Gestosis during pregnancy is a phenomenon that manifests itself in many women. It is characterized by disturbances in the activity of internal organs and body systems due to processes associated with the development of the fetus within the mother. This pathology arises due to the fact that the female body cannot adapt to the changes that occur, and occurs only during the period of gestation. After birth or abortion, such pathologies disappear, but sometimes their consequences are the appearance of various diseases that remain for life.
What it is?
Pregnancy is a physiological process in a woman’s body, in which there should be no nausea, vomiting, or any other uncomfortable manifestations. However, gestosis during pregnancy is a common pathological phenomenon that appears in 25% of expectant mothers. This threatening condition for a woman’s health often becomes life threatening. This pathology provokes a violation of the vital functions of organs and systems, but the cardiovascular system and kidneys suffer most from its manifestations.
If gestosis during pregnancy manifests itself in a healthy woman whose history does not show any manifestations of dysfunctions of internal organs (kidney, liver, metabolic processes, endocrine system, hypertension, cardiopathology, etc.), it is called pure gestosis. It can develop both at the beginning of pregnancy, and in the second half of the term.
Similar pathologies that occur against a background of chronic diseases in a pregnant woman are called "combined gestosis." Such a disease can occur at any time of pregnancy, but most often it begins to manifest itself from the 28th week.
Because of what gestosis appears
The exact causes of preeclampsia during pregnancy has not been fully elucidated. Today, there are about thirty different theories regarding the causes and mechanism of its occurrence. It is believed that women, for example, with pathologies such as:
- inferior endocrine regulation;
- cardiopathology;
- violation of the endocrine background;
- pathological processes in the kidneys, liver and biliary tract;
- immunological diseases;
- obesity.
The risk group for early or late gestosis during pregnancy includes women who regularly experience stress and overwork, as well as pregnant women under the age of 18 and older than 35 years. Poor or unbalanced nutrition and bad habits can become a condition for the appearance of unwanted symptoms. Preeclampsia is often hereditary: if the mother has had a similar pathology, it is likely the disease will manifest itself and a pregnant daughter.
Signs of gestosis during pregnancy
The main symptoms of gestosis in the initial stages are dizziness, nausea, vomiting, psycho-emotional imbalance, a change in taste and perception of smell. Preeclampsia is often referred to as "late toxicosis." The most characteristic signs of this pathology are increased pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine. A pregnant woman can quite tolerate changes in blood pressure, not noticing the changes that are happening. But in most cases, gestosis is accompanied by headache, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes a pregnant woman begins to see worse. Protein present in the urine indicates a malfunction in the kidneys, so a woman's face and limbs can swell strongly.
Many women suffering from various diseases experienced all the symptoms of gestosis during pregnancy. What is it, all mothers who are pregnant for the second or subsequent time know. The fact is that if a similar phenomenon once happened, then with subsequent pregnancies its symptoms often intensify. However, situations are not uncommon when during the second pregnancy gestosis proceeds in a milder form or does not develop at all.
Doctors distinguish 3 degrees of the course of this pathology:
- Gestosis of the first degree (dropsy of pregnant women) - swelling of the extremities. A woman may feel a slight numbness in her fingers.
- Gestosis of the II degree (nephropathy) - swelling of the extremities, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. It develops against the background of increased swelling.
- Gestosis of the III degree (preeclampsia) - swelling of the limbs, abdomen, face and neck. The condition aggravates the hanging of blood pressure and protein in the urine.
In severe gestosis (eclampsia), convulsive seizures, the risk of miscarriage or fetal death are possible. In most cases, the pathology manifests itself during the first pregnancy, after the 32-34th week. If gestosis manifests itself earlier (after the 20th week), then this indicates its severe form. In general, the earlier a similar disease appears, the more aggressive its course.
This pathology violates pregnancy, so it must be controlled and treated. With a complicated course of preeclampsia, doctors usually resort to stimulation of preterm labor or cesarean section.
The first sign of gestosis: proteinuria
The main indicator indicating the occurrence of gestosis during pregnancy in the later stages or in the first half of pregnancy is the appearance of protein in the urine. This pathology never occurs without proteinuria, although the detection of only an increased protein content does not indicate the appearance of gestosis.
Normally, there should be no protein in the urine. Even a slight increase in its amount in the range of from 0.03 to 0.7 g / l in combination with an increase of leukocytes suggests inflammations in the kidneys. The higher its content, the stronger the inflammatory process. An increase in protein to 0.8 g / l and above may indicate the occurrence of gestosis.
The second sign of gestosis: high blood pressure
A combination of proteinuria with an increase in blood pressure to 140/90 and higher is considered a sign of gestosis during pregnancy in the later stages. In rare cases, this symptom goes unnoticed. However, usually a woman feels a headache, dizziness, nausea, flickering flies in front of her eyes.
The appearance of a tandem of high blood pressure and protein in the urine is called preeclampsia. This phenomenon indicates the beginning of preeclampsia and requires attention from doctors.
The uncontrolled course of this phenomenon can lead to serious consequences on the part of the nervous system and can provoke loss of consciousness, seizures (eclampsia) and cerebral hemorrhage (stroke). Such a danger arises with pressure indicators 160/110 mm RT. Art.
Third sign: swelling
Edema alone is not considered an indicator of a developing pathology. However, in combination with the previous indicators are a clear symptom.
The presence of puffiness is easy to determine on your own, if you press a finger on the inside of the leg and hold for a few seconds. If even a small fossa remains after pressing, then edema is present. The appearance of puffiness can be determined if suddenly the usual shoes began to crush or the rings are poorly removed from the fingers.
