Scorpions discography: album details

Today we will review the discography of Scorpions. This is a German English-language rock band. It was created in Hanover in 1965. The style of this group is characterized by guitar lyrical ballads. Also, musicians perform classic rock.

General information

scorpions discography
Before the Scorpions discography will be given, let us dwell on a few interesting facts about the group. We are talking about the most popular rock band in Germany, as well as one of the most famous in the world. The group has sold over one hundred million copies of albums. The team took 46th position in the list of "Greatest Hard Rock Artists", compiled by VH1.


scorpions maybe i maybe you
The Scorpions discography opened in 1972 with the Lonesome Crow album. This name can be roughly translated into Russian as “Lone Raven”. All 7 songs of this work are performed in English by Klaus Main. The material that got into the album differs significantly from the further work of the group. The sad, gloomy sound of the rhythm guitar under the direction of Rudolf Schenker (poorly spelled out) is highlighted. Also in this work, emphasis is placed on the instrumental part. This is the only record on which Michael Schenker acts as a full member of the group. He soon joined the UFO project. Ulrich Roth will take his place.

The disc was used as a soundtrack to the German film Cold Paradise. The album had different covers. Some releases are called Action. The 1982 German edition was designed by Rodney Matthews. All texts were created by Klaus Mein, Lothar Heimberg and Wolfgang Dzioni. The music was written by Michael and Rudolf Schenker.

Subsequent Studio Albums

Fly to the Rainbow is the second disc of the group, which was released in 1974. Its name can be translated as "Fly to the Rainbow." Here, the music is characterized by a steady hard rock sound. This album was the first recorded with the participation of Ulrich Roth as a guitarist. It was created in the studios of Munich. Achim Kirshing is a keyboard player who took part in the work on the record as a session musician.

In Trance is an album that was released in 1975. Its name can be translated as "In a trance." It was on this disc that the group developed its own hard rock style, which was subsequently modified thanks to the arrival of Matthias Jabs. The disc is distinguished by powerful ballads, and it was they who became the “brand name” found by the group. In this work, as a session musician, Achim Kirshing, a keyboard player, took part. This was the band's first commercially successful record.

It is noteworthy that the cover was decorated with the new logo of the group, which remained for it to this day, having received only minor changes. The original version of the album included a photo of a model whose chest was slightly ajar. This caused criticism from the censors. The foreground was brightened. The background has turned radically black. The foreground of the image had to be darkened. The background was lightened for contrast.

Virgin Killer is an album released by the group in 1976. It was the first work that gained fame beyond European borders. The title song, Virgin Killer, is about viciousness. The album was very popular in Japan.

Unbreakable is an album released in 2004. Its name can be translated into Russian as “Indestructible”. The song of the Scorpions group - Maybe I Maybe You - was included on this record. After many years of experimenting in various styles, the band released an album in their native hard rock. The disc is the first for Pavel Monchivody - the bass player.

The Scorpions discography, in addition to the discs described above, consists of the following studio albums: Pure Instinct, Moment of Glory, Comeblack. Extreme at the moment is the Return To Forever disc.

Live recordings

scorpions album
Scorpions' first live album, Tokyo Tapes, was released in 1978. In 1985, World Wide Live appeared. In 1995, the musicians recorded Live Bites. Acoustica appeared in 2001. In 2011, Get Your Sting and Blackout was released. In 2013, MTV Unplugged appeared - Live In Athens.

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