Everything happens in life. Once upon a time there was a family. They lived well, good. And misfortune happened: the husband went on a walk. Nothing helps: neither the tears and requests of the wife, nor the young children, nor the persuasion of the elderly parents.
What to do in this case? Is there a prayer for the return and admonition of the husband? We will talk about this in more detail in the article.
What is admonition
Before moving on to the main issue of our topic, let's talk about what is admonishment.
The explanatory dictionary helpfully dictates: admonition is an instruction on the true path. Who instructs whom? Typically, the parents of their children. Especially in adolescence, when they see themselves as adults. And they get up to such that I want to cry.
Is there a prayer for admonition? Yes, there are such prayers. But they will be discussed a little later.
Be careful with requests
Strange subtitle. What is it to ask God to admonish his children, relatives or the second half? The guidance on the true path may be different. No wonder they say: the Lord will reason, so he will reason.
Let us give an example: once upon a time there was an old mother with a divorced son. Her son is not bad: his mother did not offend, carried a bag of groceries home, earned well. One trouble - drank. From the word "strong." God rewarded his health with heroic health. And to get drunk, the son needed to drink a fairly decent amount of alcohol.
Once an old woman left for her granddaughter. The son went all out. It got to the point that he got a head from a drinking companion. Bottom line: concussion and a long sick leave.
Before that, the old mother asked everything from God that He would instruct her lost son. Requested? Receive and sign.
So be careful in your requests for admonition of loved ones.
To whom to pray
Who to contact, whom to read to read the prayer for admonition? First of all, to our Lord Jesus Christ. To the Virgin and the Virgin Mary, to the holy saints of God. Now let's talk about this in more detail.
Prayer to god
How to read a prayer for the preservation and admonition of the family? When does everything collapse before our eyes and it seems that everything is the end?
Start with Jesus Prayer. It would seem, where does the admonition, when in it we ask for mercy for ourselves? Remember the words of St. Seraphim of Sarov: "Save yourself - and thousands around will be saved"?
People by nature tend to blame others for the problems. Is the family falling apart? This husband / wife is to blame. But not me. Is there a conflict at work? This boss is a bastard, and his colleagues are vile. Is the child not obeying? Disgusting grew up, no respect for parents. Before scattering accusations, let's pay attention to ourselves. All around cannot be bad if it does not go well on all fronts. This does not happen, then the fault is in us.
His sins are not visible, it is understandable. But somewhere you need to be able to be silent. Be smarter and wiser than we are. This does not always work. We prefer to examine under the microscope the behavior of our spouses, colleagues, and children, rather than dealing with ourselves.
How to read a prayer for admonition to the Lord? Very simple. Repeat it mentally or aloud. When engaging in manual labor or household chores, say a prayer. And from yourself ask that God admonish. Words of Prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me a sinner / sinner
Prayers to the Virgin
Who should read prayers for the preservation of the family and the admonition of a husband? Of course, the Virgin. She is the Mother of God, our Helper and Intercessor. Virgin Mary has a special, maternal prayer before God. We ask Her for help as we ask to help our own mother. Without hesitation, but with all my heart. Knowing that they will help us and hear.
Pray in front of the "Recovery of the Dead" icon. They turn to her for help from her mother, praying for her lost and dying children. They ask for those who have fallen away from the church and the Christian faith. Pray before the image and in the diseases. And the husband who was about to leave the family, is not he lost and spiritually ill? Pray for him:
Oh, Blessed and Blessed Virgin, Lady of the Virgin! Look with thy gracious eye upon us, who are coming before your holy icon and with the tenderness of those who pray to you, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our mind, darkened by passions, and heal the plagues of our souls and bodies. Not the imams of other help, not the imams of other hope, except for You, Master, Thou shalt weigh all our weakness and transgressions, and we cry out to You: do not leave us with your heavenly help, but save us with Your inexpressible mercy and bounties and have mercy on us perishing. Grant us the correction of our sinful life and deliver us from sorrows, troubles and diseases, from vain death, hell and eternal torment. You are the Queen and Empress, the quick Helper and Intercessor to all who flow to You, and the strong refuge of sinners who repent. Deliver to us, Offering and the All-Immaculate Virgin, the Christian end of our stomach, is peaceful and unshameful, and grant us your intercession to dwell in the heavens, even though the ceaseless voice of those who celebrate with joy celebrates the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, today , and forever and ever. Amen.
Troparion, voice 4
Seek us perishing, Blessed Virgin, do not punish us for our sin, but for merciful love, save us from hell, disease and need and save us.
Kondak, voice 6
The Christian reproach is shameless, the intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the sinful prayers of voice, but pretend, as Blagoyaya, to the aid of us, faithfully calling T: speed up our prayers and trudge on supplication, presenting before the Mother of God, reverers of Th.
We magnify Thee, the Most Holy Virgin, and honor the image of Your saint, even though our diseases are doctors and our souls are raised to God.
