Honey and watermelon honey

Everyone knows the most common types of honey, which include buckwheat, linden and cedar. Their useful properties have been used for many centuries to restore strength and heal the body. Among the great variety there are two unfamiliar names - honeydew and watermelon honey. What is it?

Padev honey is a rare but very valuable product for humans due to the high content of plant and animal minerals, acids and salts. It is obtained from the sweet secretions of insects and the liquid that covers the leaves and stems of plants. In places where bees collect a very small amount of flower nectar, they begin to harvest animal and plant pad.

Since honeydew is a product of predominantly animal origin, protein compounds predominate in it. It has a dark green or brown color with a slight green tint and a slightly bitter smell. The appearance of such honey may resemble birch tar. It is not recommended to cook. Fresh honey is more beneficial. The content of natural antibiotics in such a delicacy is 1.7 times higher than in the flower. The amount of salts of cobalt, iron, phosphorus, manganese and nitrogenous protein substances exceeds 3.5 times.

Padev honey is widely used and especially appreciated abroad. And although it is characterized by a large list of positive properties, it still has several disadvantages. This product is hygroscopic, unstable and very acidic.

No less interesting is Nardek, better known as watermelon honey. A special treat that can be prepared at home, without the participation of bees. His recipe is so simple that the power of any housewife. Only a large number of watermelons and patience will be required.

First, prepare the juicy and aromatic pulp of ripe watermelons. To do this, clean it from the crust and seeds, and then grind it in mashed potatoes. We lay the finished mass in a pre-prepared diaper made of several layers of gauze, and squeeze it well. We pass the juice through the fabric, and remove the flesh remaining inside.

The resulting liquid is poured into a copper or enameled basin. We set the container on a slow fire. We evaporate the excess liquid until the volume in the pelvis decreases 6 times. Constantly stir and remove the foam with a slotted spoon, which is formed on the surface in abundance. Watermelon honey is considered ready when the control drop does not spread on a plate. After receiving a positive sample, you can pour the molasses into glass jars, which are closed with plastic lids. Storage in any cool place is possible.

Distinctive features of this product is a saturated brown or dark red color, as well as a delicate aroma of summer. Since watermelon honey is prepared without the use of granulated sugar, it contains only natural fructose and glucose. This allows you to use this delicacy in the diet of people with allergic reactions and patients with diabetes.

One hundred grams of nadek contain only one hundred and ten calories. Therefore, it can be consumed while dieting. The absence of cholesterol, the content of all vitamins, amino acids and a large number of easily digestible energy inherent in fresh watermelon makes it especially useful.

Watermelon honey is recommended to use if there is a need to remove harmful toxins and wastes from the body, excess fluid and salt. It has healing properties of a wide spectrum of action and is used to treat the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, anemia, stomach, liver and as a prophylaxis of cancer.

Watermelon honey is great for adding to confectionery. It can be used instead of syrup for pancakes, pancakes, as a filling for gingerbread cookies, pies and closed cookies. The daily norm of a nardek should not exceed twenty tablespoons.

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