Prioksky State University: history of creation and reorganization

Not so long ago, Prioksky State University functioned in the city of Orel . It was a large university with a huge number of students. Now this institution is not written in the media, not mentioned in television broadcasts. However, the history of the university has been preserved. Today it is part of the history of the Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev.

How it all started

The history of Prioksky State University began in the 50s of the last century. The educational institution was opened in the city of Orel. It was not an institution or a university. It was an educational and consulting center of one higher educational institution - the All-Union Correspondence Engineering Institute.

After the opening of the institution, the period of formation and development began. During this time, the name has changed repeatedly. Renaming testified that the educational institution does not stand still, but develops, increases its status.

Brief description of Prioksky State University

Change of names

A few years after the opening, the training and consulting center was transformed into a general technical faculty, and a little later it became a branch of the engineering university. In 1993, the educational institution gained independence. It received the name of the Oryol Polytechnic Institute.

The next renaming took place in 2010. The name that the university received is State University, an educational, scientific and industrial complex. In 2015, the educational institution was already spoken of as the Prioksky State University of Orel.

PSU (formerly State University - UNPK)

Activities until the last reorganization

FSBEI HE "Prioksky State University" in 2015-2016 It was a developed educational institution with a multidisciplinary structure that allows graduating qualified specialists with higher and secondary professional education. There were many students. About 6.5 thousand people studied at higher education programs, and a little more than 850 people studied at secondary vocational education programs.

Programs at the university offered enough:

  • 46 undergraduate courses;
  • 2 specialties;
  • 20 directions in a magistracy;
  • 19 directions in graduate school;
  • 10 directions implemented in the framework of open source software.

Prioksky State University in Orel was engaged not only in educational, but also in scientific activities. The necessary research and work was carried out in different directions. Some of them are high technologies in electronics, instrument making and mechanical engineering, new technologies and equipment for automated processing of materials, technical aesthetics and design, etc.

PSU educational activities

Joining another university

In 2015, information appeared on the accession of Prioksky State University to Oryol State University. PSU rector Olga Pilipenko confirmed the accuracy of this information and said that the university has a strong enough, powerful technical component. OSU is strong in natural sciences. The union, according to the rector, would help create a more powerful university.

The reorganization process worried many students and staff at the time, but management stated that there was no cause for concern. The rector explained that all young people will continue to study, and teachers will continue to do their work. That is exactly what happened. The unification of universities took place in 2016.

Joining the OSU

OSU work today

Today, Oryol State University is spoken of as one of the regional supporting higher educational institutions of our country. The merger with Prioksky State University led to a positive result. The university has become a multidisciplinary center in which various specialists are trained - with a humanitarian, pedagogical, engineering, science, medical education.

OSU is still attractive because it has schools for children. In them, representatives of the young generation can determine their future specialties. There is, for example, a school of robotics, a school of young entrepreneurs.

Having appreciated the brief characteristics of Prioksky State University, we can conclude that the university has taken the right step - joined the Oryol State University. For PSU, it did not matter who and whose composition would be included. It was important to combine efforts, create a stronger educational organization. It turned out to be achieved.

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