Toothpaste with calcium: list, description, rules of use and reviews

Every person respects the rules of personal hygiene, therefore toothpastes are widely distributed in various versions of the composition around the world. Calcium and fluorine provide complete protection against tooth decay, but the latter substance is often questioned by modern researchers, which made it possible to gain popularity only with calcium-containing compounds. Which toothpaste with calcium is the most popular among domestic consumers and why, it will be described below, but first you need to understand other, no less important issues.

Calcium Benefits

It is this substance that is responsible for the strength of bone tissue in the human body, from which teeth also consist. The disadvantage of this compound inevitably leads to the destruction of tooth enamel, the fragility of teeth and the appearance of caries. All this reduces the functionality of the oral cavity and becomes the cause of aching toothaches and increased tooth sensitivity.

Good Calcium Toothpaste

Calcium enters the body mainly with food, but even with its regular use there is no guarantee that all the substance is absorbed and will benefit the person. To speed up the process of mineralization of the teeth and quickly get the effect, it is necessary to act locally.

The benefits of pasta

Toothpastes with calcium help in a short time strengthen tooth enamel, reduce their sensitivity and completely remove all the unpleasant sensations that accompany increased sensitivity. Of course, you can get the result only if you regularly use hygiene products. A decrease in the threshold of sensitivity occurs within a few days and a person can safely eat hot and cold food.

In the initial stages of caries development, when matte stains simply appear on the teeth, calcium toothpaste helps prevent the development of the disease and completely restore demineralized areas.

Particular attention to such hygiene products should be given to citizens living in regions with high concentrations of fluoride in drinking water and those who suffer from fluoride intolerance.

Active substances pastes

Depending on the concentration of the active substance, the products are preventive and therapeutic. As such, the composition is identical, therefore, the choice of paste is based only on the presence of areas of enamel demineralization or their absence.

The onset of carious tooth decay requires an immediate human response. If a similar problem is observed in a child, then you should definitely buy him a children's toothpaste with calcium in order to prevent serious problems in the future.

Calcium Toothpaste

To obtain a result from the use of calcium-containing hygiene products, you should choose a paste only with bioavailable compounds in the composition:

  • hydroxyapatite;
  • calcium salt of citric acid;
  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium salt of lactic acid;
  • calcium pantothenate.

Calcium can also be represented by calcium carbonate, but this substance is an abrasive and does not bear any benefit. Its effect on tooth enamel is carried out only externally, the powder is similar to chalk and is not able to penetrate the tooth tissue. When brushing your teeth with a paste with such a component, microdamages remain on their surface, which only increase the degree of enamel destruction and its sensitivity. A good toothpaste with calcium will never have this substance in its composition and it can only be found in cheap products.

Calcium and Fluoride

Many gullible customers, seeing such a combination of useful compounds as part of a hygiene product, immediately purchase it for personal use. In fact, toothpaste containing both fluorine and calcium at the same time will not bring any benefit to the teeth, since the interaction of these components provokes the formation of insoluble salts. As a result of this procedure, the teeth simply will not receive any trace elements.

To really benefit from the procedure, you should buy a toothpaste with calcium without fluoride.

Selection rules

In general, to really help your teeth become stronger, you need to carefully understand the composition of the future hygiene product and the characteristics of the interaction of its components. If you don’t have time or just desire for it, but you want to use a high-quality and really useful product, then you can simply familiarize yourself with the list of calcium toothpastes prepared by experts and choose the option that is most suitable for a particular case.

Domestic pasta

The Russian company "Splat" is the largest manufacturer of products for comprehensive oral hygiene. Additionally, the company also produces other products, but the main focus is precisely on dental care.

Children's Toothpaste with Calcium

β€œBiocalcium” is a toothpaste containing active calcium. A component is obtained from the shell of eggs, therefore it is completely safe for humans. The second active substance is hydroxyapatite. The compound is an inorganic bone obtained by synthetic means. This component can be safely called the main building material for teeth, therefore, in combination with active calcium, it helps to quickly repair damaged enamel, increase its density and relieve sensitivity.

The product’s benefits include its ability to fill microcracks on the surface of the teeth like a filling. Regular use of the paste noticeably saturates the enamel with minerals, the teeth become whiter, the pH on the mucous membranes in the mouth normalizes and plaque is removed. All this is due to the content of sodium bicarbonate, polydone, papain and a special whitening complex developed by the company.

Such a toothpaste with calcium costs about 150 rubles in any supermarket or pharmacy.


