Facial massage with spoons at home: reviews and results

Every woman dreams of preserving youth and beauty. For the sake of this, an uncountable number of techniques, tools, operations and other procedures have been developed. Many of them are effective, but not every woman is affordable. But there is such a technique, by performing which, you can maintain youth for a long time and at the same time not pay a dime. It is called facial massage with spoons, performed both in the salon and at home.

Historical essay

The author of this technique is the beautician Rene Koch, now known in certain circles. In infancy, his mother applied a cold spoon to the site of the bruise or bruise and after a short period of time the lesion resolved. Over the years, Renee grew up and became a professional beautician. Studying various techniques in this science, he remembered his mother’s “technique” and decided to apply it in his scientific practice. The result was not long in coming. By touching the spoons heated to a particular temperature, a certain effect can be achieved on the skin. So the famous face massage with spoons appeared. Read reviews about this procedure, results, varieties and other details about it below.

what is needed for the procedure

Description of procedure

The essence of facial massage with spoons is that the skin must be stroked with the back of the spoon, applying a different degree of pressure. We also note that this technique can be applied to the entire body, however, the most rapid and lasting effect can be seen on the face. In order to achieve visible results, constancy and regularity are necessary. Face massage with spoons at home or in the salon is necessary every day for one course, which lasts from one to two months (depending on skin needs). Then a break follows and after a certain period of time, the course is repeated. Please note that the complete cessation of this procedure will cause skin aging in the usual way. Beauty and youth must be maintained constantly.

Types of Procedure

Three types of facial massage with spoons are officially distinguished. Each of them produces a certain effect, so before proceeding to the procedure, decide on your requests. So, facial massage with spoons happens:

  • Cold. It is designed to relieve swelling, bruising, and in order to return the skin to its former color, tone and freshness. This procedure is relevant beyond age, it can be used both to eliminate the above problems and for prevention (only in the latter case it must be performed less often than every day).
  • Hot. Rarely is a face massaged with hot spoons. This procedure is more relevant for problem areas of the body affected by cellulite. In rare cases, when there are areas of obesity on the face, massage spoons are heated.
  • Mixed. The most relevant procedure for women whose skin is already starting to age and fade. Smoothing even the deepest wrinkles, eliminating the vasculature, renewing skin tone - all this is evidenced by the reviews and results of facial massage with spoons. Learn more about this below.
Massage lines

Indications and contraindications

This procedure is one of the safest and most universal in the world. In the course of it, chemical compounds are not involved, various emulsions are not used, there is even no contact of the skin of the face and fingertips. Indications for it are both visible problems (wrinkles, obesity, loss of tone and skin color), and simple prevention. There are no indications as such. Nevertheless, experts recommend postponing the procedure if you currently have:

  • Inflammation, severe acne.
  • Herpes.
  • You have a cold or other illness.

What do we need for the procedure

If you are determined to do facial massage with spoons at home, you should carefully prepare for the procedure. What components and accessories are needed?

  • Two teaspoons or dessert spoons. It is recommended to use silver or cupronickel, since the effect from steel appliances will not be so fast and strong.
  • A decoction of any herb, preferably chamomile or nettle. You can also take brewed strong green tea.
  • Ice cubes.
  • Oil. It is selected based on the type of skin. If the dermis is oily, then preference should be given to almond, sesame and hazelnut oil. With normal skin, olive, peach or apricot oil is suitable. Dry skin will become more elastic with linseed oil or jojoba oil.
Facial massage with spoons

A few important points

Before you begin to massage your face with wrinkles with spoons, consider several important details that will make the procedure easier and more effective.

  • It is best to massage in the morning, thus dispersing the blood.
  • Try to distance yourself from the whole world during the massage. Turn off the phone, close in your room, focus exclusively on the procedure.
  • Face skin before massage should be completely cleaned. Neither makeup, nor fat, nor any other components should be on it. After cleaning, moisturize your face with the cream you use daily.
  • It is recommended to warm the oil before use so that it can cleanse the skin of unnecessary impurities.
  • Spoons before massage are thoroughly washed and wiped with alcohol.
  • It is necessary to prepare two tanks with ice and hot water. In each of them should be two spoons.
preliminary skin cleansing

General Recommendations for Techniques

Immediately before the massage is recommended to do a warm-up. After applying the cream on the face, lightly walk along the massage lines. So you will achieve mild hyperemia, the skin will turn slightly red, become prepared for the next procedure. It is worth noting that the decoction that you prepared in advance is an addition to the hot water in which the spoons will be heated. Ice cubes are dipped in cold water. Now let's clearly see how to massage the face with a spoon, and along which lines you should move:

