Many people consume a flavored drink that tastes like coffee. Such lovers, of course, would like to know how soluble chicory is useful for the body.
A soluble mixture is a great help for those who suffer from hypertension and stomach diseases, but are not used to doing without a cup of coffee in the morning. Patients with these diagnoses decide not to take caffeine and choose chicory as an alternative.
In the old days, 20% of chicory roots were mixed with coffee grains and brewed in a coffee maker. Such a recipe will help to make a gradual transition from one drink to another.
Chicory - a herbaceous plant
In order to consider the beneficial properties of soluble chicory, it would be nice to familiarize yourself with the raw materials from which it is made. Common chicory - a perennial tall plant, with pale blue flowers. It is not rich in leaves, but blooms very abundantly and is considered an excellent honey plant.
Of greatest interest is the root. In its form, it resembles a spindle; it is from it that a valuable drink is obtained. It is rational that it is large and fleshy.
Valuable grass is growing everywhere. It can be found on the desert mounds and on the road. Mass cultivation of chicory in the fields is also practiced in order to obtain the roots of this plant.
Useful properties of chicory root
What soluble chicory is useful for is the vital biological substances contained in the roots of the plant from which it is obtained. They include vitamins PP, B2, A, C, as well as useful elements such as manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and iron. Due to the abundance of such components, the drink is used as a tonic.
Chicory root also contains other nutrients: choline, pectin, lactin, sugar, intibin, organic acids, protein compounds, ascorbic acid and tannins,
The earthy part of the plant is enriched with milk liquid and has a bitter taste. Therefore, a similar taste is present in soluble chicory powder. Is the product from it useful for sick people?
Since ancient times, the root has been used to increase appetite and improve digestion. In folk medicine, it is used to normalize metabolism, with diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines and colds. Chicory root has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and slightly laxative effects.
Some studies have shown that the lower part of the plant can have a sedative and astringent effect.
The presence of inulin in the roots of chicory is of great importance. This substance is contained in them from 60 to 80%, depending on where the grass grows. In particular, because of this element, chicory has found its application in medicine.
It should be ascertained whether beneficial properties for the organism are preserved in chicory soluble in the same composition as in the roots of the plant itself. To do this, consider the manufacturing process of the mixture.
How to get soluble chicory
Chicory powder is obtained in the process of grinding and drying the roots. It is replete with beneficial properties and is more used for medical purposes.
The technology for the preparation of soluble chicory consists of several stages. The root mixture of the plant is exposed to high temperatures. The harm and benefits of the drink will depend on what treatment it has experienced.
Sublimated chicory is prepared using a new method. It is obtained by thickening extraction and spray drying. In a similar way, you can make a powdered mass at home. Cut and roasted root is passed through a coffee machine.
Which chicory is more useful
Which drink turns out to be better depends to a greater extent on what purpose the person pursues. People suffering from hypertension and certain heart conditions may be better served with a soluble fried drink. This will satisfy their emotional needs, as they would not like to part with coffee drinks. If a person wants to improve the functioning of his digestive system, then an ordinary root powder will serve him as a medicine.
Unroasted chicory powder is the most healthy product made from the roots of a plant. All useful substances are stored in it. But for people who need a coffee substitute, it will not work, because it does not have the desired aroma.
Liquid chicory is considered a budget option. It is stored longer, so it can be bought in large containers at a bargain price.
Soluble chicory, whose beneficial properties are slightly less, has an amazing aroma and excellent taste.
Sublimated chicory has recently appeared on store shelves. In this instant drink, all useful elements and vitamins are maximally preserved, since it was exposed to low temperature conditions. It has a lighter color.
It should be noted that the darker the powder, the less useful properties in it.
How to choose soluble chicory
To protect yourself from low-quality products, you need the following actions:
- Buy the product only in sealed packaging, preferably in a vacuum.
- Pay attention to the composition. The benefit will be only if there is a real chicory root, and not its extract. Many manufacturers add flavorings and other chemical impurities, trying to veil substandard products. Sometimes, in order to save chicory, it is diluted with some natural powdery ingredients. But after this, the drink no longer carries its value.
- Carefully consider the soluble mixture. There should be no lumps in it. Qualitative mass, as a rule, homogeneous and dry.
- The naturalness of the product can be checked by dissolving it in a spoon of warm water. Chicory has its own specific smell, which would be nice to remember. The feeling of fullness in the taste is an indicator of a natural product. The bitter drink has a slight sweetness.
How to check the product for quality
Many producers manage to add chopped and fried cereal grains to chicory. To identify the quality of the powder mass, you can conduct an experiment:
- Pour water into two glasses.
- Pour a spoonful of natural chicory into one, and mix the seeds with the other.
- Add a few drops of iodine to each of them.
In a glass with natural chicory, iodine is not stained. Where cereal supplements are located, it acquires a blue-violet hue.
What is beneficial chicory soluble for the body
For a person in good health, chicory will be an excellent preventive and restorative remedy. If everything is in order in the body, then the drink will not cause any side effects. Due to the large amount of vitamins, the soluble mixture provides protection against infections, because it strengthens the immune system. Its use also has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. How useful is medicinal soluble chicory?
- The presence of iron in the product is a big plus for those who need to increase hemoglobin.
- The thiamine located in the root of the plant supports the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.