The personal care product from the most popular manufacturer does not contain any dyes, antiseptics and fluoride. The product is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and active calcium. Toothpaste has all the components in an ideal ratio, and the presence of xylitol enhances the anticariotic effect.

Active Calcium Toothpaste

There are still abrasive particles in the paste, but their size is so minimal that even people with increased tooth sensitivity are allowed to use the product.

ROCS Active Calcium is popular with consumers for its good taste and economy. The cost of a tube of 94 g is about 210-250 rubles, which can not be called affordable for everyone. Also among the minuses of the paste, reviews indicate the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate in the composition. This substance negatively affects even the hair, therefore it is not welcomed in shampoos, and in toothpaste it can cause irritation of the mucous membrane in the mouth or allergic reactions.

Product from "President"

Toothpaste from an Italian manufacturer includes calcium pantothenate, papain, glycerophosphate, lactate and xylitol. The last component is responsible for neutralizing the acidic environment in the oral cavity and normalizing the pH level. The substance also destroys caries bacteria. Tooth sensitivity is reduced due to the presence of potassium salt in the paste, and papain accelerates plaque removal.

PresiDENT Unique Calcium Toothpaste can also heal the gums, strengthening them thanks to aloe vera extract and vitamin E. The abrasive substances in the paste are very low, so the product is suitable for daily use. All calcium compounds in the composition are easily absorbed and the paste quickly provides a feeling of cleanliness and smoothness of tooth enamel. You can buy the product at any pharmacy or store at a price of about 200 rubles per package.

Other pastes

An equally popular product among domestic consumers is TianDE Liquid Calcium Paste. Its composition pleasantly freshens the breath, cleanses the surface of the teeth and treats mild inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes. With increased sensitivity of the teeth, it is not recommended to use the product because of the high abrasiveness.

Domestic toothpaste containing calcium, but without fluoride at a low price, presented by the manufacturer "New Pearls". This hygiene product perfectly removes plaque from the teeth, strengthens the enamel and reduces its sensitivity. The taste of the paste is pleasant and fresh.

Calcium toothpastes reviews

Gently takes care of the enamel and cleans it of plaque and tartar paste Himalaya Herbals, which allows beneficial substances to penetrate better into the tissues of the teeth.

Products from the German Elmex brand are represented by lines of toothpastes for both adults and children. Their composition relieves gum inflammation, strengthens the enamel, protects teeth from the appearance of carious formations and whitens them. The abrasive properties are moderate, so the product is not recommended for increased tooth sensitivity.

One of the most popular brands of toothpastes is Colgate. His product "Anti-caries" is aimed at strengthening tooth enamel, gentle cleansing and protection. The paste can be used by all family members over 6 years old.

Tips for maximum effect

For toothpaste with calcium to bring real benefits, it is not enough just to purchase it and use it at your discretion. To increase the effectiveness of dental hygiene products must be used in combination.

What kind of toothpaste with calcium

Before cleaning, flossing is recommended to remove food debris between the teeth. Next, brush your teeth with your chosen paste, but at least 3 minutes. Only during this period the active components of the composition will be able to penetrate into the dental tissue and bring the proper benefits. At the end of the procedure you need to use a rinse aid. To enhance the effect, you can choose a calcium-containing agent or with sodium fluoride in the composition. This substance will help to better absorb calcium from the paste.

Some experts recommend alternating toothpastes with fluoride and calcium - use one in the morning and the other in the evening.

Consumer Opinions

Reviews of toothpastes with calcium are mostly positive. The list of all products with calcium in the composition presented in the article, of course, is not complete and is based on the most popular products.

According to customers, the New Pearl paste is the cheapest option of all the high-quality products on the market. It perfectly cleans the surface of the teeth and has a pleasant mint aroma.

The TianDe Liquid Calcium product is actually a gel, not a paste, so it finds its consumer mainly by this characteristic.

Fluoride-Free Toothpaste with Calcium

The product perfectly cleans and whitens the enamel, but in some cases it can increase the sensitivity of the teeth.

ROCS toothpaste is the most expensive of the options described, but at the same time the most effective. Women note that the tool perfectly restores teeth even after pregnancy.

Despite the recommendations of specialists not to use pastes with the simultaneous content of fluorine and calcium, many still prefer these products. Pastes from Colgate and Blend-a-med manufacturers have good reviews for value for money. Buyers note their pleasant aroma and gentle cleansing.

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