  • The first movement is from the nose to the temples, then along the hairline to the center of the forehead.
  • The second movement - from the nostrils we pull to the temples, and then along the cheeks.
  • The third movement is along the upper and lower eyelids from the center to the edges of the eyes.
  • The fourth movement is from the bottom of the neck to the center of the chin.
direction of massage lines

Eye and eyelid exercises

  • From bruises and swelling. Two spoons are cooled as much as possible and applied alternately to the lower and upper eyelids for 4-5 seconds. In exercise 5 approaches.
  • To eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes. Chilled spoons apply to the corners of the eyes. Now, as if moving along a wave-like trajectory, we transfer them to the temples. In this area, press the spoons 3 times and again transfer them in wavelike movements, but to the ears. After holding the instruments there for 5 seconds, we return to the inner corners of the eyelids. You need to do this 3 times.
  • Getting rid of facial wrinkles. It will take 4 hot spoons and 4 chilled. You should start from the first, we place each of the devices in the corners of the eyes. Then, “drawing” three circles, we transfer them to the temples, where we hold them for 4 seconds. We carry out 3 sets of hot spoons, and only one cold.

Level your forehead

Face massage with silver spoons is primarily an anti-aging procedure. It is impossible to get rid of wrinkles without touching the forehead, since most women in this area appear the first signs of aging. Frontal wrinkles are divided into two types - longitudinal (go parallel to the forehead line) and folds between the eyebrows. To eliminate the first, there are three techniques:

  1. Hot spoons are dipped in oil and placed at the base of the eyebrows. Then, in a circular or wavy motion, they move to the temples, where they are delayed for a couple of seconds. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  2. We take one hot spoon, apply it to the temple and move it to the opposite temple with spiral movements across the entire forehead. Then we do the same from the other side. There should be 10 approaches.
  3. First, we put two hot spoons to the center of the forehead, and then we zigzag them to the temples, where we press them 6 times. Repeat the procedure with cold spoons. In total, we carry out 8 approaches.

To smooth out the ill-fated brow fold, only one exercise was invented, but it is very effective. We apply the heated spoon to the problem area and press it 6 times. Then pull the device up the forehead to the hairline. The following approach is carried out with a cold spoon. In total, 6 approaches are necessary.

cheekbone exercises

Sculpting cheeks and cheekbones

For this procedure, hot spoons are used, which are also dipped in oil. Immediately, we note that if the oil is completely absorbed during the exercise, it should be applied to the devices again. Next, we perform the following manipulations:

  • We carry spoons from the center of the chin to the earlobes.
  • From the upper lip to the ears.
  • From the center of the nose to the temples.
  • At the end we place them again in the center of the chin and through the cheekbones we bring to the temples.

This complex must be repeated 10 times. It should be remembered that there is no place for excessive pressure, all movements should remain light and sliding.

Smoothing nasolabial folds

This defect is almost the most deplorable for most women. Nasolabial folds make the face sullen and sad, "throw" an extra ten years. Moreover, this is an unfortunate place of accumulation of the tonal base. These wrinkles can appear even at a very young age - at 30, and sometimes at 25 years. You can get rid of them using the following manipulations:

  • With heated spoons we carry out spiral movements from the center of the upper lip to the earlobes. The exercise is repeated 5 times.
  • Inflate the cheeks and start patting them with heated spoons for 10 seconds. Then a short break and repeat the manipulation. There should be 5 repetitions in total.
  • The mouth must be opened in the shape of the letter "O", and the hot spoons should be placed on the wings of the nose. Now we move them in circular motions to the corners of the open mouth and vice versa. So you need to repeat 3 times.
Exercise from swelling and bags under the eyes


According to reviews, this massage has helped millions of women. Beauticians position it as a budget, but very effective anti-aging procedure, with which you can smooth out facial wrinkles within one month. In order to get rid of more noticeable defects caused by the aging process, it is necessary to go through several courses. In no case should you stop doing such a massage, as otherwise you will return to the original data. As for the swelling, bruising and bags, they literally resolve after the first procedure. Especially if you combine such a massage with a special ointment, the effect will not take long. Accustom yourself to watch your skin daily, and old age will not be an obstacle for you.

Facial massage with spoons. Reviews

Does this technique help or not if you implement it at home yourself? According to many women who have touched this type of art, it is important to precisely "catch" the technique. If you perform the exercises correctly, the effect will be quick and durable. Thirty-year-old ladies massage helps smooth frontal wrinkles. Also, the massage copes with the nasolabial fold, tightens the line of the cheekbones and makes the oval of the face more clear. Reviews of facial massage with spoons at home also indicate that lengthy and thorough procedures smooth out much deeper wrinkles. Very aged faces take on sharper outlines and become more expressive.

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