There is another image in front of which they ask for help in the same situations. In front of the icon of the Virgin, the “Sign” (“Innkeeping”) is asked for those who have strayed from the Orthodox faith and stopped attending church. On the instruction of the lost and help to the sick. If the spouse drinks, then the prayer for admonishing the husband before this image will be very useful:
O Most Holy Lady of the Theotokos, Heavenly Tsar Mother, God-Chosen Otrokovitsa! Unreliable hope, patients with healing, an ardent representative, grieving for comfort and joy, offended by the patroness, and everyone in distress and misfortune, quick help and intercession! Pomozi, O Mother of God, and to us sinners in our sorrows, have exalted with joy the hearts of Your people; rule our life in peace and silence and do not give in despair to misfortune, Thou art more One than all saints and more than all mountain minds Our representative to God, as All-good King of the Good Mother. Even we, sins, on Your Most Pure Sign “The Sign” look down, touch tenderly, kneel reverently, praying to Thee, Benevolent Mother: do not reject our humble prayer and show us the sign of Thy mercy: no matter you come running to You from You is confounded, but asks for grace and accepts the gift for useful petition, glorifying Your Son and God, and to You and Him, forever and ever. Amen.
We magnify You, the Most Holy Virgin, the Mother of Christ our God, and honor the image of Your saint, from the worthless source of healing to all who flow to you with faith.
Prayer to the Guardian Angel
What kind of prayer for admonition do you make? How to ask your angel for help? First of all, without hesitation. A guardian angel is given to us at baptism and accompanies us for the rest of our lives. We, by nature, tend to sin. What upset him. An angel departs from us and cries. But he does not abandon his wicked wards.
Instead of giving him experiences, let’s better pray, ask for forgiveness for our actions and help:
The angel of God, my guardian saint, is given to me from God from heaven to abide by! I diligently pray thee: you enlighten me this day, and save from all evil, guide me to a good deed, and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen.
John Chrysostom
A big request: do not confuse John the Baptist (apostle) and John Chrysostom. The latter was born into a noble family. His father died when Zlatoust was just a baby. Mother, remaining a 20-year-old widow with two children, was able to adequately raise her son. And gave him a good education. What happened to the second child - the sister of John - is unknown. Most likely, she died.
Chrysostom was not baptized in childhood. He came to God through scripture study. In the world, Chrysostom was engaged in advocacy, but left it for God's sake.
In the church, this saint is on a par with Gregory the Theologian and Basil the Great.
You can contact him with a prayer for the admonition of a wife and husband. How? Below you will learn how to pray. In the meantime, the text of the prayer to John Chrysostom:
Oh, Saint John the Great Chrysostom! Thou hast received and received many gifts from the Lord if you are a good and faithful slave, all the talents given to you have been increased by you: for this sake, for the sake of the truth, the universal teacher was thou, as every age and every rank is taught from you. As the young man of obedience, the image was thou, the young — chastity shone, the husband — the industrious mentor, the old — the teacher’s kindness, the monk — abstinence as a rule, the leader — inspired from God, those who seek wisdom — the enlightener, the gracious wholesome — the living word is inexhaustible, beneficial, - a star of mercy, the rulers - the reign of a wise image, the truth zealot - boldness inspirer, truth for the sake of the persecuted - patience mentor: all was thou, but all kind of save. If all love was acquired by all, even there is a union of perfection, and by that, as by the power of God, all talents in your souls were united together, and now also love divided reconciling, in the interpretation of the words of the apostles, was taught to all faithful. We are sinners, one by one, our gift of property, unity of spirit in the union of the world is not an imam, but there are vanities, annoying each other, envy of each other: for this purpose our divided not in peace and salvation, but in enmity and condemnation we are rejoiced. The same to you, the saint of God, we fall, the servants of God (names), overpower with discord, and ask in heartbreak: with your prayers, estranged from our hearts all pride and envy, dividing us, but for the last time the church body will be unselectably abiding, but according to Let us say to your prayer words that we love one another and unanimity we confess the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the One-Essential and the Undivided, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.
And this prayer is composed by the saint to the Lord. Do not be lazy to read it:
May God grant, to my unworthiness, the grace of understanding in order to recognize what is pleasant for You, and what is useful for me, and not only to recognize, but also to do, so as not to get carried away and not to cling to the empty, to sympathize with the suffering and condescend to sinners.
Prayer to Silwan of Athos
What is a prayer for admonition, a family to save? Seek help from the Monk Silwan of Athos. He can be called our contemporary, for this great ascetic died in 1938.
Siluan Athos - comes from a simple peasant family. He was born in the Tambov province, and his parents were illiterate people. But very kind and compassionate. They lovingly accepted beggars and wanderers, shared the last piece. Simeon (the worldly name of the reverend) grew up in an environment where love for one's neighbor is above all. He worked with his brothers in the fields, helping his father. And secretly dreamed of monasticism.
His father, seeing the desire of his son, was worried that he would make the wrong choice. For Simeon was young. And the parent first ordered him to do military service. The future reverend did not argue, he set aside his plans. But worldly life dragged him harder and harder.
