The same grass (plant): photo, magical properties, value

Not all ancient names are known to us now. Now, when you hear the words “overpowered grass,” what comes to mind? Most of the population is at a loss. But in fact, they know this whole plant, have seen it many times, admired its modest charm. This is a water lily. It is also called the "bathing place" or "water lumbago." This plant is extraordinary. We’ll talk about this.

Where does the name come from?

There is a belief that a grass-slide literally matches its name. It has long been endowed with the most magical properties. After all, our ancestors in many, even completely ordinary, phenomena saw "evil spells." They simply could not be explained. Diseases or fires in their view were caused not by physiological or natural factors, but by evil forces, sorcerers or witches. The grass-grass helped save and protect (photo is presented in this article). She was endowed with the most incredible properties. This, in principle, is understandable. After all, a modest plant shows true heroism, raising its magnificent flowers from under the water. Our ancestors thought that since it can overcome pressure, giving birth to incredible beauty, it means that magic of incredible power lurks in it. Used it in different ways. It was important to find the pond where the swimsuit grows. Then it was already possible to decide which part of it you need at the moment.

over grass

What to collect for magical use?

Look at what parts the same grass consists of (photo below). Like others, this representative of the flora has stems and root, leaves and flowers. It must be immediately reported that any part is used in magic. Some farmers even collected seeds. Special potions were prepared from them. In addition, parts of the plant were used for treatment. For example, the grass-over went to the preparation of potions for pain, insomnia, and temperature. The ancient "cosmetologists" also loved the bathing room. She helped rid the beauties of acne and annoying freckles. The incredible charm of tender petals, it seemed to them, passed onto the skin of trembling beauties, making them even more attractive and desirable for the opposite sex.

overpowered grass

Application for protection

From time immemorial, it was believed that the grass slide was a talisman. It was customary to keep her in the house so that evil did not cross his threshold. People firmly believed that the plant affects all evil, forcing it to flee to the underworld. Our ancestors were sure that a delicate flower can save them from any misfortune, whether it concerns their body or spirit. Even the shepherds were charged with the duty of going around the herd with the root of the barn in their hands. According to popular belief, such a simple ritual protected cattle from loss or pestilence. It is interesting that travelers made special "charmed" incense with this plant. People believed that such an amulet not only protected on the road, but also led to good luck, helped to achieve goals, gain joy. When it came to evil spells, the grass-grass was definitely mentioned. The amulet with its use was made both for warriors and for children, to save the family and attract love. In almost all areas of life, this flower has been used.

How to prepare a talisman on the road

You will need a small bag on a cord. Take a small piece of water lily root. On the growing moon, say the following words to him: “I will go through the fields, everywhere there is a new earth. I’ll go through the mountains and overcome all the fences. By morning dew and evening thunderstorms. On star roads, sunny trails, cloudy peaks, lunar valleys. The same grass is a plant of strength, it will lead away the shadows of the grave from me, it will bring good luck, it will lead to good! Said - sealed! Do not develop, do not dispel, measure one fate! ”Immediately put the spine in a bag. The amulet is ready. Of course, you can speak for yourself, but it’s better if this is done by a sincere person with a loving heart. Usually mothers prepared a talisman for their sons, and wives - for husbands.

over grass photo

Mermaid flower

There were other beliefs about this plant. It was believed that the same grass grew in the habitats of water sorceresses. Mermaids splashed and frolic among the flowers, receiving from them their magical powers. Single guys were not recommended to swim in ponds strewn with water lilies in the full moon. They said that mermaids could steal their heart. Terrible legends were also told about drowned men, whom magical beauties with fish tails lured into swampy whirlpools and left them forever for their own delight. Nevertheless, it was at such a “dangerous” time that the guy had to pick up magical flowers if he wanted to use them to attract the girl he liked. For this, grass was needed. Its significance in love rituals is still great today.

over grass value

Water lilies and love spells

You need to go to the pond in the full moon and collect the hidden buds. They do not like nights. After sunset, the flowers close and go deep. The guy needs to pick three buds. In order not to succumb to the temptation of mermaids, who, according to beliefs, will surely try to enchant him, well done must always think about his beloved. Old men said that water virgins are extremely jealous and touchy. Realizing that they didn’t cause admiration for the guy whose heart was occupied by another, they began to be naughty, trying to drown the "hunter". The collected buds must be taken home immediately and placed in a container of water. They insisted for three days. The girl was offered to drink water. It was believed that such a "potion" could soften her heart.

For family well-being

Married women were supposed to use the same grass on the farm. Flour from its roots was used to make bread. They also gradually poured it into the dough, saying: “I put up fences from pestilence and shame, from drought and separation, from a quarrel. From evil eyes, from fierce enemies, from a forest witch. Defeat all the grass. Let’s not let you go to the house! ”It was customary to decorate household utensils with carvings with ornaments that used the image of a bathing suit. It was said that her image protects cattle and the yard. And children's clothes were decorated with appropriate embroidery. The same patterns could be seen on the curtains and bedding. The needlewomen were supposed to say when embroidering: “Defeat all the misfortunes, let us be happy!” And, of course, water lilies, like other magical herbs, were collected on Ivan Kupala. Bouquets decorated the house. And in the evening, some of them were thrown into a fire to protect the settlement from otherworldly forces with fragrant smoke. The remaining herbs were dried and used to prepare decoctions, treatments and charms.

magical herbs

Use in cosmetics and medicine

Today, not many believe in magic. Herbs are considered an excellent source of trace elements and vitamins. They are used not in magic rituals, but in medical and cosmetic procedures. The leotard is no exception. Of course, to prepare potions, picking herbs on your own is not necessary. You can buy in a pharmacy. For example, a decoction from a leotard will help against toothache. It is also recommended to drink it in case of poisoning. It helps cleanse the body of poisons. People suffering from depression or prone to nervous breakdowns are prescribed as a sedative. Water lily extract is used for the production of sleeping pills. If you insist on the roots of hot beer, you get a great hair firming agent. They rinse the curls after applying the shampoo. Loss in this way can be significantly stopped, and hair growth can be stimulated. Interestingly, the dried ground rhizomes were brewed, while receiving an original drink, a bit like coffee.

overseas grass plant

Different interpretation

In some regions and regions, completely different plants were considered to be grass. At the same time, they were charged with the same properties as described above. These herbs helped drive out evil forces, defend themselves from magical and witchcraft charms. For example, sainfoin sandy or cyanosis blue people also called overgrown grass. Each of the plants made up their own legends. So, it was believed that cyanosis is born from the laughter of a child. It was customary to put her flowers in the pillows of infants, so that they protected his calm sleep. And the newlyweds must have put the bouquet under the mattress. It was believed that it helps to conceive a healthy baby. Yes, there was a lot more that could be done, if you believe in oral folk art, grass-loving. Fern is also sometimes called that. In addition, it was used to protect the well-being and search for treasures.

fern grass

I must say that in different areas under the same grass understood their magic plant. This did not prevent people from believing in its magical qualities and using them for their own benefit. Yes, and now many are happy to receive a gift amulet, stylized as a water lily. Her image attracts and attracts with purity and reverent tenderness. It’s as if in our blood there lives some, as yet incomprehensible, knowledge inherited from our ancestors.

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