Conspiracy of constipation: ways to get rid of the disease

In today's life, about 50% of adults and more than 25% of children suffer from such a delicate problem as constipation. It’s a shame to even mention such an ailment, so trips to the doctor can be delayed for a long time.

The danger of constipation, how to get rid of it, and what conspiracies help to relieve it, you will learn from this article.

What is dangerous stool delay

Constipation is not considered a disease in itself, but they can significantly poison a person’s life. If it is not possible to go to the toilet, pain occurs in the lower abdomen, gas formation increases, migraines and bad breath manifest themselves. All this does not add to the patient a good mood and is a sign of serious poisoning of the body.

conspiracy from constipation to read for yourself

With insufficient water intake, feces can damage the walls of the rectum. You can only find out what happened by looking at the used toilet paper or at a doctor’s appointment.

Chronic constipation can lead to anal fissures, hemorrhoids and prolapse of the rectal area. Without proper treatment, these problems can lead to surgical intervention.

All of the above symptoms are dangerous in that they worsen each other's course.

Psychosomatic roots of the problem

Constipation can be a consequence of not only an improper lifestyle, but also a reaction of the body to stress or a change in habits.

mood from constipation prayer conspiracies and charms

Frequent change of scenery, constant cries and nervousness, inability to relax, even at home provoke constipation. Also, this ailment can be a consequence of the patient’s nature: excessive stubbornness, isolation, anger and the habit of fear do not contribute to emptying.

With the manifestation of constipation, it is worth paying attention not only to the diet, but also to the lifestyle in general. A more positive attitude can alleviate your problem or even heal you.

Who is at risk?

Undoubtedly, any person at least once in his life suffered from constipation, however, some segments of the population are particularly susceptible to this problem.

At risk are:

  • The people of old age.
  • Excluded activity from life.
  • Bedridden patients.
  • Using many diets without fiber.
  • Consuming little water.
  • Cancer patients in the treatment of chemistry.
  • Consuming sedatives and painkillers.
  • Pregnant and lactating.
  • Children with an unbalanced diet.

How to alleviate the condition?

With prolonged constipation, pain in the abdomen can become almost unbearable. A person begins to rush around the apartment or office and does not know where to put himself.

In this case, it is not enough to take an anesthetic, because it will not solve the problem. The best way out is to take a laxative and light gymnastics.

Before starting exercise, drink a glass or two of plain water at room temperature. Then do a few bends to the sides to help the water pass into the intestines faster.

conspiracies to read constipation

Sit upright, preferably on a chair or chair with armrests. Start slowly twisting the body to the sides, helping yourself with your hands. This simple exercise gently massages the intestines, pushing the stool.

It can also be performed on the toilet. Twisting is extremely effective for constipation, as it helps the intestines to work.

In addition to medicines and physical education, you can be helped by constipation amulets, prayers, conspiracies and the mood to win. But these non-traditional ways of help have certain rules and conditions.

Lunar phase and conspiracy

If it comes to a conspiracy affecting health, then the right attitude may not be enough. At the very least, you need to consider the lunar phases, which greatly affect the power of the plot.

So, you want to read the conspiracy plot itself for a child or yourself - not so important. When is it worth it?

There are four generally accepted lunar phases: a waning moon, a moonless moon, a growing moon and a full moon. Health conspiracies are read on the full moon or on the growing moon, since growth symbolizes an increase in something. In that case, if you want to add to your health, then there is no better time than the first half of the lunar month.


It is quite another thing when a conspiracy against constipation is read. If you read on the rising moon, you risk not only not getting rid of the problem, but also increasing it.

Why is this happening? The logic is simple: the waning moon increases, the waning decreases. To reduce chair retention, you need to read the plot on the waning moon. Often in conspiracies, even a temporary condition flickers: the chair normalizes when there is no moon in the sky.

Giving your conspiracy a similar reference to time, you increase its power and specify the request for the Universe. You can read the conspiracy conspiracy yourself or ask loved ones to pronounce it for you. It will also have a positive effect on a delicate problem.

Conspiracy against constipation in a child

It is quite difficult for children to make herbal decoctions and pills that can alleviate their condition. A child may simply not understand why he should drink something tasteless.

In this case, it is worth taking light quality honey. Dissolve one spoonful of it in warm water and give the child a drink on an empty stomach. He certainly will not refuse sweet water.

When the child is drinking, say: "Like birds and animals, my blood has no problems, no constipation, no pain. Mother water, wash all evil without a trace!".

This conspiracy conspiracy can be repeated as much as you like, until improvements occur. He begins to act after the third day of reading.

Conspiracy against constipation baby

Honey is a strong allergen, so it should not be given to infants. Accordingly, the constipation plot described above is not suitable for infants.

Stool retention in infants is an extremely common problem that bothers many parents. With the introduction of complementary foods, stool retention can reach up to three days. To cope with childhood constipation, doctors advise giving the child more water and prescribe laxatives. Parents, in turn, can use the plot for constipation.


It is read at the moment when the child is sleeping. Bare the baby's stomach and begin to stroke it clockwise with massage movements. When you feel that you need to start reading the conspiracy, say: “May my darling darling remain healthy and her illness subside. Let (name) go to the toilet without pain and blood. As I said, it will be so!”

Quick conspiracies

In addition to complex and effective conspiracy against constipation, you can use simpler ones. They will not be as strong, but with frequent repetition they grow like a snowball.

  1. Having seen the bowel movements, spit over your left shoulder and say: "And I will walk like that with ease!".
  2. When you see large birds walking, for example, geese or ducks, say: "Go (birds), go geese, go ducks. They do not stop anywhere, do not stop. Such is their fate, to go without delay, without stopping!".
  3. Each time you drink water or herbal infusion, say in front of it: "Open what is closed!". These same words can be said when opening any locks, while thinking about your problem.

If you suffer from chronic constipation, then conspiracies can alleviate your condition and normalize stool. This requires combining reading with the use of large amounts of fiber and water, which stimulate peristalsis. Use all kinds of conspiracies that you like.


Anyway, focusing on a problem activates the body's internal forces to combat it. Our subconscious mind takes care of the body in a way that our mind cannot. A positive attitude and confidence that the problem will be solved is very important.

Stool Delay Prevention

So, what to do so that constipation is forever gone? How to achieve regular stool without pain and complications? You can, of course, endlessly read conspiracies from constipation, but they are only a temporary method to eliminate the problem.

To normalize stool, doctors recommend reconsidering their lifestyle. First of all, you need to make sure that you are drinking enough water. The norm is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight, with constipation it can be increased. Daily use of two glasses of water on an empty stomach can have a serious positive effect on the whole body.


Every day your menu should contain sources of coarse fiber: fruits and vegetables, cereals, cereals. The exception is rice, since it has a fastening property and is not recommended for use with constipation.

Do not forget about exercise. They not only make your blood run faster through the body, but also provide more active bowel function.

But get involved in drugs is not worth it. While painkillers only mask the problem, laxatives and enemas can also harm. With prolonged use, they create the effect of a "lazy intestine" that is unable to defecate on its own.

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