Laser teeth whitening: reviews, pros and cons of the procedure

At the moment, many different methods of teeth whitening have been found, however, the use of laser equipment allows you to perform the necessary manipulations without harm to enamel and painlessly for the patient. At the same time, the effect of the procedure remains unchanged for many years.

laser teeth whitening reviews

Description of procedure

Laser tooth whitening is becoming increasingly popular. The procedure is quite expensive, but middle-income people use it. Below we consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this whitening method, since before agreeing to such a procedure, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Reviews on laser tooth whitening will also be presented.

Laser whitening is carried out in several stages.

Preparatory stage

The dentist examines the oral cavity, checking for problems with teeth and gums. The fact is that before starting laser treatment, it is necessary to eliminate all these problems, there should be no plaque or stone on the teeth, as well as caries. Seals of dark material previously installed must be replaced with lighter modern ones. At the preparatory stage, the dentist also decides whether the procedure can be performed for this patient. For this, an anamnesis is collected. Even tooth enamel that is too thin by nature can be a contraindication, since there is a risk of damage to the upper layer by a laser. There are numerous reviews about this. Laser teeth whitening in the photo is presented in the article.


At the second stage, preliminary brushing and the necessary treatment are carried out. The scope of activities that should be carried out is determined by the dentist during the examination and questioning. The duration of this stage, as well as its cost and complexity are determined individually, depending on the scale of the problems.

laser teeth whitening moscow reviews

Directly whitening

After all the preparations, a special gel is applied to the enamel. Then it is activated by laser exposure. Each tooth takes approximately one minute. As a result, the whole procedure lasts about 20 minutes, but in some cases it can last up to an hour. As a rule, for all teeth, several procedures are required. Reviews of laser tooth whitening in St. Petersburg and other cities confirm this.

Result fixing

If you want the effect of the whitening performed to last as long as possible, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the dentist. This applies to gentle brushing, the use of special pastes. The most important rule is not to eat foods that can color the enamel immediately after the procedure. That is, you need to adhere to a certain diet the first time after bleaching. Even coffee and tea will have to be ruled out. Reviews on laser tooth whitening are mostly positive.

Many people mistakenly believe that laser exposure occurs on the surface of the tooth. However, this is a common misconception. The gel applied to the tooth surface affects dentin, or rather its protein compounds, due to which the desired whitening effect is achieved. How much the enamel shade changes and how long it lasts depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the equipment selected. The use of different nozzles during bleaching can affect the intensity of the color conversion of the enamel. This can be seen in the photo of laser teeth whitening - before and after.

The dentist always warns the patient that the first time after laser whitening, increased sensitivity of the teeth may appear, even if such a symptom had not been disturbed before. Sometimes it is possible to develop a pain syndrome. In this case, the use of drugs from the category of analgesics is permissible. If unpleasant sensations occur in the enamel area, then you can use a gel with the effect of remineralization, and it is easy to do this even at home. A photo of laser teeth whitening is located in this material.

laser teeth whitening reviews photos

Indications and contraindications

There are no specific indications for whitening teeth. We are talking about aesthetic cosmetology, so the main reason for visiting a dentist in this case is the desire to get a snow-white smile. Dissatisfaction with the yellowness of the teeth, plaque and the look of a smile most often leads a person to the dentist's office with the aim of whitening. However, it is very important to find the cause of yellowing. Sometimes it may be taking certain medications. In this case, there will be no effect from laser bleaching.

It is very important to understand the conditions when laser teeth whitening is contraindicated. In most cases, this procedure is absolutely safe, it is forbidden to carry out a similar effect on dentin in the following situations:

  1. Children under 18 years old. This is due to the fact that the enamel in children is thinner and is in the formative stage, so laser treatment can adversely affect the dental structure.
  2. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Enhanced sensitivity of enamel. This is a sign of too thin or even broken enamel. As mentioned above, the sensitivity after the procedure may increase, that is, the existing situation risks becoming worse.
  4. Allergic reaction. We are talking about individual intolerance to the components of the gel, which is used for laser bleaching. In order to detect allergies, a specialist conducts a special sensitivity test.
  5. The acute stage of gum and tooth disease. Before the bleaching procedure, it is necessary to treat diseased teeth.
  6. Old materials on installed fillings of a darker shade. They will need to be replaced with more modern ones before bleaching. The same applies to prostheses, crowns and other dental structures.
  7. If there is any damage or thinning of the tooth enamel, the procedure is strictly not recommended. This is due to the fact that laser exposure can destroy dentin.
  8. Braces are also an obstacle to the bleaching procedure.