It is not known how this would end. At one point, coming from another party, the future saint dozed off. And in a dream I saw a huge, vile serpent entering it. Simeon was disgusted to look at it.
Immediately he heard a voice. This voice belonged to the Virgin. She said that as it is disgusting for him to swallow a snake, it is hard for Her to see Simeon's sinful life.
Awakened, he was horrified. He repented of his affairs, thanked the Blessed Virgin Mary, and became even more firmly established in his desire for a monastic life.
After military service, Simeon went to Mount Athos. Where he worked until the end of his days, he took monastic tonsure with the name of Siluan.
Come to him with a prayer for family, admonition of husband / wife or children:
O faithful servant of God, Father Silvanus! By grace, from God given to you, pray tearfully for the whole universe - the dead, the living and the coming - do not keep silent for us to the Lord, who assiduously come to you and your intercession is emphatically asking (names). Feet, O blessed, to pray the Assiduous Intercessor of the Christian race, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Virgin Mary, who miraculously called thee to be a faithful laborer in Her earthly helicopter, the hope of God's chosen one to grace our gracious and long-suffering beggars, I have never been forgotten but by the indescribable goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, hold on to and save us by His great mercy. With her, the servant of God, with the Most Holy Mistress of the world - the Holy Mother Abbess Athos and the holy ascetics, ask Her earthly lot from the saints of the Holy Word, the holy mountain of Mount Athos and the god-loving desertifier, from all troubles and libels of hostility, she will be preserved in the world. Yes, we deliver the angels from the saints to the saints and strengthen the Holy Spirit in faith and brotherly love, until the end of the century for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of the Church, prayer and prayer are given to all, and the Church of Heavenly and Heavenly ceases to glorify the Creator and Father of Lights, enlightening and illuminating peace in the eternal truth and goodness of God. Ask the people of the earth for a prosperous and peaceful life, the spirit of humble wisdom and brotherly love, kindness and salvation, the spirit of the fear of God. May anger and lawlessness harden human hearts, which can destroy the love of God in man and cast them into divine enmity and fratricide, but in the power of divine love and truth, as the name of God is blessed in heaven and on earth, may His will be holy in man and may the peace and kingdom of God reign on the earth. Similarly, to your earthly Fatherland - ask for the land of the Russians, God’s saint, longing for peace and heavenly blessing, in the same hedgehog with omnipotent Mater of God, I will cover, get rid of gladness, destruction, coward, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare and of all enemies visible and invisible, and so the holy house of the Blessed Virgin Mary until the end of his age to abide him, the Cross of Life-giving power, and affirm to the love of God that is not scanty. But to all of us, immersed in the darkness of sins and the repentance of warmth, below the fear of God who do not have, and who sits immeasurably loving the Lord, constantly insulting us, ask, God blessed, all-merciful God, may God bless our gracious God and revive our souls, and all kindness and worldly pride, despondency and neglect in our hearts, let it be abolished. We also pray, for the hedgehog and for us, the grace of the All-Holy Spirit to be strengthened and the love of God warmed up, in humanity and brotherly love, the humble wisdom of the crucifixion for each other and for all, in the truth of God, to be affirmed and blessed for God to be strengthened, and the love of God will be closer to him. Yes, tacos, creating His all-holy will, in all piety and the purity of his temporal life, we will shamelessly pass the way and with all the saints of the Kingdom of Heaven and His Lamb of marriage we will be able to identify. But to him from all earthly and heavenly things be glory, honor and worship, with His Fatherless Father, the Most Holy and Good, and His Life-giving Spirit, now and evermore and forever. Amen.
How to pray
We are talking about a prayer for admonition, we cite its texts. How to pray?
Heartily and sincerely. Has nothing become clear? Heart - from the bottom of my heart. Mentally - from the bottom of my heart. That is, they didn’t just stand in front of the icons, mumbled the text of a prayer under their breath, they themselves did not understand anything. They closed the prayer book and, with a sense of accomplishment, began to wait for a miracle.
This does not happen. More precisely, the Lord can do anything. He wants to file help right away - and does it. But who needs the prayer "for the mess"? To god? Hardly. Holy? Also no. To ourselves? What good is that.
When we pray, we should focus all our attention on the words of prayer. It's complicated. Thoughts are spreading in all directions, and we think about anything, but not about the words of prayer. It's okay, everything comes with experience. Gathering thoughts in a heap and again turn our attention to prayer.
It is advisable, before starting the prayer for admonition, to light a candle or a lamp in front of the icons. A candle is a small sacrifice to God. The lamp should ideally light in front of the icons constantly.
Is it possible to pray in the temple
Not only possible, but necessary. It is one thing to say a prayer for admonition at home, and another to give prayers in the temple. Which prayers? For help to the Virgin, saints of God and the Savior himself.
Come to the temple, write notes on health, give a prayer service. , . , , .
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It is worth remembering that prayer must be sincere. This is what the priests say. There is no use in the prayers that we read somehow, just to quickly subtract. And do not grumble against God, if nothing was given immediately. Ask even harder, with all my heart. All that is good for us, the Lord will surely give.