When the relationship is just beginning, many try to find out if there is a compatibility between the partners of the zodiac signs in love and marriage. After all, this will help to immediately determine whether the outcome of these meetings will be positive and whether it is worth dreaming of a happy life together. And horoscopes help to understand this, describing all the nuances. Most often, these are simple and understandable lists of information, using which a person can understand how compatible he is with a partner.
Horoscope purpose
The main purpose of assessing the correlation of zodiac signs in love is to analyze and describe possible options for the development of relations between representatives of different sexes by date of birth. There are twelve different characters that create many variations of combinations between two people. Description of the main character traits and other characteristics of the zodiac allows you to analyze the relationship, provide for the possible development of relations and figure out what to expect from a partner.
General information and natal chart
Calculating the ratio of zodiac signs in love is quite simple. The main thing is that partners either have similar characters, or do not belong to the same even component of the horoscope. This can be seen on the natal chart. There is also a division into four elements.
If partners are in a positive combination, their compatibility will also be quite high. It is understood that the representatives of Fire and Air, Water and Earth converge well. If partners belong to one element or complement each other's elements, then they always have a chance to build a strong and reliable alliance. The natal chart shows the position of the planets and signs at the time of birth and is able to tell a lot about a person.
An analysis of the data obtained through such astrological calculations allows us to predict the development of relations between people. It is not enough to know only the ratio of the zodiac signs in love, it is worth seeing the full picture that the natal chart represents. After all, it is necessary to understand what kind of life partners people are looking for. So, for example, for men, Venus and the Moon are responsible for selecting a partner, and women should focus on Mars and the Sun.
Why do you need a horoscope
Every adult dreams that sooner or later in his life will appear his companion, with whom you can go on a life path. This person will help to overcome all difficulties and obstacles on the way, share happiness and joy. The ratio of the zodiac signs in love can help not only unravel whether the partners are suitable for each other, but also show the way to those who are just looking for their love.
Having learned about its compatibility, it is already much easier to understand who is worthy of attention, and who is better not to waste time and energy, because in the end there will be only quarrels and misunderstandings. Naturally, there are exceptions in all the rules, and there are couples who have built strong and happy unions in spite of all the predictions of astrologers. But these are isolated cases, and their union was not so simple for them. Most likely, both partners try daily to maintain a strong relationship. And love is that feeling to which no horoscope is a hindrance.
Compatibility of the zodiac signs in love: man
Representatives of the stronger sex, depending on their sign, have a unique temperament, each of them has its own specifics of relationships with ladies. A horoscope will help you understand what your preferences are in love and family relationships.
If you know in advance what a guy expects from his beloved, what attracts him to her and what is important to him, then building a relationship is much easier. The soul of the other is dark, but the horoscope helps to slightly open the curtain of mystery and talks about the main features of a man and his preferences.
Compatibility of the zodiac signs in love: woman
Thanks to love astrology, a man can better understand his chosen one. Find out what kind of character she has, what she likes in intimate caresses and what she expects from family life. Representatives of the fair sex are very subtle natures and it is not so simple to understand their crude and masculine thinking.
The horoscope will help you understand what you have in common, how best to care for and what difficulties in the relationship partners may encounter. If you carefully study the natal chart of the chosen one, you can not only find a special approach to it, but also avoid stupid mistakes in building relationships.
How do representatives of different signs behave
- Aries - open, emotional, sincere. If the representative of this sign fell in love, he is very gentle, attentive to the chosen one, but this is not able to hide his inner strength and determination. Aries can have a good relationship with a person who has a rich inner world and has a fine mental organization.
- Taurus is practical and serious. Experiencing tender feelings, they are very concerned about their partner, but at the same time they are persistent and purposeful. Representatives of this sign usually immediately make plans for a serious relationship, and will be able to create a good alliance with earth and water signs.
- The twins are very windy and unpredictable. They will give novelty and celebration to their chosen one, but at the same time they should not be given serious responsibility. Good relations among representatives of this sign will develop with a person who has the same temperament as they do.
- Crayfish are distinguished by sophistication in matters of the heart, they surprisingly combine sensuality and prudence. With their loved one, they are ready to chat about anything, and if a person can wait until Cancer begins to trust him, he will see how good the representatives of this sign are in everything. They are well compatible with representatives of the elements of Water and Earth.
- Lions are very amorous, generous and serious. But for them it is very important to be a leader in the family, and not everyone is ready to give up the reins of government. They will be able to build relationships with representatives of Fire and Air.
- Virgo prefer friendship and partnership, so they do not try to have free relations without obligations. Windy and dreamy people are completely unsuitable for them.
- Scales perfectly adapt to any conditions, so they can build relationships with anyone. But they will be most comfortable with representatives of the elements of Fire or Air.
- Scorpios are looking for a faithful companion and are very meticulous about their partner. These jealous people get along well with representatives of the Earth and Water.
- Sagittarius are amorous and active, very charming. Their love of freedom and independence limits a number of partners suitable for them, only full mutual understanding can keep the representative of this sign in one place and with one person.
- Capricorns are very serious and like to think things through in advance. They can build good relations with people of earth and water signs.
- Aquarians are very active and vibrant, therefore they need a partner - a representative of the elements of Fire or Air.
- Fish are dreamy and airy, they will be most comfortable with solid and strong-willed people.
Here is such a compatibility of the zodiac signs in love.