A qualified and experienced specialist will not prescribe whitening without a preliminary examination and preparatory measures.

laser teeth whitening photo


Despite the fact that laser whitening is quite expensive and associated with certain inconveniences, it is still in great demand. The advantages of this procedure:

  1. Short whitening session. Since not all teeth are processed in one visit, the procedure lasts up to 20 minutes. However, several sessions are required.
  2. The absence of pain during the procedure. Laser whitening will not cause any unpleasant sensations compared to other dental procedures.
  3. The whitening gel has no taste or smell, which also provides good tolerance to whitening. The texture of the gel is soft and easy to apply on the teeth.
  4. An additional healing effect from whitening. Laser treatment strengthens the enamel and makes it more resistant to external influences.
  5. Whitening gel has an antibacterial effect. Thus, during the procedure, disinfection of the oral cavity occurs.
  6. The validity of bleaching is quite long, despite the fact that this indicator depends on many factors. The warranty given by dentists can be up to five years.
  7. Laser whitening eliminates damage to the mucous membrane and gums. The acid-base balance also remains unchanged.


According to reviews, laser teeth whitening benefits are not limited. Some patients find flaws. They are given below:

laser teeth whitening
  1. Sometimes it can be difficult for a patient to sit for even 20 minutes with his mouth wide open. This leads to the fact that the jaw begins to ache and becomes numb. However, in comparison with other dental procedures, this is not long.
  2. In patients with hypersensitivity, an unpleasant sensation may occur during the procedure.
  3. Inaccurate application of the gel can lead to its contact with the gums. This can cause a burning sensation.
  4. The laser bleaching procedure is very expensive, not everyone can afford it.
  5. The ban on the use of tea and coffee, as well as various coloring products is unacceptable for some patients.

The disadvantages of laser teeth whitening are very subjective, since everything is individual here. Someone likes this procedure, someone does not.

Safety and efficacy

Laser whitening is a safe procedure, due to the directed action of laser beams on tooth tissue. During manipulation with the laser does not occur heating or structural change in the enamel. At the same time, the intensity with which the laser will work is adjusted individually for each patient, taking into account the state of his oral cavity. At the heart of a special gel that is applied to the teeth before the procedure is oxygen. In itself, it is absolutely harmless, but there are cases of individual intolerance. Reviews of laser tooth whitening in Moscow confirm this.

If this happens, the dentist will recommend other methods of the procedure. Laser tooth whitening, according to reviews, reduces the strength of fillings, so after some time they may need to be replaced.

laser teeth whitening before and after

The whitening effect is achieved by splitting and oxidizing colored pigments that are located in the dental tissues. In one session, you can achieve clarification of 5-10 tones, depending on the natural color of the enamel. Sometimes you need to re-bleach. This can be done a few weeks after the initial procedure. All experts emphasize that in many respects the duration of the effect achieved during whitening depends on the proper care of the teeth. We continue to consider the pros and cons of laser teeth whitening.


As for oral hygiene after the procedure, certain rules should be followed, namely:

  1. Carry out hygiene procedures using special pastes, flosses and brushes.
  2. Tooth powders are not recommended, they can damage the enamel.
  3. Use mouthwash after each meal.
  4. The toothbrush should be soft or medium hard.
  5. Do not drink or eat foods that can stain the enamel for a week after bleaching.
  6. Carry out regular preventive examinations of the oral cavity and check the condition of the teeth.

Thus, the laser bleaching procedure is a modern, convenient and safe way to get a standard white smile.

Teeth Whitening in Moscow and St. Petersburg

You can carry out the procedure in any private dental clinic. In large cities there are especially many of them. The cost starts from 9000 rubles.

The following clinics are popular: Expert, St. Petersburg, Pionerskaya 63, and Good Dentistry, St. Petersburg, Educational Lane, 2.

In Moscow - this is the clinic "Medicine", 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya Lane, 10; "HE CLINIC", st. Vorontsovskaya, d. 8, p. 6

cons of laser teeth whitening

Laser Teeth Whitening Reviews

People write in their comments that they really like the result of this procedure. The teeth become white and beautiful, the smile is irresistible. This is completely painless, although the discomfort afterwards persists for about a week. Increased sensitivity of enamel - you can say the only drawback of such whitening. But the price is also quite high. Reviews confirm this.

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