10 week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and mom

Many mothers are looking forward to the end of the first trimester. After all, only with the onset of this period can we say that the crisis phase has passed, although there are still a lot of trials ahead of the mother and baby. At 10 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is called a baby, and now you can not be afraid that the slightest cold or other virus will interfere with its development. Every woman in an interesting position, with great interest, watches her baby grow and read all the information regarding her term. Today we will tell you what happens with mom at 10 weeks of pregnancy, how the baby develops, what products he needs, and also list the tests that will need to be passed at the end of the first trimester.

10 week of pregnancy

Talk about pregnancy

Female photos of pregnancy at 10 weeks are not much different from any others. Indeed, at this time, the tummy is not yet visible, and therefore no stranger will even suspect that you are already in an interesting position. In fact, the expectant mother experiences a lot of new sensations, most of which can be attributed to unpleasant. However, by the 10th week of pregnancy, many of them begin to gradually disappear, which is quite natural for the beginning of the second trimester.

Sometimes future mothers get confused in obstetric and real terms, because sometimes they differ markedly. In today's article we will talk about the obstetric 10th week of pregnancy, which corresponds to eight weeks since the last menstruation. Gynecologists in the antenatal clinic precisely from this moment count the conception of crumbs.

If you are closer to consider your term in months, then 10 weeks of pregnancy is approximately two months and one week from the date of conception. Usually it’s easier to count down the future fathers, but in all official documents from the antenatal clinic, the obstetric term is always indicated. Therefore, it is crucial when the expectant mother calculates the estimated date of birth.

condition of the future mother

What does a woman feel at a given time?

Sensations at 10 weeks of gestation, as women testify, mainly revolve around toxicosis of varying degrees and emotional instability. Most of the expectant mothers note that by the indicated time they notice a decrease in toxicosis, but in some it can only appear, which doctors consider it quite natural. Women complain of nausea, vomiting, changes in taste preferences and loss of appetite. Many pregnant women, when nausea recedes, begin to experience insatiable hunger, trying to compensate for some weight loss caused by toxicosis. If the development at 10 weeks of pregnancy is in accordance with all standards, then soon the nausea will completely recede, and the woman will feel much better.

Do not forget that by the end of the first trimester, hormonal changes in the body are still ongoing. Therefore, expectant mothers experience drowsiness, irritability and fatigue. Many note that they have become distracted and suffer from severe headaches. The combination of these symptoms provokes increased excitability, irritability and emotional instability. It is very difficult for a pregnant woman to cope with her emotions and feelings, she always thinks that someone wants to offend her or specifically hurt her. Therefore, even the closest people are sometimes tormented by what happens to the expectant mother.

At 10 weeks of pregnancy, there is an increased sensitivity and tenderness of the chest. Often at this time, the mammary glands increase, and a woman has to switch to a different size of underwear. Experts advise you to buy those bras that do not interfere with blood flow and do not compress the chest. The abdomen at 10 weeks of pregnancy is not visible to all expectant mothers. Slender women may notice a protruding tubercle, but those who are more physically dense do not notice changes in their shape for a long time. In any case, both are not deviations from the norm.

What happens at 10 weeks of gestation with the uterus? It continues to increase, and this can cause pain in the lower abdomen. They are caused by sprains and increasing pressure on them. The uterus is already crowded in the small pelvis, and it gradually begins to rise. At this time, women are shown long walks in the fresh air. They should be frequent and as intense as possible. However, first of all, it is worth focusing on your well-being.

Often, due to a growing uterus, women begin to complain of bloating and colic. This phenomenon in some pregnant women quickly passes, but others continue to torment throughout the term until the very birth.

weight gain

Appearance of a woman

What happens at 10 weeks of pregnancy with the appearance of the expectant mother? Despite the fact that its interesting position is not too noticeable, some changes are still present.

Due to increased blood flow, veins become visible under the skin. This is noted even by those women who had never before noticed problems with their veins. In parallel, pregnancy affects the skin condition of expectant mothers. Some enthusiastically describe their smooth, silky and radiant skin. And others note with discontent in the mirror rashes on the face and body, as well as age spots. All these changes are associated with increased production of hormones. Some time after birth, the situation normalizes.

