Soda is a wonderful folk remedy that is widely used in the household. In addition, it is still indispensable in cosmetology. In particular, acne on the face of soda helps effectively. Today it is the cheapest way to solve such a problem.
Recommendations for use for each skin type
Soda is allowed for all skin types. Caution should be people with sensitive and dry. Soda has the ability to dry acne, from which they pass. For such dry and sensitive skin, it is worthwhile to reduce the use of such a tool. For example, for a normal, oily or combination type, soda can be used twice a day. The rest should be limited to one reception in a day.
Efficiency of use and methods of application
Most women think how to get rid of acne soda. Many do not believe in the promised effectiveness. Naturally, it is inferior to expensive and professional cosmetic products. Nevertheless, it is effective and justifies the expected result. Perhaps not as fast as we would like, but still.
In turn, soda is able to balance the pH balance on the skin. Everyone knows that this is the main cause of acne.
From acne on the face, soda helps in this way: it helps to remove fat secretions, since it has the ability to dry. Thanks to this, it eliminates the appearance of blackheads and black spots, and also relieves inflammation. To do this, dilute the soda with a small amount of water until a paste forms. After that, they are used to eliminate the above problems.
Properties of baking soda in cosmetic applications:
- relieves the skin of the most common acne - blackheads and black spots;
- has a calming effect on the skin;
- an excellent antiseptic;
- improves skin condition;
- promotes healthy skin color, narrowing of pores, normalization in the functionality of the sebaceous glands.
Do not forget about proper and fortified nutrition. Since the condition of the skin depends on the work of internal organs, as well as their functionality. Acne on the skin is a sign of internal diseases. It is also useful to use soda in the form of a light solution with water. This helps to improve the digestive system. With frequent rashes of acne not only on the face, but also throughout the body, it is worthwhile to undergo an examination with a doctor. A serious illness may be hidden behind this.
How to use acne soda
There are several simple tools that can be easily prepared at home. Now consider the most effective
1. Salt will help. The use of soda in this case is very simple. It should be mixed in equal parts with salt. Before starting the procedure, the face is thoroughly soaped. Then, the resulting mixture is carefully applied to this layer. With light movements you need to massage your face for about 2 minutes. After this, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature. Such a tool is an excellent facial scrub.
2. Washing. In this case, it is very important to adhere to the accuracy in the preparation of the solution. It should have a structure similar to porridge. Before using the resulting solution, the face is slightly washed with cold water. Then apply it to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and, of course, the lips. Leave the solution for about half an hour and rinse off. You can do this procedure up to four times a month. It turns out an effective and at the same time easy to prepare mask from acne soda.
3. Soda + bath. This method is useful if acne is present not only on the face, but throughout the body. The cooking is very simple - a small amount of soda is added to the bath. But at the same time, the following nuances must be taken into account. What kind? Firstly, soda is best used with sea salt. Secondly, it takes no more than 10-15 minutes to be in such a bath. Thirdly, the water temperature must coincide with the human. Use the bath before bedtime.
4. Soda paired with hydrogen peroxide. These ingredients should be mixed until a thick paste forms. The mixture is used in those areas where there are acne. That is, not all over the skin of the face. Soda along with peroxide relieves acne on the face very quickly.
Sweet Soda
For cooking use regular sugar, butter and soda. All these ingredients must be mixed with boiled water. Using a cotton pad or swab, wipe the face with the resulting solution for about three minutes. After the skin has dried, wash it with warm water and soap. An hour after this, the face can be wiped with olive oil. This solution is an excellent cleanser. And olive oil improves its effect. After that, the skin becomes soft and healthy.
Soda + cereals
Acne soda mask with the addition of chopped oatmeal, wheat or corn flour is the most popular. It is especially effective for removing blackheads. To prepare such a mask is very simple. In equal proportions, mix soda and any of the above ingredients, diluting with a small amount of water until the consistency of thick porridge. The resulting mixture is applied in a thin layer on the face for about 10 minutes. Using a special washcloth, wash off the mask with warm water. Thus, acne soda helps very well. You can use such a mask no more than once a week.
In which cases soda should not be used
Internal use is contraindicated for people suffering from allergies to baking soda, pregnant women, as well as people with gynecological diseases, vascular diseases, heart problems. It is forbidden to take such a remedy for ulcers, gastritis. Diseases of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder are also contraindications.
External use is strictly prohibited if there are purulent wounds, burns, and other defects on the body. Soda in such cases can be harmful. Also, do not use it for various dermatitis, psoriasis and other similar diseases.
Soda is safe for small acne or black spots. But when using, you should adhere to all the rules and recommendations. Do not neglect the permitted amount of use of funds from soda. The desired effect may not appear after one or two treatments. Also, do not apply such funds on the skin too intensively or rub them. This can erase the protective layer of the skin and injure it. This is especially true for the use of masks and scrubs.
Soda is also used for mechanical cleaning of the face at home. This is a very popular procedure among women and girls. Since it costs quite a lot in beauty salons, many do it on their own at home. In this case, soda is used as a scrub to achieve a more effective result. In such situations, you must use the ingredients very carefully and follow all the rules. From acne on the face, soda helps a lot when cleaning. Therefore, if you have acne, then this method will come in handy.
Little conclusion
Now you know how acne soda is used. Reviews of girls who have tried this method say that such a tool is effective. If you also decided to try out soda, then in our article many good options for masks and other compounds are considered.