Japanese mackerel is a valuable commercial fish. Description of where it is, what is useful

Mackerel is a valuable commercial fish. Each of us at least once in his life had to deal with this marine delicacy on a store counter or kitchen table. However, have you ever thought about where this fish swims, from which country they bring it to us for sale? From this article you will find out where the mackerel is found, what beneficial properties it has and how to cook it.


Mackerel, like herring, is one of the most popular ocean fish. Outwardly, it looks like a thick spindle, with an average length of about half a meter. The largest specimens can grow up to a meter in length. The fish is covered with small scales. The abdomen has a silver-white color, and a slightly curved black stripes cover the blue-green back.

the benefits of mackerel

Interesting fact

As can be seen from the description of the mackerel, thanks to this interesting color, the marine inhabitant skillfully deceives predators. The dark back does not differ from the color of water, so it is difficult for birds of prey to notice it. The light belly has a silver-blue color and merges with the sky, which makes the fish invisible to large in-depth hunters.


When it comes to species of mackerel, the following are distinguished:

  • Japanese mackerel.
  • Atlantic mackerel.
  • King mackerel.

Where is the mackerel found?

Mostly, mackerel lives in the North Atlantic Ocean. Starting from the east of Iceland and ending with the Canary Islands. In the Baltic Sea, fish swim limited to the Gulf of Finland. In addition, it is found in the North, Marmara and Black Seas.

In the west of the ocean, its habitat extends from Labrador to North Carolina. In summer, mackerel swims in the Barents and White Seas.

Most of this fish falls on the waters of the North Sea - from the English Channel to the south-west of Iceland.

Japanese mackerel is no different from its Atlantic sisters. The only feature is that it is mined near the Kuril Islands.

Mackerel valuable commercial fish


Mackerel fish has excellent taste and invaluable benefits. Nutritionists in many countries recommend including it in the healthy diet menu.

Primarily, mackerel is a healthy fish product. For this reason, it is quite common in many cuisines of the world. Although in medicine the properties of fish are actively used in building up cartilaginous tissues and saturating cells with oxygen. Fish is recommended to be included in the menu for those who treat diseases of bones and joints, and also as a prophylaxis for cardiovascular ailments.

Japanese mackerel is known not only for its beneficial properties (more about them later), but also for its preparation in different ways. So, for example, it can be stewed, boiled, pickled, stuffed, fried, salted and baked. In addition, sea fish is perfect for making minced meat for cutlets, casseroles and more. A very rich ear is obtained from mackerel.

Mackerel, like herring, is used for industrial purposes in the production of fish oil, however, this method of processing fish is not widespread.

the use of mackerel in cooking

Calorie content

Despite the fact that the fish has a lot of healthy and easily digestible fats, it is not very high in calories.

In fresh fish - 180 kcal, in steamed - 190, in salted - 306, and in smoked - 315.

The amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrate will depend on how Japanese mackerel is presented.

For 100 g of fish, ½ of the daily protein norm for an adult is accounted for. Such a protein is digested several times faster than from beef.

Thanks to natural fish oil, the blood flow paths and blood vessels of the heart muscles will expand. In turn, this will be an obstacle to the formation of blood clots.

Choosing the right fish

Mackerel is a fairly common product. You can buy it at the fish rows of shops and markets, as well as at specialized points with seafood. Typically, Atlantic and Japanese mackerel go on sale. So that the purchase does not disappoint, and you can please your household with a fish dish, it is important to pay attention to the following criteria of quality and freshness:

  • Eyes should not be cloudy.
  • The surface should be shiny and slightly damp.
  • The structure of the carcass should be dense, not to fall apart.
  • Check the gills. It is important that they are clean.

If you decide to buy not a whole fish, but a steak or fillet, then choose pieces of transparent meat, with a moist and shiny skin. To defrost a carcass, place it in an open bowl and refrigerate for no more than a day.

mackerel fish

How to store

Fresh not gutted mackerel fish is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. A cleaned carcass can lie up to three days.

It is permissible to keep fresh Atlantic delicacy in the freezer for up to 90 days, but it is worth considering that after thawing the meat will be loose.

Interested in extending fish preservation by about two weeks? Just put it in crushed ice.

What is good for mackerel

Mackerel is not only tasty and fragrant, it is also very healthy. Fish is known for its diverse biochemical composition. It contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the health and development of the human body. Due to the presence of beneficial cholesterol, it is recommended for violations of the heart and vascular obstruction, as well as for high blood coagulation and atherosclerosis.

Mackerel is rich in fluoride, omega-3 fatty acids and phosphorus. Due to the pronounced antioxidant effect on the body, it is regularly taken to reduce the risk of oncology.

The beneficial properties of mackerel do not end there. Here are some more examples of the beneficial effects of fish on the body:

  • Blood vessels are cleansed and strengthened.
  • Joint and headache is relieved.
  • The hormonal balance is regulated.
  • The work of the heart improves, spasms are relieved.
  • Hair and skin are rejuvenated.
  • Hardened bones.
  • Lowers blood sugar.
  • Improving cerebral circulation and memory.
  • Amino acids and healthy fats saturate the body.
fresh frozen mackerel

Is mackerel harmful

You already know how mackerel is useful, but it also has its contraindications. So, a manifestation of allergies and individual intolerance to this oily fish is possible.

It is not recommended to eat mackerel if you have problems with:

  • The kidneys.
  • The liver.
  • Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Genitourinary system.
  • With hypertension.

A healthy person can very well replace meat with mackerel. Negative consequences can occur if you eat a lot of fish (in particular, salted or smoked).

Who should be warned

Smoked fish does some harm in itself because mercury accumulates in it. Salted mackerel provokes fluid retention and increased pressure. This is an important warning to hypertensive, pregnant and lactating women. Expectant mothers should not eat mackerel in salted, smoked and pickled form.

Among other dangers, such a fish has a lot of salt. Excess salt is harmful to those who have kidney disease. Known tricky move, which is used by some dishonest manufacturers. They hide stale fish with a smoked flavor. This is an additional danger to humans, because the fish will be with bacteria and parasites.

If the fish is treated with "liquid smoke", then when the fish dishes are heated to 100 degrees and above, toxic phenol is formed. With the option of quick smoking, there is also a danger - a few hours after cooking, the number of carcinogens in fish increases. Also, with quick smoking, chemicals are used to add color and flavor.

mackerel on a plate

The variety of assortment of fish products on the market or store shelves often leads the buyer into confusion, because everything looks appetizing and tempting. However, it is safe to say about mackerel that this is the most popular and sought-after fish. Consumers often choose it, because it bribes us immediately with three weighty arguments: nutrition, noble taste and affordability.

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