Eyelashes fall out: reasons, what to do?

Thick as well as long eyelashes are the main weapon in the female arsenal. They serve as an ornament to the eyes, make the look expressive. Eyelashes fall out just like hair. Then they grow back. However, such a natural process can become pathological. As a result, at the place where the eyelashes fall out, new ones do not appear. Then they noticeably thin. Very successfully fix this problem will help not only home remedies, but also professional procedures.


It is worth saying that the eyelashes grow from the hair follicles that are under the skin of the eyelids. They are subject to updating all the time. As a rule, eyelashes can grow by 0.12 - 0.14 mm per day. You need to know that they are necessary not only for beauty, but also for eye protection.

Eyelashes fall out after three to four months. In their place, pretty soon grow new ones. Yet in a day a person is able to lose four to five cilia. It's quite normal. When eyelashes began to fall out in larger numbers, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. He will help to understand what is the reason.

Cilia growth rate

By nature, it is conceived that eyelashes are not needed for beauty. They are necessary to protect the eyes both from dust and from other particles in the air. When the hair follicle under the skin remains healthy, then after eyelash loss it will grow back.

why eyelashes fall out

The speed of the process itself is very small. It can be compared with the process of hair growth on the head. Literally one centimeter per month, which is more than enough for eyelashes. With proper care, the growth of eyelashes will not take much time. Using special tools, you can increase growth by several millimeters per month.

What to do in this situation? Tips for girls

Why eyelashes fall out, you need to think about when they fall out too much. If there is a suspicion of any disease, then you must definitely go to the doctor. When eyelashes fall out, the ophthalmologist, cosmetologist or dermatologist will help to find out the reasons. Experts will give directions for the delivery of the necessary tests, the results of which will help to establish the cause of what is happening.

Pregnant women and mothers who breast-feed, need to pull themselves together and deal with the baby. Hair loss in such a difficult period seems like a natural process. When the body recovers, everything will return to normal too. Nevertheless, it is necessary to say that eyelashes fall on one eye (or both at once) to your gynecologist or endocrinologist. It is possible that they will tell you why this happens.

Improper nutrition and eyelash problems

When eyelashes fall out, what to do - many do not know. You should not panic, but it’s better to immediately establish the cause. There are just a huge number of them. Malnutrition is common enough.

woman's eyelashes fall out

In order for the eyelashes to grow, you need a good diet, which will contain a sufficient amount of trace elements, vitamins. If a person eats correctly, his diet is very balanced, then as such there will be no problem with the loss of eyelashes, as well as hair.

Vitamins A, E, C are extremely important. Do not forget about other vitamins that directly affect the growth of eyelashes and their number.

Vitamin A

It helps strengthen eyelashes, stop their loss and increase growth. In order to have a good assimilation of this element, it is taken together with vitamin E. A large amount of vitamin A is found in pumpkin, apricots and parsley.

Vitamin C

It improves blood circulation, which is why eyelash bulbs get quite a lot of various nutrients. It is necessary to strengthen immunity, to get it, you should eat oranges, kiwi, cabbage.

eyelashes fall out in one eye

Vitamin E

Helps deliver oxygen and other beneficial substances to the follicles. If it is not enough, eyelashes lose their elasticity, fall out and become brittle. It contains a lot of eggs, oils, and cashews.

Vitamin K and D

The first vitamin is responsible for the amount of moisture that is contained in the cells, but the second will strengthen eyelashes and make them beautiful.

If eyelash loss occurs, treatment should be started immediately. It is also worth reviewing your diet. In addition, you can buy a special complex of vitamins, but be sure to consult your doctor in advance.

It is worth noting that various diseases can also lead to eyelash loss. We will consider them further.

Defeat of the century with a Demodex tick

Demodectic blepharitis is also one of the causes of eyelash loss. An ailment can cause a tick, which is able to settle at the mouths of hair follicles. The eyelids will redden, become inflamed, and the eyelashes will thin out and fall out. Such a disease can often occur only in adults.


Sometimes eyelashes can begin to thin out due to this disease. The cause of the appearance of such an ailment can be an allergy, but also purulent inflammation of the follicles or seborrheic dermatitis. In addition to the main symptom, with this disease, the edge of the eyelid, where eyelashes are located, turns red and swells, crusts appear.

