Goddess of fate in the beliefs of different nations

For a long time people were sure that their life was supervised from above. Goddesses of fate were almost all nations. They were worshiped, tried to get their support, grab happiness by the tail. It is interesting to look at what the goddesses of fate are from the point of view of modern man. Their characteristics clearly demonstrate the fears and hopes of our common ancestors. Let's get acquainted with the beliefs of different nations.

goddess of fate

The goddess of fate among the Greeks

In pagan beliefs it was customary to divide the highest power, it was not given to one deity. The goddess of fate among the Greeks is not one. These moirs are certain entities that did not even submit to Zeus. Scientists are still arguing about their true nature, and ordinary people believed that they could not escape from their tenacious hands. It will happen exactly what is predetermined. Moir reckoned with the dark forces. They brought to life hardships and trials. Only rare favorites received gifts from the goddess of fate. In ancient Greece, sacrifices were made, intended to appease the inhabitants of heaven. Plato, talking about moira, called them sisters, weaving the threads of existence. One dominates the past, the second dominates the present, the latter subordinates the future. This trinity sits at the wheel of fate and spins the threads on which people are suspended. No one can break these ties. The ancient Greeks gave civilization such a concept as rock, that is, inevitability. According to their beliefs, it is impossible to leave fate, it will certainly overtake the rebellious poor fellow. Have you tried to resist?

goddess of fate among the Greeks

Roman goddess of fate

This ancient people gave their descendants a more optimistic view of the world. Their fortune has now become a household name. The Romans were convinced that fate was changeable, it was not static, like the Greeks. Bring luck to yourself - and you will prosper, scare away happiness - misfortunes will break out. This is a completely different view of the universe, not so painful. Maybe that's why he is more popular in modern society. Fortune favors millions of people today. Not only how to attract the eyes of this goddess of fate, to keep her attention, teach all kinds of schools: psychological, esoteric, financial and so on. Probably in marketing they don’t talk about the goddess herself, but they fully exploit the idea. The Romans gave humanity confidence in their abilities. Unlike the Greeks, they did not give up everything to the higher beings, leaving a chance for the individual to influence his life. Fortune is reputed and is now known for its capricious disposition, impulsiveness and windiness. They say that she has a female face and character. However, with this goddess of fate one can get along, and the Moira had only to obey.

roman goddesses of fortune

Scandinavian myths

Norns are goddesses of fate. There are three of them, like the Greeks. Each is responsible for its part of the time: Urd - the past, Verdani - the present, Skuld - the future. According to the beliefs of the Scandinavians, these divine entities cannot influence fate, they only read them. Sometimes they give a person a danger sign. The goddesses of fate live at the source of Urd and look after the tree of the universe. Each morning begins with the fact that they sprinkle moisture on its roots, thereby supporting the existence of the universe. It was believed that the Yggdrasil tree is the essence of the universe. If it perishes, then life will cease altogether. The ancient Scandinavians did not ask for the mercy of the Norn, but sought communication with these goddesses. If you tried, you could find out about what was destined. And now there are all sorts of fortunetelling, based on such a legend.

goddess of fate among the Slavs

Great mother of the Slavs

Our ancestors had a completely different attitude to fate. According to their beliefs, the goddess cannot be evil, obey the dark forces. The word Makosh comes from the confluence of ma and kosh. The first particle denotes the mother of the whole nation, the second - destiny. Its essence is caring for people, it does not oversee them, but helps to solve pressing problems, affectionately cares for. The goddess of fate among the Slavs lives in heaven. She has assistants, with whom she looks after her wards. They sit in heaven and spin the threads of fate, giving them to every person. Makosh is also considered the mistress of nature. She, as the Slavs believed, is able to make the land fertile, to help grow a large crop, get offspring, and so on. Honored her every month. By the way, the people of Makosh enjoyed respect, and did not cause fear, which distinguishes the goddess from her foreign goods. One can argue with one’s mother, prove one’s right, and not even submit sometimes, but one cannot but honor her for kindness and wisdom.


We very briefly got acquainted with the characters of deities born of the imagination of various peoples. But this is enough to start discussing how people differ from each other. Current generations are the fruit of yesterday’s traditions. It is impossible to quickly change what people have believed for millennia. But we live in a global world, the planet has become very small, peoples are interdependent. And you have to put up, find common ground. And of considerable importance in solving this difficult task is the understanding of where our deep views came from.

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