Ceza: world's fastest benchmark

In the early 70s of the 20th century, the direction of music, such as rap, began to develop among the black population of America . If you go into details of the etymology of this word, then translated from English it means "knock." This name was not without reason applied to this direction. After all, rap is a clear and rhythmic recitative that is pronounced to music with heavy sound elements. From that moment, the beginning of the entire hip-hop culture began. Gradually, rap became popular all over the world. On the streets and stadiums, in studios and at home in front of the mirror, teenagers honed their skills in composing rhyming lines, pronounced as recitative.

world's fastest benchmark

Rap goes to the masses

After some time, it was possible to train their skills in various clubs, where competitions and battles between rappers were constantly being arranged. The main criteria in this competition were the ability to rhyme, rhythm and speed of reading. It was this musical direction that gave the world such singers as Eminem, 2Pac, DrDre, Puff Daddy, 50Cents, Ceza and many others. The latter, by the way, today proudly bears the title of "The fastest rapper in the world." It is noteworthy that out of all the above celebrities, only this young man is not a resident of the United States of America. He was born and raised in Turkey.

the fastest rapper in Russia

Career of a talented performer

The world's fastest benchmark is named Bilgin Ozchalkan. He is a member of such a musical group as Nefret. Translated, this means "Hate." The boy grew up in an ordinary Turkish family, where no one had even the slightest idea about rap as such. As a child, he learned to create beats with his voice and read rhymes. After a while, he records his first album. And in 1998 he created a musical group, which continues to create to this day. It is worth noting that the number of albums released by Nefret has almost stepped over the first two-digit line.

As part of the musical group Bilgin Ozchalkan - aka Ceza - read the song Holocaust. And I must say, he did it amazingly. In two minutes and thirty-eight seconds (2:38) the young man was able to clearly and clearly pronounce more than twelve hundred words, or rather, one thousand two hundred sixty seven words. This was an absolute record and brought the Turkish youth the title of “The fastest rapper in the world”. Many tried to be indignant: they say, the Turkish language in pronunciation is much simpler than, say, German. But the record is the record. And the world community recognized its reality. I would like to say that the younger sister Ceza followed in the footsteps of her brother and also achieved outstanding success in rap.

Spanish record holder

Prior to the Turkish musician, the title "Fastest Rapper in the World" was worn by Spanish singer El Chojin. In 2008, this record hit the pages of the world edition of Guinness. Domingo Moreno (this is the real name of the master of recitative) in a minute clearly and distinctly uttered 921 words. This achievement was recorded in Madrid. By the way, in this city the singer was born on April 28, 1977. He began his rapping career in such bands as 995 and Wild for da Night.

the fastest Russian benchmark

Domestic performers

On the Internet open spaces of our homeland, a serious debate sometimes arises, where the main point is to find the answer to the question: “Who is the fastest Russian rapper?” No doubt, a great country is also famous for its beat and recitative masters. Basta, Noise MC, Rem Digg, Loc-Dog and many others have long been praising the state’s hip hop culture. They have their fans and their performance criteria. However, it is not possible to single out a single and only singer whose reading speed will allow him to be awarded the title of “fastest rapper in Russia”. Fike, Atom, the Chronicle, and Domino are suitable for this role. Each of them has its pros and cons. They attract the audience not only with interesting texts, but also with the fantastic speed with which phrases fly out of their mouth. Who knows, maybe soon in Russia there will be a rap record holder.

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