- Chicory contributes to normal blood sugar levels due to the inulin content. During hydrolysis, chicory turns into fructose and sucrose. People suffering from initial forms of diabetes are advised to consume it regularly. At the same time, the glycemic index does not rise. There is a sweet taste in chicory, which allows some to refuse to add sugar to the drink.
- Pectin (soluble fiber) is able to dissolve blood sugar. It, like inulin, is useful for diabetics.
- Cleanses the body of toxic substances.
- Promotes the proper functioning of the digestive system. Inulin is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora. It nourishes the important bacteria that inhabit it. The metabolic processes in the human body correctly occur due to the presence of inulin.
- Doctors believe that the instant drink is aimed at the elderly, for the reason that caffeine is contraindicated for them.
From the above facts, we can conclude that soluble chicory is useful for the human body. Than to rush to buy a vitamin complex, you can just make this fragrant drink in your diet.
Benefits for the female body
What is beneficial chicory soluble for the woman’s body, the following statements will show:
- As a rule, women tend to accumulate more fat cells than men. Chicory produces a cleansing effect, due to which the breakdown of fats occurs. The drink reduces hunger, and this, in turn, is the prevention of cellulite.
- Which girl would not like to have beautiful skin? Folic acid has been proven to have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Just the root of chicory is rich in such a substance.
- For expectant mothers, a pleasant drink will provide invaluable support. It will relieve heartburn and alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis. The fact that chicory normalizes the formation of blood cells will benefit not only the pregnant woman, but also the unborn baby.
What is beneficial chicory soluble for men
Is the drink suitable for the strong half of humanity? In its qualities, soluble chicory is good for men. The beneficial properties of the drink are especially important for the elderly. Age-related changes entail a number of problems of a urological nature. The drink will complement the main treatment for such diseases. For prevention, you need to use it for a long time.
The abundance of trace elements and vitamins has a positive effect on potency, as it produces a healing effect. The constant use of chicory tones and supports the male body as a whole and is a great alternative for gourmets who do not want to give up the taste of coffee.
Although the beneficial properties and contraindications of soluble chicory are determined by the process of preparing the product, there are still significant reasons to refuse it.
- Soluble chicory is noted as a vasodilator. It is contraindicated in diseases such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids, as well as in vascular pathology.
- With exacerbation of the digestive system.
- Diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
- It is worth giving up the drink during stress and insomnia, as well as if the patient is taking sedatives.
- It is not recommended to drink a medicinal soluble drink more than 2 times a day.
- Asthma and chronic bronchitis.
An insufficient amount of vitamins in the body is dangerous to health. But an overabundance of the most useful substance can also do tremendous harm. It would be good for everyone to know what substances are missing in his body. It is important to periodically do surveys, and then draw up your diet. The consumption of any natural product needs a measure. If there are any diseases, then before you buy chicory, you must consult a doctor.
Nevertheless, what outweighs soluble chicory is beneficial properties or contraindications. Reviews of some people will help to make an objective conclusion.
Some doctors find the chicory drink unfairly forgotten. Their statements say that the body needs to be replenished with inulin. This substance serves as a necessary natural energetic. In their opinion, chicory positively affects the central nervous system.
People with diabetes respond well to the chicory of soluble Fitodar with hawthorn. There are opinions that after drinking the drink a headache started, which was accompanied by irritability. Some have too much pressure and arrhythmia.
Is it possible to give a drink from chopped chicory root to children
Some parents are concerned that in kindergartens a powdered drink is present in the diets of children. Are there really reasons to worry? What is beneficial chicory soluble for the child?
- First of all, it should be noted that it stimulates the absorption of lactic acids. For children, this adjuvant is often necessary due to the use of dairy products. In children's institutions, milk and dairy products, of course, occupy their proper place.
- In the midst of colds, chicory will provide reliable protection, because it will give the child the required amount of ascorbic acid.
- Increased appetite is an important factor. Many children, being without parents, get used to the new environment poorly, and this affects food. As already mentioned, a mixture of the roots of a medicinal plant increases appetite and promotes proper absorption of food.
- A lot of sweets are contraindicated for some children. Sweet chicory soluble in taste can please the child and partially satisfy his need.
You can not give a drink before 2 years. Older children should be taught to use chicory gradually. If a child is happy to drink a soluble mixture, then the next time you can safely pour more. Often, the child’s body itself dictates what it requires. If the baby did not like the drink, then you do not need to force it.
When it is customary in the family to drink coffee together, then a small child can be given chicory instead.
How to make a delicious chicory drink
Sometimes on sale you can find finely chopped chicory. It can be crushed in a blender and then brewed in the usual way.
Pour chicory into a metal container, bring to a boil and boil for another 3 minutes.
The instant drink in preparation is the most convenient. It is brewed with milk or condensed milk is added. For more pleasure, dilute with various juices.
The best option would be to cook chicory in a Turk. It is poured with sugar and put on medium heat. When the foam rises, the Turk is removed from the stove. Then reduce the temperature of the fire and return the container back. Bring to a boil again.
From the foregoing it is clear: chicory is useful, like any other product of natural origin. Each person must independently decide on its use, taking into account the state of their health. It is important to take into account two factors: how soluble chicory is useful for the body and what harm it can cause. Since everything is very individual, it would be wise to consult with your doctor.