue that developmental abnormalities can also be detected by ultrasound. Yes, that’s true, but what shows pelvic MRI in women with infertility makes it possible to find both anatomical errors and functional disorders in one study. High accuracy of tomography results allows confirming or refuting the results of other research methods.

MRI results in women with infertility

As already mentioned above, tomography allows you to determine the presence of inflammatory diseases. One of the most dangerous pathologies is endometritis. The appearance of myomatous nodes and polyps in the uterine cavity, which shows MRI of the pelvis in women, also complicates the implantation of the fetus into the uterus. These pathologies are acquired; along with them, congenital pathologies are of importance, which a woman may not even suspect until she is faced with a diagnosis of infertility.

pelvic MRI scan for women reviews

Sexually transmitted infections in a certain number of cases cause partial contamination of the fallopian tubes, which makes it difficult for the fertilized egg to pass to the uterus.

MRI to detect these abnormalities is often prescribed because of its painlessness and high performance.


Before coming to the study, as a rule, patients have little idea what awaits them.

The procedure is carried out within 30-60 minutes, depending on the volume of the study. Prior to the study, the patient removes all metal objects from himself, then goes to the room with the device.

At the command of the health worker, the subject is placed on the table of the tomograph, which places it in the affected area. When conducting pelvic MRI in women (many patients say this), the only inconvenience is that you need to be motionless.

Since the device works quite noisily, headphones are put on the subject. If necessary, inhale, exhale or other manipulations, the patient hears commands through the switch.

What shows pelvic MRI in women, paramedics have the opportunity to immediately see on a computer screen, the images are recorded on a disc that they give to the patient. Additionally, the conclusion in a paper version is given for subsequent treatment to the treating doctor.

MRI of the pelvis in women photo

In order to have a more detailed idea of ​​conducting pelvic MRI in women, photos of the survey results are presented above.

MRI Patient Reviews

Listening to the reviews of those people who had to deal with this procedure, we can conclude that MRI today is widely popular among patients. Many ask doctors to prescribe this method, but not every clinic can afford to buy this device. Therefore, today the registration for the study is made in the direction of a specialist and for several months.

First of all, people are attracted by the wide scope of its application, the high accuracy of the results. In addition, MRI does not cause pain, which is very important for the subjects. According to patients, this largely determines the wide popularity of the method.

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