Often in the body of a future mother, latent edema occurs, which can be detected only with the help of weight control and thanks to special medical tests. With the appearance of edema, you can not take diuretics and self-medicate. Any therapy should be entrusted to the doctor.
Swelling is the only visible sign of an undesirable pathology. The appearance of protein and increased blood pressure in most cases is found only in the hospital. Therefore, it is very important for every pregnant woman to register with the antenatal clinic as soon as possible and to pass all the prescribed examinations in a timely manner.
The consequences of gestosis during pregnancy can adversely affect the health of both the mother and the baby. This disease is often the culprit of many serious pathologies. As a result of preeclampsia, disorders occur in the functioning of the kidneys, lungs, and heart, and the nervous system and vision suffer.
Dysfunctions of blood microcirculation, spasms in blood vessels, the occurrence of microthrombi can provoke swelling and hemorrhage in the brain, heart, kidney, liver or pulmonary failure. Constant attacks of vomiting lead to dehydration.
This disease causes premature placental abruption, and with manifestations of late gestosis during pregnancy, it provokes premature birth. It leads to asphyxia in the newborn and often leads to his death. With a sluggish course, it causes fetal hypoxia and helps to delay intrauterine development of the fetus.
The most severe form of this disease - eclampsia. In this case, it is no longer about saving the child, but about saving the life of the mother. The only treatment here is emergency delivery or termination of pregnancy.
If you suspect the occurrence of gestosis during pregnancy, the doctor prescribes an appropriate examination. First of all are appointed:
- Analysis of urine. It is necessary to determine the quantitative indicators of protein, ketone bodies, white blood cells, bacteria and other elements. Allows you to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the kidneys.
- Blood analysis. Allows you to determine the general condition of the body and the level of hemoglobin, platelets, liver enzymes, the degree of blood thickening.
- Ultrasound examination of the uterus and fetus by dopplerometry. It makes it possible to assess the condition and development of the baby, determine blood flow in the uterus and the developing body.
- CTG of the fetus. It is carried out for periods of more than 28 weeks, since an earlier examination does not always give a full-fledged result. Using this examination, fetal mobility, heart rate, and the appearance or absence of hypoxia can be determined.
Pregnancy gestosis treatment
Attacks of nausea and rare vomiting, the main manifestations of toxicosis (early gestosis) can simply endure. Many pregnant women cope with these symptoms by drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach with a few drops of lemon juice.
Drinks with the addition of mint or lemon balm, sour fruit drinks and juices help someone get rid of nausea. Very often, doctors in these cases recommend the use of dairy products and cheese. Many women escape from the discomfort of rinsing their mouths with a decoction of chamomile or sage.
In severe conditions of the pregnant woman (the development of renal failure or acute liver dystrophy) in the absence of therapy results, termination of pregnancy is recommended.
With manifestations of gestosis of the second half of pregnancy, accompanied by constant vomiting, specialist advice is necessary. In this case, you should not forget about the drinking regimen. Drug treatment, including homeopathic remedies, should be prescribed only by a doctor, and medications should be administered only under his supervision.
Treatment of preeclampsia occurs ambulatory I degree. All other cases of treatment of gestosis in the third trimester of pregnancy are carried out in a hospital. Based on the severity of the disease, the patient may be assigned a bed or half-bed regimen. A pregnant woman is shown complete psychoemotional peace. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe sedatives.
Despite the pronounced swelling, it is impossible to limit the intake of fluid, as well as the administration of diuretics is undesirable. Drug treatment occurs according to symptoms in order to normalize the functioning of the organs and systems of the mother, as well as to exclude hypoxia of the developing fetus. prescribed:
- B, C, E vitamins;
- stimulating agents uteroplacental blood flow;
- drugs that reduce the permeability of the vessel walls;
- blood pressure lowering agents and other drugs.
The duration of treatment is determined individually and depends on the course of the pathological process, the physical condition of the future mother and fetus. The main condition for effective recovery is timeliness and professionalism.
Prevention of manifestations of gestosis must be taken care of even at the stage of pregnancy planning. To do this, you need to be tested and receive appropriate professional advice. If necessary, undergo appropriate treatment.
The main prevention of gestosis during pregnancy is:
- long sleep and good rest;
- Exclusion of excessive physical exertion;
- positive psycho-emotional attitude.
From the point of view of preventing gestosis, a good effect on the body of pregnant women is exerted by special exercise therapy exercises, massage, pool exercises, yoga and long walks in the fresh air. During this period, you can not make sudden movements.
It is necessary to organize a full and balanced daily menu. Food should be consumed frequently, but in small portions. It is very important to maintain the temperature balance: food should not be too hot or cold. You should adhere to proper nutrition and exclude fatty, spicy and fried foods, pastries, chocolate, cocoa and coffee.
Daily use of cereals containing fiber (buckwheat, oatmeal) is recommended. We must not forget that a lot of fiber is found in beets, carrots, seaweed and fresh herbs.
A growing body needs a large amount of protein and vitamins, so you should regularly eat dishes of lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs. Fresh fruits, juices and vegetables must be present in the daily diet. Vitamin extracts from rose hips, decoctions of dried fruits and fruit drinks from berries will provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.
When gestosis occurs, it is necessary to increase the intake of fluids and protein foods, since water helps to normalize blood flow, and proteins are excreted in the urine. At least 2-2.5 liters of liquid should be consumed per day (this includes drinks, soups, broths, juicy fruits).
You should monitor your weight. After 28 weeks of weight gain should not be more than 500 grams. Normally, for all pregnant women should not add more than 12 kg.