What is the difference between perfumery and eau de toilette? What's better?

Good aroma is like stylish clothes. It should be memorable, emphasize the refined taste of its owner, not cause negative feelings. It is clear that such fragrances are mostly offered by world famous brands. But even at the moment when you found the “same” aroma in the perfumery shop that gives you self-confidence, a problem may unexpectedly arise. On the shelves are presented such species as eau de toilette, perfume, cologne, perfume water. At this stage, a wrong choice can ruin all the joy of acquiring a new fragrance.

Failure to buy a fragrance

If you ask some women the question of how perfume water differs from eau de toilette, it will cause a smile of bewilderment on the face. Buying one or another tool, few people meticulously study the label and composition. A puncture is usually detected after the first day of use. Having choked on a beautiful newly-acquired vial, one can find the following: after a very short time elapsed from the first “zilch”, the aroma practically disappears, or you “deliciously applied” some water, but it does not disappear and becomes intrusive and suffocating.

What is the difference between toilet water and perfume?

Pink water
  • Eau de toilette has a less concentrated composition of fragrant essences. Such water can last on the skin and your hair for no more than 3 hours, and in order to fragrance again with a delicate aroma, you will need to reapply it. Like any perfumed product, eau de toilette will be better disclosed from interaction with human heat. Therefore, give preference to applying it specifically to the skin and hair. The concentration of aromatic oils in eau de toilette is not more than 8-10%.
  • Difference of perfumery water from eau de toilette in the increased content of fragrant essences. Such water, due to its concentration, does not lose a stable aroma longer. After applying perfume water, you will be fragrant for 3 to 6 hours, inclusive. The fragrance will not become more resistant from the fact that you apply it in larger quantities. In this case, due to the concentration of ethers, it is possible to “fragrance” with a sharp, and sometimes unpleasant aroma. Therefore, it is better to adhere to measures when using perfume water. Aromatic oils here are in a concentration of 10 to 20%.

How aroma blooms

Lilac flowers

Knowing which water is more resistant, toilet or perfume, we can move on to the next question. How does aroma unfold from the initial note to the loop? Perfume and eau de toilette have a standard number of stages of disclosure of aroma. After application to the skin, we hear the first fractions of the aromatic composition. After them, after some time, the heart of the fragrance opens. The last (but not least) aroma trail enters the scene. But what is the difference between perfumery water and eau de toilette in the process of revealing its aromatic composition?

  • The subtle aromatic trail is characteristic of eau de toilette.
  • The components of perfume water are reinforced several times initially. Disclosure of the composition is more dynamic, there is a "wrapping" the aroma completely.

So what to choose?

In order to understand which is better - eau de toilette or perfume water, you need to decide on the time and place within which you are going to use this fragrant component. And you also need to consider the cost that suits you when buying a perfume product.

  • Affordability in the price category of toilet water makes it more bought and demanded in the market. Due to the lower concentration, such water costs significantly less than perfumery. But of the minuses, you can highlight the fast consumption of the product, and a more "flat" sound of the aroma. Basically, toilet water is used everyday. Where you would not particularly like to attract attention, toilet water is the place.
  • Application on the occasion of going to the theater or other social event is what distinguishes perfumery water from eau de toilette. Deep aroma can be the final frame of your evening look. Do not go to the office, scented with perfume water. This aroma is complex and even somewhat difficult for daytime use. The product, although more expensive than eau de toilette, is readily available to all categories of the population.
Woman and Perfume

How to correctly choose "your" flavor?

Choosing the right perfume composition for yourself is necessary with passion. Fragrance is the calling card of the whole image. Never decide on it only on the advice of a friend or hearing how any fragrance sounds on it. It has long been known that the same fragrant substances, mixed with their own skin aromas, will manifest themselves completely differently on different people. Therefore, do not listen to anyone's advice in such a serious matter.

Girl and Golden Perfume

Give two

After long and painful throwings, you decided to purchase your new fragrance. What should I choose - perfume or toilet water? The answer will be simple: take both at once. Now, having understood how toilet water differs from perfumery water, it is easy to guess that you will use the first in office premises and in the warm seasons of the year. And the second, with a stronger aroma, you may use in the winter or in the autumn, having applied quite a bit. And also the second version of the aroma will be “put on” for going out, attending some gala receptions. Keep in mind that fun parties with dancing and discos are not a solemn event and, therefore, do not require perfume water, but toilet water. Such a product will be easier to use during dancing. After all, if you slightly overdo it with the toilet, nothing critical will happen. But if you use perfumery at a disco in a large crowd of people, warmed up by dancing and having their own aromas, this will become a difficult test not only for those around you, but also for you. A composition saturated with ethers will mix in the air with sweat, and nothing good will come of it.

Rose and perfume

When choosing an aroma in the perfume department, remember that the most weathered aroma is the aroma of freshness, then citrus is well eroded, then grass and flowers follow. Persistence can boast of chypre and eastern directions.

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