Laxative fruits: list of fruits for constipation

Constipation is a common condition in many people. Almost every second inhabitant of the planet faces it. The constant use of drugs and enemas does not eliminate this pathology.

To avoid this, experts advise to include laxative fruits in the diet. Due to the content of fiber, they not only normalize the state of the digestive system, but also improve human health in general.

Fruit with a laxative effect

What is constipation?

This is a condition in which a person cannot regularly empty his intestines and makes a lot of effort for this. Constipation can be a sign of various diseases, for the detection of which an examination is prescribed. Difficulty with bowel movements is also observed in healthy people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or eat certain types of foods.

Constipation is a pathology that affects more and more people around the world. Most often, this problem affects residents of large cities.

Imbalanced bowel function often causes the following symptoms:

  • A feeling of heaviness in the peritoneum.
  • Swelling.
  • Headache.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Pain during bowel movements.

The diagnosis of constipation can be confirmed if a person commits an act of defecation less than 3 times a week. Sometimes this condition can be chronic.

The effect of fruits on the digestive system

Fruits with a laxative effect on the state of the intestine in several directions. Initially, you need to deal with the cause of constipation. The situation is most often observed in which the food lump does not move properly through the intestines. This is due to a decrease in its peristalsis. You can activate the work of the large intestine by increasing the volume of food, as well as due to fiber and water.

Intestinal laxative fruits

Many people wonder what kind of fruit is laxative. This is necessary to know for people suffering from constipation. The benefits of such products are very great. Fresh fruits contain a lot of fiber and natural sugars with hyperosmotic properties. This is manifested as follows. Sugar stimulates the flow of water into the large intestine, which leads to its stretching and accelerate the evacuation of feces. When consuming laxative fruits, the following occurs:

  • Intestinal motility increases.
  • The microflora of the digestive system improves.
  • Metabolism is normalized.

If you constantly consume fruits, this will lead to the prevention of vitamin deficiency, as well as to strengthening the immune system. The vitamins and microelements entering the body along with fresh fruits positively affect the work of all organs. They also improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

People who regularly consume fruits in the required amount are not overweight. Their inclusion in the children's diet also contributes to a positive effect on the body.

When fruits relieve constipation

These products will not have a pronounced laxative effect if the problem is caused by the following:

  • Pathologies of the digestive system. This may be cystic fibrosis, Hirschsprung’s disease, malabsorption.
  • The influence of psychological reasons.
  • The treatment of certain drugs.
  • Diseases that provoke intestinal weakness. It can be rickets or other ailments.

Not laxative fruits for the intestines will help get rid of the above reasons, but correctly selected medication. Changing eating habits will help to improve the digestive system.

Laxative fruit

The introduction of fruits into the diet will stabilize the activity of the intestines without the use of laxatives, if constipation appears for such reasons:

  • Improper nutrition.
  • Lack of water in the body.
  • Eating foods that make bowel movements difficult.

A vegetable diet has a good effect on constipation in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Laxative fruits for children are especially useful during the period of feeding. They improve the digestion process.

What fruit acts as a laxative? In addition to fresh products, dried fruits have a similar effect. They include pectins, fiber and fruit sugars. Prune is especially effective for constipation. It can be used even by pregnant women and children.

Fruit with a laxative effect

Many nutritionists are confident that fruits that grow in the region where they live are most beneficial to humans. However, it is necessary to include precisely those fresh foods in the diet that prevent constipation.

What fruits are laxatives? Here is a list of them:

  • Plums. These are the most effective fruits with a laxative effect. For chronic constipation, it is necessary to eat a medium-sized drain of 7-10 per day. As a result, the problem will be quickly resolved. This method has been used for centuries. You should also not refuse prunes, because 4 times more sorbitol is present in it than in fresh plums. The fruit protects the intestinal mucosa and stimulates the digestion process.
  • Pear. The relationship to fruit is twofold. In many ways, the positive effect depends on the reaction of the body. Pears contain sugar and starch. They also contain pectin and dietary fiber. These substances are able to regulate intestinal motility and cleanse the body. With constipation, it is best to use a pear with a peel and drink it with a glass of water. As a result, the laxative effect is enhanced. However, in some people, this fruit causes the opposite effect. The reason for this is tannins, also available in pear. From diarrhea, this fruit is consumed in compotes. There is an opinion that a pear grows stronger if it is consumed by residents of those regions where this fruit does not grow.
  • Apples They also have a laxative effect. To strengthen it, they are eaten with a peel. Apples contain pectin. For children and during pregnancy, it is best to cook them in a baked form.
  • Citrus. The citric acid in these fruits makes them an excellent natural remedy for dissolving food debris. As a result, it is possible to get rid of excess fluid, regulate intestinal transit and get rid of constipation. At the same time, citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C. You can make juice from oranges and grapefruits and consume it on an empty stomach. It is best diluted with water.
Fruit with a laxative effect
  • Kiwi. The fruit is high in fiber. Kiwi improves bowel function thanks to the actinidine enzyme. The substance improves the digestion process and reduces increased gas formation. The most effective method is the use of fasting kiwi. This should be done daily. If the specific taste of kiwi is not suitable, then you can combine it with orange juice or add to the smoothie.
  • Grapes
  • Figs It has special properties. Figs are ideal for preventing constipation. Due to its laxative effect, it facilitates the bowel movement. Figs are easily absorbed by the body and protect the stomach. As a result, you can get rid of heartburn.
  • Apricots and peaches. They contain a lot of fiber, sugar and moisture, which helps the formation of soft stools.
  • Avocado. This is an unusually healthy fruit. It contains a lot of fiber and oils, which in their action are similar to olive oil. Eating an avocado with constipation is necessary on an empty stomach.
What fruit acts as a laxative
  • Berries They help fight constipation. They are antioxidants and improve digestion in general. Among them are: strawberries, blackberries, lingonberries and cherries.

To achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to include a lot of fresh fruits in the diet. The more they will be on the table, the less likely the development of diseases of the digestive system. Eating with enough fresh fruits is an excellent prevention of various pathologies, including cancer. In addition, these products perfectly strengthen the immune system.

Terms of use

Fruits acting as a laxative must be included in the diet for people who suffer from constipation. They are eaten 1 hour before a meal, be sure to drink it with water (200 ml). If you follow this advice constantly, then you can quickly free the body from feces.

Too much fruit is not recommended. This can trigger flatulence, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. In order to improve bowel function, it is necessary not only to eat fresh fruits from constipation, but also to observe other rules of proper nutrition:

  • Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • If possible, there should be equal intervals between meals.
  • It is recommended to eat fractionally. In this case, the main meals should be at least 5.
  • It should increase motor activity.

When bowel function is improved, fruits should be included in the daily diet. This is due to their positive properties. Experts advise adults to eat 400 grams of fruit per day. If there are no problems with bowel movements, then they are included in the diet in the morning.

Laxatives with constipation are used not only as a separate product. Many different dishes can be prepared from them.

Useful recipes

Fruits with a laxative effect will benefit the body if you prepare various dishes from them. With regular use, they favorably affect the intestines and overall well-being in general.

To make a fruit salad you will need:

  • Large banana.
  • 200 g of tangerines.
  • Green apple.
  • A little peppermint.

Salad dressing is not needed. Enough juice, which is secreted by the fruit during cooking. All ingredients are thoroughly washed and cut into cubes (circles). Sprinkle with mint and mix in a deep plate. Fruit salad must be infused for 15 minutes. It is advisable to eat a meal between main meals so as not to provoke flatulence.

What fruits are laxatives

Laxative fruits should be eaten daily. They are recommended to be used with kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, flaxseed, oatmeal. Such food favorably affects the digestion process and normalizes stool.

Many people ask what kind of fruit is laxative. This is important to know before cooking compote. To obtain a tasty and healthy drink, you must use the following types of fruits: apple, dried apricots and prunes.

All ingredients must be washed. 10 pcs. dried apricots and prunes soak in warm water for 15 minutes. Apples (2 pcs.) Are not recommended to peel. You need to cut them into medium pieces. Water must be boiled.

Prepared fruits are added to the pan. Enough 150 g of sugar in 3 liters of water. Stewed fruit thoroughly mixed and boiled for 10 minutes. Drink drink during the day. For taste, you can add raisins.

Forbidden fruits

With constant constipation, some of the fruits can have the opposite effect and worsen the situation. These include products containing starch.

Before including laxative fruits for the intestines, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with this list:

  • Bananas Starch in fruits can increase constipation. Overripe bananas weaken, but if you eat a fruit that has a green peel, it will fasten.
  • Cranberry. This berry is one of the leading banned foods for constipation.
  • Garnet. This fruit has a lot of tannins. Grains and broth from the peel are used for diarrhea.
  • Quince. Not only fresh fruit, but jam from it with constipation should not be eaten.
  • Dates. Due to the high starch content, they are also contraindicated.
  • Persimmon. Fruit is not recommended for constipation, because it has an astringent effect.

Before including these fruits in the diet, you need to make sure that there is no negative reaction of the body.

Precautionary measures

Since fruits can cause allergic reactions, they should be treated with caution. When trying a new product, you need to pay attention to the occurrence of negative symptoms (if they are observed). It can be itching, redness and a rash.

Fresh fruits are most dangerous, because after heat treatment they lose many of their properties. High temperature destroys the beneficial components of the fruit and significantly changes its taste.

There are no restrictions on the intake of fruits (except for an allergic reaction). However, the amount of fruit taken must be reduced in the following cases:

  • Recovery of the digestive tract after infection and intoxication.
  • An early period of rehabilitation after surgery on the abdominal organs.
  • Acute lesions of the digestive tract of any origin.

All these features must be considered before moving on to the use of laxative fruits.

Laxatives for children

Useful Tips

If for some time the situation with bowel movements does not improve, then, possibly, constipation is caused by some disease. It needs to be diagnosed and treated.

Here are some tips that can also help relieve constipation:

  • It is important to eat without haste and at certain times.
  • The digestion process begins in the mouth. Saliva includes enzymes that act on food during chewing.
  • It’s best not to eat foods that contain white flour and sugar. They can cause bowel problems.
  • It is necessary to drink enough water, due to which the gastric juice, which is necessary for the digestion process, is dissolved.

All these tips, together with the use of laxative fruits, will help get rid of constipation and improve overall well-being.


The inclusion of a sufficient amount of fruit in the diet will help get rid of various negative symptoms. These include not only constipation. Fruits saturate the body with vitamins, which helps to strengthen the immune system. In addition, they enjoy the meal, as they have excellent taste.

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