What macroeconomics and microeconomics study: examples

How and what does macroeconomics and microeconomics study ? These are simple sciences. But in order to deal with them, you should give them enough time. Now let's get down to what macroeconomics and microeconomics are studying.

what studies macroeconomics and microeconomics

What is microeconomics?

This name is for the part of economic theory that is engaged in the study of economic processes at the level of individual entities. The central problem for this science is the analysis of factors that affect pricing.

The founder of microeconomics is Alfred Marshall. He assured that the greatest interest in the framework of this science was represented by supply, factors and demand. He paid considerable attention to the laws of their formation, analysis and problems. To better understand the topic, let's look at examples of microeconomics in parallel.

examples of microeconomics

What and how?

Much in microeconomics depends on demand. This is the name of the value of units purchased over a specific period of time from the prices at which the product is sold. In other words, it is a quantitative expression of products that a consumer can afford for a certain amount of time. This interpretation was given by the English economist Thomas Malthus.

This situation is affected by a fairly large number of factors, the most important of which is price. The law of demand was derived from this: the higher the cost of a particular product, the less they buy it. Pay attention to the specifics of microeconomics! She is not interested in the situation in general, but in specific indicators of certain products, individual enterprises and households.

So, microeconomics studies consumer tastes, fashion for goods, incomes, prices, seasonality, expectations and structural changes in the population. Not in general, but of individual subjects of economic activity or markets. If we talk about examples of microeconomics, then we can consider the activities of a particular enterprise or household - this will be the best illustration of what this science does.

macroeconomic challenges

What is macroeconomics?

She is studying the functioning of the national economic sector as a whole. It arose in the period of the 30s of the last century. Its founder is John Keynes. The tasks of macroeconomics are as follows:

  • Work to increase real gross domestic product.
  • Provide high employment.
  • Work on a stable or smoothly rising price level.

Macroeconomic models help to achieve the set objectives. Through them, the calculation of providing the population with services and goods is carried out. In addition, macroeconomic modeling allows the development of strategies to achieve low unemployment and high employment. These indicators are cyclical, but the task of the government and major economic operators is to optimize them at different phases.

But the most interesting macroeconomics is precisely the state. He has at his disposal the necessary tools, thanks to which it can influence economic activity. Most attention is paid to:

  1. Fiscal policy. In practice, it turns around the manipulation of fiscal rates to influence the current economic situation.
  2. Monetary policy. It is carried out by manipulation in the financial system.
  3. Foreign economic policy. A series of actions aimed at increasing net exports.
  4. Trade policy. This includes quotas, tariffs and other regulatory instruments that may affect exports and / or imports.
  5. Income policy. Certain actions that are aimed at containing inflation by prescriptive methods.

macroeconomic models

Features of Macroeconomics

The specificity of this science is that it is widely used aggregation, which allows us to consider the economy as a whole. An example of the most commonly used indicators is the average price level, GDP, market interest rate, GNP, level of employment, inflation and unemployment, as well as other other characteristics of the current state of affairs.

For the convenience of studying and forecasting, in addition to modeling, methods are also widely used. So, scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, economic and mathematical regulation and others are most widely used. So we briefly examined what macroeconomics and microeconomics are studying.

what studies macroeconomics and microeconomics


Of course, to understand these sciences, reading one article is not enough. Just memorizing information is not enough. In this case, you also need to take care to understand it. But what macroeconomics and microeconomics studies is very useful. This knowledge will be useful in life.

The first science provides information useful for those who want to make a political career. Thanks to them, it will be possible to successfully manage the state or just a very large company. Microeconomics will serve those who want to become an entrepreneur, but at the same time have no hope of creating a huge transnational corporation.

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