The weight gain on the term data is still negligible. Normally, it is up to three hundred grams per week. If in your case the weight grows faster, then you need to urgently review your diet and enter physical activity. Extra pounds will be a heavy burden for any pregnant woman in the last stages.

Sometimes at the end of the first trimester, the first edema begins to be observed. Usually they appear in women who have kidney problems, or those who spend their whole day working on their feet. If you notice swelling, be sure to tell your doctor about it. He may advise you on a drug or recommend reducing your fluid intake.

baby size

Pregnancy 10 weeks: baby size

For a single day the baby does not stop growing and developing, at the end of the first trimester in its size it resembles a strawberry. On average, his height is thirty-three millimeters, with the head occupying most of the indicated size. At this time, it is noticeably larger than the body.

The weight of the fetus does not exceed four to five grams, but at the moment its skeleton is actively being formed. Cartilages that were previously soft are gradually undergoing major changes. Therefore, at this stage of pregnancy, women need to introduce calcium-rich foods into their diet. They must be present on the table daily, only in this case the body can provide the crumbs with everything necessary.

What does the fetus look like?

A photo of the fetus at 10 weeks of pregnancy, made by ultrasound, will not give the future mother any information about the appearance of her baby. But at this time, he is becoming more and more like a man.

The formation of the fetal face at 10 weeks of gestation is gradually coming to an end. In crumbs, the lower jaw, ears, upper lip and nose can be distinguished. The baby's eyes have eyelids, and on tiny legs and handles the doctor will distinguish fingers with nails. All elbow joints are fully formed and only become stronger over time. Thanks to this, the baby actively moves its limbs and constantly bends and unbends them. In the jaw of the crumbs there are already the rudiments of future teeth

If we could carefully look at the skin of the baby, we would notice its pinkish tint, which is caused by a high degree of transparency. Through the thin skin, all vessels and even muscles shine through. The head of the fetus is quite impressive in size and is not covered with hair. On an ultrasound scan, you can see how convex and steep the child's forehead is. This is due to the fact that his brain is actively growing and developing, and over the next months he will have to increase in size by no less than three times.

what does the baby look like

Baby development

Naturally, every mother cares what happens to the baby at 10 weeks of pregnancy? How does it develop and what does it learn every day? We say that this period of pregnancy can be characterized as a stage of active formation of the internal organs of the baby.

In the oral cavity, the rudiments of the taste buds on the tongue are formed, muscle tissue and chewing muscles are formed. The fetus begins to swallow amniotic fluid, which becomes a powerful incentive for the development of its digestive system. The stomach takes its usual location for a person and begins to significantly increase in size, preparing for functioning.

The tiny heart of the crumbs is actively working, driving a huge amount of blood through itself. It is reduced several times more often than the heart of a pregnant woman. The norm is considered to be beating up to one hundred and fifty beats per minute.

It should be noted and the development of the liver. This body takes on the function of hematopoiesis and proceeds to the production of red blood cells. If your baby turns out to be a boy, then it will be in ten weeks that his body will begin to produce male hormones.

The fetal brain and thyroid also undergo important stages of development. Since the brain is constantly growing, then almost every minute it forms about two hundred and fifty thousand neurons. And in the thyroid gland there is an active accumulation of iodine, it cannot produce hormones yet. But in just a couple of weeks this process will start.

The immune system is already working in the fetal body. She is not yet able to fully perform all her functions, but some antibodies are already being synthesized.

If you could take a photo of your future crumbs in 10 weeks of pregnancy, you would be surprised at his rich facial expressions. The fetus regularly frowns, opens and closes its mouth, puts its hand to the head and eyes, and also performs a host of other actions.

At this stage of pregnancy, one can also note such achievements as the formation of the diaphragm and the separation of the esophagus from the trachea. The development of the fetus at 10 weeks of pregnancy does not stop for a second. Therefore, the future mother should understand that all her activities and emotions are instantly reflected on the baby.

Discharge at 10 weeks of gestation

Some women note that by the end of the first trimester, vaginal discharge increases markedly. If they have no smell and pronounced color, then do not worry. Just your body thus adapts to its new state.

