Jacob Jordaens - singer of a full-blooded life

Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678) was born and lived in a time that was controversial for his homeland. The country split into two parts. The north was freed from the power of Spain, while the south remained under its rule, and Catholicism continued to flourish there. But everywhere the bourgeoisie grew stronger, its wealth increased, it flourished and wished to see around itself the splendor and reflection of the fullness of life both in everyday objects and on canvases that she ordered to artists. Thus a joyful, powerful, pompous, realistic style arose, reflecting changes in society, very full-blooded and life-affirming.

Childhood and youth

A wealthy textile merchant, Jacob Jordaens, had a large family of eleven children. The eldest son, who showed great artistic inclinations, sent to study painting. Not yet finished his studies, around 1615, Jacob Jordaens son creates "Portrait of a Family with Parents, Brothers and Sisters." As a detail, his self-portrait is presented here. The young artist who portrayed his large family of different ages has been here for 22 years.

Jacob Jordans

His serious big eyes look at us, and in his hands he holds a lute. When the audience disperses, then light joyful music that supports harmony will play. Angels keep his family, twisted over the heads of the characters. The color is designed in warm golden brown tones, creating a cozy atmosphere of family well-being. Moreover, the faces are highlighted in golden color, and the facial expressions of the characters are clear and noticeable. The painter immerses the remaining details in the shadows so that they do not interfere with the main thing - the perception of facial expressions.

Prado, Madrid, a masterpiece

Another “Family Portrait” created by Jacob Jordaens, already married to Katarina van Noort and having a daughter Elizabeth for about four years. This is one of his four masterpieces.

Jacob Jordans paintings

The viewer looks diagonally from left to right, and at first glance falls on the blonde girl, who, leaning against her mother, holds a basket. The artist's wife, elegantly dressed in a dark blue velvet dress with white lace cuffs and a collar, sits in an easy chair at ease. A gold-embroidered corsage and a gold bracelet on a hand emphasize the wealth of the family. Next is a pink-cheeked maid in a red dress that holds a fruit basket. Her white apron and dress collar echoes the white apron of the daughter of the artist, who portrayed himself in the far right corner, standing with a mandolin in his hand. The lighting is distributed so that all the figures and their faces glow with gold, followed by deep saturated shadows, from which all the figures stand out in relief. This solemn portrait with elements of humor, which brings the little flirty daughter, combines both portrait persuasiveness and monumentality of the created images.

A masterpiece from Brussels

In the years 1625-1628, masterfully wielding a brush, the artist Jacob Jordaens will paint a canvas, which is called a little differently: “Allegory of fertility” or “Allegory of fertility”. At this time, as a great master, he already has 15 students. On his multi-figure composition, he arranged nymphs and satyrs with great skill. All figures are carefully executed in a realistic manner and are still located diagonally. Satyr, squatting in the left corner, attracts attention with a huge basket of fruits and fruits - a wonderful still life, traditional for Dutch painting.

Jacob Jordans biography

Nymphs and satyrs occupy two-thirds of the canvas. They are all busy with clusters of gray grapes. Exquisitely painted white skin of women, which represents a contrast with the dark satyrs on the right.

artist Jacob Jordans

The whole composition is a full blooming life that the Dutch loved so much.

The Hermitage - another masterpiece

One of the pearls created by the master of the brush, “The Bean King,” is kept in Russia. In 1638, Jacob Jordaens in Antwerp, where he spent his whole life, would write this work full of optimism and humor. Influenced on the artist’s work, Rubens will affect this canvas with soft color gradations, shimmering with all shades of silver-blue, emerald green and golden brown.

picturesque masterpieces of jacob jordans

This is a genre scene that depicts a folk festival. Anyone who finds a bean in his piece of cake will be appointed king. Glasses have been raised in honor of the king, on whom the crown is worn, someone is already singing songs. Both old and young have fun with all their heart. Incredible noise and din. As at any public holiday, all the prohibitions imposed by the church are lifted here. But this is only for the time being. Tomorrow, the Dutch with their usual hard work will take up the job.

50-60s of the XVII century

This is the period of full maturity of the master. By the 40s, he became the most popular artist in Flanders. He is the only one working in a "big style." Canvases are ordered from him for the English king Charles I and his wife. but these works were not preserved. They burned out during a fire. For the Orange Dynasty, Jacob Jordaens also writes. Pictures by this time change the color. They become silver-blue, like a huge multi-figured pathos solemn canvas "The Triumph of Prince Frederick of Orange," where, in addition to people, both lions and horses are introduced.

The death of the artist

Jacob Jordaans had a long life full of work, not bright events. A biography can fit in two or three lines or even words: born, studied, married, wrote. The master died in old age. He is 85 years old. But the disease that carried him away is unknown today. Its medieval name cannot be deciphered. But with us were the picturesque masterpieces of Jacob Jordaens. They have survived centuries.

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