Everyone wants to be rich. There is not a single person who would not strive for material well-being. Those who claim that finance is of little interest to them, in fact, they are cunning or simply do not need money, having enough of them for themselves.
The pursuit of prosperity is an integral part of human nature and nature. Accordingly, people have been busy searching for ways in which they could increase their own finances since ancient times. Of course, over the course of a century, a lot of all kinds of superstitions, signs, customs, rituals have been accumulated, with which you can attract money to yourself. Of course, most of them are directly connected to the same accessory as a wallet.
What is a wallet?
Before you figure out which wallets attract money, you need to explain what we are talking about. Many people believe that the word "wallet" has foreign roots and, accordingly, preference should be given to those signs and rituals with which to attract wealth in Europe.
As a rule, these superstitions do not work, and the people who hoped for them remain poor. Why is this happening? Because the word "wallet" is Slavic. Those who want to enrich themselves with the help of European rites and accept, need to carry money in a purse, not in a wallet.
Wallet - a small bag for cash, flat and having no more than a pair of compartments, fastens with a buckle or clasp, with or without straps. This is not only an accessory, but also a “house for money”. It should be treated with respect, and chosen so that the money "was convenient." That is, you do not need to buy a wallet that is difficult to use from a practical point of view, for example, from which it is impossible to get a trifle without dropping it.
Slavic signs for money related to the wallet
The Slavs were not particularly puzzled by what wallets attract money. They believed that attracting wealth does not depend so much on the wallet itself, but on the special money in it.
In order to make money, a new wallet must fall into the hands of its owner not empty. This was an extremely important point. Even if a person purchased a wallet for himself at the fair, the merchant invested the money given by the buyer or change into it and only then transferred the accessory to its new owner. This first money could not be spent, she became the "mistress."
Checking if this omen is valid is not so difficult, you just need to go get a new wallet with a friend and take the accessory into your own hands only when there is money in it. Another omen, just as widespread, was the custom to spit on money before putting it into your wallet.
If a “crumpled” coin got to a person, then it was impossible to spend it under any circumstances. Why was it impossible to get rid of the "flawed" money? Because in the question of which wallets attract money, accessories with such a coin inside were not equal in Russia. In order not to spend the money by accident or, even worse, not to lose it, the coin was sewn in a secret pocket or inside the lining of the wallet.
Under no circumstances could one get the last money out of an accessory, even if a change was supposed to be made upon purchase. The Slavs believed that the wallet should never remain empty.
As for the color, there were no special signs with it in Russia. However, in the old days, purses were always given red, embroidered with gold patterns, beads and pearls.
What elements contribute to monetary growth? How to choose Feng Shui?
It is generally accepted that the energies of money are close to the elements of metals, fire and earth. That is, everything related to the minting of the first coins - metals turned into money under the influence of fire from the ore that was mined in the ground.
Accordingly, the elements foreign to money are water and air. Water constantly flows, that is, money stored in an accessory that is somehow connected or associated with this element will never accumulate. The air will contribute to letting money "down the drain", that is, it will provoke spontaneous and waste.
So which feng shui wallet attracts money? One in which three elements related to the energy of money are combined. It is necessary to give preference to an accessory with metal clasps made of solid natural material painted in fiery colors.
Is wallet color important? How to choose the right one?
What color and shape wallet attracts money? Such questions are asked by almost everyone who chooses an accessory both for himself and as a gift to someone.
It is generally accepted that money “loves” red color. However, in addition to red, other shades have a useful energy for capital gains. It is not recommended to only use wallets painted in water and air colors. That is, all shades of blue or gray are unacceptable. You can not buy accessories of bright, not real luminescent colors.
Money is a natural part of a person’s life, it’s not an excess or a whim, but a necessity, the same as food, drink and air. It is worth presenting for a moment what will happen to a person if the air is replaced with any synthesized gas. Money will also “feel” the same in a wallet made of oilcloth painted in poisonous shades that are suitable only for the interior of a night club.
So what should be a wallet? Natural, calm, clean and warm color, not associated with the sky or ponds. A good choice is accessories in the following colors:
- red;
- copper;
- Orange;
- gold;
- yellow;
- brown;
- buffy;
- terracotta.
Black color is a classic solution. However, its energy is neutral, so when choosing an accessory of this shade, you need to use additional rituals that attract money. Green is complex. If you want to use an accessory of such a shade, you need to choose the right tone so that it is not associated with a swamp, sea waves, aquatic plants.
How to speak your new wallet?
Which wallet attracts wealth? Of course, spellbound. Over the centuries of the existence of money, there are plenty of different options for witchcraft over wallets.
However, the essence of all the rites, including conspiracies, boils down to increasing the influx of monetary energy and reducing its loss. In other words, the purpose of conspiracies is to spend less and accumulate more.
All ceremonies and conspiracies are carried out only on the growing moon. This is a very important point, since the divination must provide capital gains.
Example of conspiracy text:
"I speak in abundance,
Yes, under the stars and the young moon.