Often at this time, thrush exacerbates. Its first symptom is thick white discharge, reminiscent of cottage cheese in consistency. It’s necessary to treat this disease, because it affects not only you, but also your β€œhost”. Keep in mind that the course of treatment is not only the expectant mother, but also her sexual partner, as the thrush is transmitted during sex.

A change in the color of the discharge from transparent to brown or bloody should be the reason for immediate medical attention. If you have started bleeding profusely, immediately call an ambulance.

It happens that in the tenth week colostrum begins to stand out from the nipples. This is quite normal, so do not be scared. Colostrum does not need to be expressed, and if the discharge is abundant, then buy disposable bra inserts. They are sold in almost every pharmacy and are inexpensive.

We give tests

At the end of the first trimester, a pregnant woman should seriously think about registering with a antenatal clinic and begin taking the necessary tests. Of course, with great impatience, all future mothers expect the first planned ultrasound. However, it will be assigned to you, most likely, in a couple of weeks. But if the doctor decided to give a similar appointment, then be sure to go through this examination. It will resolve some of the doubts your doctor has.

Most often, at this time, a woman passes a lot of laboratory tests. First of all, she must donate blood (syphilis, HIV, biochemistry and so on). Usually at least seven different analyzes are performed at a time. Mandatory is a vaginal swab, which determines the purity of microflora, and urinalysis. The last you will take before each visit to the doctor throughout the pregnancy.

Keep in mind that even if your pregnancy is proceeding well, you should not miss a visit to the hospital. Only the doctor leading you determines how often you should see each other and what tests you should prescribe. Indeed, even with excellent health, the expectant mother may not notice any changes occurring with the baby.

nutrition during pregnancy

Let's talk about the daily diet

Proper nutrition is the key to a pregnant woman's well-being and the birth of a healthy baby. Therefore, be very careful with what you eat. In addition, it is worth changing the amount of consumed products, as well as the frequency of their intake. It is best to immediately accustom yourself to eat in small portions at least five times a day. Do not lean on fried foods and those that contain a large amount of fat. Try to bake foods or cook them. A good option would be steaming meat and vegetables. This is not only useful, but also significantly diversifies your diet.

From the end of the first trimester, the pregnant diet should practically not change. About thirty percent of all consumed is plant foods. By the end of the term, this percentage should increase to fifty, and in the last weeks of pregnancy it is useful to completely switch to a vegetable diet. Be sure to eat lean meat. Suitable chicken, veal, rabbit and turkey. But the fish, on the contrary, should be oily. Only this will provide the body of the future mother with all the vitamins, fatty acids and microelements necessary for the development of crumbs. Naturally, calcium-rich foods should be present in the diet. Their choice is unlimited: milk, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese and so on. A woman can consume what she likes best.

It is important at the end of the first trimester to learn how to properly make up for the lack of fluid in the body. Even if you are thirsty, you should not drink a glass of water, tea or juice at a time. You need to drink in small sips and every thirty minutes. Thus, the body will never be very thirsty, and the kidneys will not be overloaded. It is best to limit yourself to tea and coffee, but clean water without gas should always be in the handbag of a pregnant woman.

If you are still suffering from toxicosis, then try to eat while lying in bed. After eating, you need to lie down for a while and only then rise. Also, it will not be amiss to find out the product that will help cope with unexpectedly nausea. Each woman has his own: one helps a banana, the other a chocolate bar, and the third a water with lemon. However, remember that leaning on sweets is not worth it. If possible, it is best to completely exclude them from your daily diet.

prohibitions for pregnant

Tenth week: what to avoid pregnant

Despite the fact that at the end of the first trimester the well-being of many women improves markedly, they should not forget about their situation. And therefore, there are a number of prohibitions that future mothers are simply obliged to follow.

Naturally, a pregnant woman should protect herself from weight lifting, overwork, lack of sleep and stress. In a small amount, the latter are even indicated for the baby, this will allow him to train his own nervous system. But lingering stress will become a source of problems and will have a detrimental effect on health.

In no case should you go to the bathhouse, sauna and watch movies from the horror and thriller genre. The future mother should receive only positive emotions, this is the key to the health of her crumbs.

It is also worth changing high-heeled shoes to a more comfortable one. Thus, you take care of your back, which is already under increased stress.

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