How to draw a person and his head in stages

Drawing is a rather fascinating activity. Even if special abilities are not observed when spawning, this is not at all a reason not to engage in creativity. In addition, it has long been proven that it perfectly calms the nervous system and allows you to forget about problems at least for a while. You can draw anything you like, although each artist prefers a particular genre, whether it is a still life, landscape, everyday scene or portrait. Today we will talk about the latter, and tell you how to draw a person correctly.

Of course, professionals recommend starting to paint from nature, but, as practice shows, photographs of people can also be used if it does not work out with living sitters. So, before you begin, prepare the workplace: set the tablet (not an electronic one, but a regular board or other smooth and hard surface) with a sheet of paper attached to it in a vertical position. If you draw by putting the sheet on the table, the angle of your vision will be distorted, and with a direct look at the resulting drawing you will see a lot of defects.

Next you need a simple pencil and an eraser. After you select the character you want to portray, you can get down to business with the following recommendations:

- How to draw a person in the first stage? It involves finding the proportions of his body. Remember that the head of an adult takes one seventh of his height. Therefore, start building the figure with the usual vertical center line, which is divided into seven equal parts, making marks. Let's consider in more detail each of the parts, starting from the top. So, the topmost line segment is the head. Mark it with an oval. The second segment is the chest, the third is the waist, the fourth is the hips, the fifth and half of the sixth segment is the foot to the knee, and all that remains is the foot below the knee. Now, based on this, you can outline the general silhouette of the figure, taking into account its features. Remember that female and male figures differ in their structure. First draw schematically, using simple shapes - ovals or rectangles. And do not forget about the hands: their length reaches the middle of the thigh, and the elbows are at the level of the upper part of the pelvis.

- How to draw a person in the second stage? It is already possible to begin general drawing of the figure. Draw the shoulders and arms with thin lines (fingers can be left for later), then the torso and legs. Try to keep the lines smooth and repeat the silhouette of your chosen model.

- How to draw a person in the third stage? The work is already a detailed drawing and giving the figure volume. Here you can already depict facial features, fingers, hair, clothing items. When the silhouette is ready, start hatching. Identify the darkest and lightest sections of the figure. Where there are shadows, you should hatch in a more saturated, preferably with a soft pencil. Where light falls, the stroke becomes subtle and barely noticeable. Try to catch these chiaroscuros. To do this, just squint your eyes and slightly defocus your eyes, looking at the model. With this technique you will see the darkest “spots”, and midtones, and the lightest.

Separately, it is worth mentioning how to draw a head. She, like the figure, must be built so that the facial features are symmetrical and proportional. To do this, draw an ellipse, but a bit like an egg (with the pointed side down) and divide it into 4 equal parts using the horizontal and vertical axes. Divide the lower part of the future face in half with a horizontal line. Draw your eyes: the top line should go through their corners. The distance between the eyes is equal to the size of the eye in width. Also, the nose starts from the top line. The lower axis shows where the nose should end. The line of lips runs approximately at a distance equal to half the length of the nose. The upper edge of the ear is on the same axis as the eyebrows (it can additionally be held above the eyes), and the lobe is located at the same level as the base of the nose, that is, on the second horizontal. Now that the basic outlines are done, you can draw facial features and give it volume with the help of hatching.

Now you have an idea of ​​how to draw a person and a head, but I would like to make a small remark about hatching: never rub it with your fingers or pieces of paper, because this is fundamentally wrong. Learn the stroke technique, and you will succeed.

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