Sometimes with such a disease, eyelashes fall out in only one eye. But very often immediately on both. Sometimes you can experience complete loss of eyelashes.

eyelashes fall out

Thyroid hormone deficiency and eyelash problem

In every person, hypothyroidism manifests itself in its own way. However, more people have excess weight, chilliness, central nervous system impairment, as well as brittle hair and increased loss of eyelashes and eyebrows.

Scabies mite

It is possible to catch him when communicating with a sick person or through his underwear. When scabies arose on the face, the eyelids often suffer, their edges are inflamed, and the eyelashes fall out.


Sometimes hair and eyelashes fall out very intensively during pregnancy or during breastfeeding, as there is a cardinal change in hormonal levels. The reason may be a lack of vitamins in this period, along with poor nutrition.

Eyelash extensions, tattoo, cosmetics

To be beautiful, women nowadays have a huge arsenal of the most various ways to improve their appearance. Nowadays, a large number of girls use quite a lot of cosmetics, increase eyelashes and resort to tattooing the eyelids. All this adversely affects the condition of the eyelashes. Also often leads to their loss. It is for this reason that they thin out more often in women than in men.

eyelashes fall out

Eyelashes fall out. Treatment and strengthening them at home

A large number of women simply panic, not knowing what to do when eyelashes fall out. Everything can be restored at home. It is worth completely abandoning cosmetics for at least a period of two weeks. At this time, it is possible to use only natural products for care, which include vegetable oils, various herbs. They can be used as compresses, masks and balms. Such procedures will improve the metabolic processes in the eyelash follicles, enrich them with vitamins, moisturize, increase growth and give shine.

Castor oil for eyelashes

You can use castor oil, which in our time is sold in small jars of glass. A clean eyelash brush is also needed. It produces a huge number of brands. It will be good if the brush comes complete with an empty bottle. She needs to apply a layer of oil on her eyelashes literally every day after the washing procedure, massage them a little at the roots.

eyelashes began to fall out

Also, if you do not find such a tool, you can thoroughly wash the old brush and a bottle of mascara. Such a task is very difficult, but possible. You can use tools that can break down fat. They will help to completely get rid of the old carcass. Oil is poured into the bottle and used instead of carcass every evening.

Other cilia oils

In addition to castor oil, almond, apricot or burdock oil is perfect. As lotions on the eyes should use decoctions of herbs. Chamomile, sage, as well as a decoction of nettle work well. Disks made of cotton wool must be moistened in a warm broth and a compress applied on the eyelids for literally fifteen minutes.

The compress may also be oily. To do this, the oil (burdock, apricot or almond) is slightly warmed up and soaked in cotton pads. It is possible to add a capsule with liquid vitamin E to the oil. This will help to enhance the effect of the drug several times.

Preparations and means. Which can and should be applied?

As a good remedy for the restoration of eyelashes, the drug Aevit is prescribed. It is also applied to the ciliary edge. And then you need to massage them gently with your fingertips.

eyelash loss problem

The approach should be comprehensive. Compresses must be performed in 10 procedures every day. It is important to add vitamins and minerals to your diet, get enough sleep, walk more in the fresh air and say goodbye to bad habits. For the time when you will undergo treatment, also refuse makeup.


The tool is suitable for stimulating the growth of not only eyelashes, but also eyebrows. It looks like a two-sided bottle, which contains two compositions: night and day. The daytime contains ceramides, panthenol and other components for care, which make it possible to apply the product as a base for mascara. For overnight application, the formula contains Vitamin E and vegetable oils. These components strengthen and stimulate the growth of eyelashes. If you rely on reviews, then the tool is extremely convenient to use, liquid. For this reason, it needs very little. Eyelash growth is, but very slow.

what to do if eyelashes fall out

Talika Lipocils

This gel stimulant is extremely expensive, but very popular. According to a large number of reviews of the girls who used it, the growth and recovery of eyelashes is noticeable, but not as much as the manufacturer promises. The effect of the tool can be compared with ordinary pharmaceutical oil, which is much cheaper.


Now you know why eyelashes fall out. Causes and treatment are two important topics that we examined in detail in the article. We hope that our recommendations will help you!

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