As the moon grows, the stars multiply
So in my wallet there is darkness. ”
This is a simple conspiracy that does not require special preparation or the use of special items. They read it alone, at night, in the open air, on which there were no clouds, that is, the moon and stars were clearly visible.
Lunar Rite to raise money
On the question of which wallets attract money, the fortune-teller has always enjoyed greater authority in people's eyes than the color palette or the shape of the accessory.
Of course, these days it’s rather difficult to conduct any ancient magic ritual. It’s not only that magic requires experience and faith in one’s own actions. A significant obstacle is the lack of accurate descriptions of old rituals.
However, this is true only for complex rites. A simple folk enchantment that does not require anything from a person except confidence in the result is quite accessible and feasible.
Having purchased a new wallet, you need to put a silver coin in it. The accessory should be left open overnight on a windowsill, brightly lit by the moon. In the morning, you can take a wallet and start using it. You can’t spend a coin, and the ceremony itself is carried out on a growing moon.
Leaving your wallet under the moonlight, you need to say: "Light up the moon, my wealth, save and increase."
How to choose according to the zodiac sign of the owner?
Which wallet attracts money by the zodiac sign? One that matches the characteristics of the constellation. Each zodiac constellation corresponds to a certain color gamut, you should pay attention to this when choosing an accessory.
However, in determining which wallet attracts money according to the horoscope sign, people inevitably encounter a contradiction of the colors of the constellations with the palette of elements related to money. To resolve these contradictions is simple. Priority should remain with the colors of the elements and their shades. In other words, if the constellation is accompanied by a turquoise color, then you do not need to purchase an accessory of this shade.
If there are no other recommendations, then neutral black or traditional red should be preferred.
Colors of wallets matching zodiac signs
What color wallet attracts money to the zodiac sign? Typically, astrologers declare the following matches:
- Aries is golden.
- Taurus - shades of light green, herbal green.
- The twin is yellow.
- Cancer is white.
- The lion is red and gold.
- Virgo is red.
- The scales are black or red, since only water colors correspond to the sign.
- Scorpio - pink and yellow.
- Sagittarius - representatives of the sign prefer purple, but this is not the best color for a wallet, therefore - black.
- Capricorn - black and green.
- Aquarius is white.
- Pisces - black or red, since only water colors correspond to the sign.
Of course, which wallet attracts money by the zodiac sign is not limited to these colors. All their shades are allowed, with the exception of those that are alien to the energy of money.
How to choose a wallet by year of birth?
To understand which wallet attracts money by year of birth, you need to pay attention to the last two digits. The numbers correspond to the elements, and to them, respectively, a certain color palette.
The correspondence of numbers and elements is as follows:
- 0, 1 - metal;
- 2, 3 - water;
- 4, 5 - tree;
- 6, 7 - fire;
- 8, 9 - earth.
Of course, in the question of which wallet to attract money to choose according to the year of birth, you do not need to pay attention to the numbers of the water element.
What is put in wallets to attract wealth?
Money has its own “objects of power” or amulets. These items are inserted into the wallet and are not removed from it. This tradition was not particularly widespread in Russia, however, residents of other lands actively used it.
Items that can attract money into the wallet are:
- double core nuts or pine nuts;
- acorn;
- dried small whole horseradish root;
- bag of dry yeast;
- three linked together Chinese coins.
The peoples, whose well-being depended on fishing, put fish scales in their wallets.
What shape do you prefer?
There are no special traditions limiting the shape of wallets, similar to the prescription in color. It is generally accepted that a round or oval shape does not contribute to the accumulation of capital.
Square wallets are not particularly convenient to use and harmful to the energy of paper money. This is due to the fact that the bills do not fit in such an accessory in an open form, they have to be crumpled or bent, which does not contribute to energy exchange or practical use.
Accordingly, a rectangular wallet will be the best choice, slightly exceeding banknotes in size.
How to deposit money in a wallet?
In order for capital to multiply, and a person to get rich, the money in his wallet should be fine. To do this, they should be placed correctly in it, observing several simple requirements:
- bills at opening should be turned “face” to the owner;
- funds must be allocated in increasing order, according to their face value;
- “Upside down”, that is, money cannot be stored upside down;
- in each branch of the wallet at the same time there can be only an even number of paper notes.
These are quite simple requirements that you need to follow in order for money to feel comfortable in your wallet.
About modern signs associated with money
Ancient signs are undoubtedly useful. But they do not at all exclude modern signs associated with money. There are a lot of such superstitions, but the most common are those associated with receiving cash.
Received money should spend the night in a wallet, get used to it. If some part of the salary is planned to be spent right away, then it does not need to be put in the wallet.
Money cannot be counted at night. The best time period for calculating cash is early morning.
The number of notes associated with the number “5” should not be fastened in one pack. Five dozen, thousandths, hundredths is an unacceptable combination that blocks cash flow.
And of course, in order for money to constantly fill the wallet, you need to follow it in the same way as for your own home. In other words, it is necessary to maintain order, to prevent the presence of debris and dust, breakage of fasteners or the opening of fastening seams.