How to fill out a fire extinguisher accounting journal (example, sample)

The organization of fire safety in any institution is impossible without maintaining an accounting journal. Where can I get a form for him, what information should be entered and who should do it? Let's find the answers to these questions and consider an example of filling out the fire extinguisher metering book separately for each part of it.

Why is this document needed?

Keeping an accounting journal allows you to monitor the status of all fire safety equipment in the institution.

The document also serves as a reminder of inspections and examinations provided for by law.

What information should be contained here

According to clause 4.5.4 of the current Code of Rules 9.13130.2009, the logbook should contain the following data on fire extinguishers:

extinguisher log book form
  • production date and brand;
  • date of appearance at the enterprise;
  • assigned inventory number;
  • storage;
  • initial surface inspection results;
  • all dates of further inspections of the technical condition with the results;
  • all dates of inspections of the active substance (including refueling);
  • information about the current state of OT.

Also, the journal must include information about those who carry out all the procedures:

  • Responsible person in the enterprise or institution;
  • name of the organization providing professional maintenance.

Logging Form

The rules allow some liberties in terms of design.

There is a recommended journal form for accounting fire extinguishers (a sample of it is presented in the Code of Practice) and is arbitrary.

Both options contain the same information, so they can be considered equal.

Whatever form of journal for accounting for fire extinguishers is chosen, it should be a unity of the three components. Among them:

  • cover (third and last sheets);
  • the main part with data on all fire safety equipment;
  • information about each individual OT.

Where can I get a journal form for accounting for fire extinguishers

To get this document, you need an appropriate form, or rather a whole book. There are various ways to create it:

  • independent production in a text editor;
  • Downloading the finished sample magazine for accounting fire extinguishers from the Internet;
  • purchase of a form in any printing store.

This document can be filled out both on a computer and by hand.

All certifying signatures or seals must not be applied in any other way than by hand.

Who maintains this document

Before filling out a journal for accounting for fire extinguishers (example in paragraphs 7โ€“9), it is worth knowing who should do this. Responsibility for entering reliable information about all the fire fighting equipment of an institution may rest with:

  • a leader;
  • person appointed by order.

In any case, such a person must undergo appropriate training and pass a qualification exam.

His area of โ€‹โ€‹responsibility includes not only keeping a journal for accounting fire extinguishers (a sample of filling out is provided in paragraphs 7โ€“9), but also monitoring the performance of all fire fighting equipment.

Information sources

Where does the information for the logbook come from? In addition to information obtained empirically during the inspection process, there are a number of documents that are also sources:

  • technical passports (instructions) of fire extinguishers;
  • operational passports (EP);
  • Set of rules.

From the instructions are written data on:

  • production date;
  • manufacturer
  • expiration date;
  • brand of active substance;
  • working pressure, etc.

ES serves as a source of information about all inspections, inspections and refueling devices.

Information is taken from the joint venture on the frequency of all procedures specified in the operating passports. It also contains information on how to correctly implement them and on which particular parameters special attention should be paid.

How to fill out a fire extinguisher log book: cover example

When it comes to cover, the third and last pages are meant. All data is entered here only by hand.

In the example below, how to fill out a journal for accounting for fire extinguishers (example page three), only the following information is entered:

  • Name of the organization;
  • start date of document maintenance.
    extinguisher log book sample

End data is not indicated until all pages are full. The finished journal is sent to the archive, and a new one is started instead. The start date must correspond to the end date of the previous one.

There is also such a variant of the form for the third page.

how to fill out a log book extinguisher example

Its difference is the column, which indicates the name of the structural unit of the organization. This is only necessary for those institutions that have them. In other cases, the first sample is relevant.

Filling out the journal for accounting fire extinguishers on the last page is supplemented by the seal and signature of the head of the organization. This is done even when the responsibility for fire safety lies with another person.

extinguisher log book sample

Sample filling of the main part

This section contains information on the entire arsenal of fire fighting equipment, with general information on their initial properties and current status.

Below is a sample of how to fill out a log for fire extinguisher accounting.

The example that is given contains rather scanty information, moreover, an error was made in it.

extinguisher log book sample

The second column "Name of production (location)" indicates the type of fire extinguisher, but it was necessary to indicate where it is stored. Therefore, when filling out a journal, you should carefully read the names of the graph.

Below is a much more complete version of the design of the main part. It consists of three components.

The first page contains data on the physical characteristics of the fire extinguisher, its location and the date of commissioning.

how to fill out a log book of fire extinguishers

On the second - information about the results of inspections, their dates and responsible persons.

fire extinguisher log book

On the third - information about performance tests, notes and the signature of the responsible person.

how to fill out an accounting journal

An example of data processing for each of the fire extinguishers

The second part of the magazine consists of copies of operational passports of all fire safety equipment on the balance sheet.

Each copy has a separate page. It consists of the following components:

  • data on the device itself taken from its technical passport (serial and operational numbers, production date, manufacturer, brand of active substance, storage location of the device);
  • table with the results of maintenance.

The following is an example.

Filling out the fire extinguisher accounting journal in this part is done after passing the following procedures:

  • surface inspection (quarterly and annual);
  • checking the status of the active substance (annual);
  • recharge (depending on the brand of the device, can be carried out annually or every five years).
    fire extinguisher log book

When conducting a surface inspection, all data is recorded by the responsible person based on his observations.

In the second and third cases, the data in the electronic devices of the tested devices are entered and certified by employees of specialized organizations. In the future, the information is copied to the journal and certified by the signature of the person responsible for the enterprise.

If the fire extinguisher is only registered, the first in this part of the journal should be the data on the initial inspection.

If this is not the first accounting document in the century of the same fire extinguisher, the table contains information about the maintenance that has been carried out since the appearance of the new log (as shown in the above example).


The process of registering a journal is quite simple. The main rule is to enter reliable information and not confuse the data. If you do this, keeping a journal is easy.

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