Grapefruit: composition, calorie content, health benefits and harms

Grapefruit is a popular citrus fruit with a characteristic sweet and sour taste with a hint of bitterness. In addition to taste, he has a huge amount of vitamins for health and beauty. Consider the benefits and harms of grapefruit for the body.

Description and grades

Grapefruit composition

Grapefruit is a low-calorie fruit that in Latin reads Citrus Paradisi or "Paradise Citrus Fruit." Originally from the Caribbean island of Barbados. At the beginning of the XIX century it was first planted in American Florida. It is currently one of the most popular citrus fruits. It is grown mainly in the Caribbean, as well as in other countries of the subtropics (in the USA, Mexico, Argentina, India, Israel, Turkey, countries of South Africa).

The name grapefruit comes from the English words "grapes" (or bunch) and "fruit" - this is due to the fact that these fruits grow on branches in clusters.

Evergreen grapefruit trees grow to a height of 6 to 15 meters, characterized by leathery leaves and white flowers. They bear spherical fruits, reaching a diameter of about 15 centimeters and a mass of 200-500 g, which are yellow, green or red.

The most useful are the red varieties of fruit, they are also the most bitter and acidic. The yellow and green varieties are the sweetest. But the grapefruit of these subspecies contains less carotenoids, lycopene and vitamin C than in red fruits.

The fruit pulp is eaten raw or in the form of juices. They are also added to cakes, cookies, hot, cold desserts and used as decoration for meat or fish. Fresh fruit has a firm, resilient, unpigmented and fairly firm crust. Fruits should be stored at low temperatures.

The nutritional value

why grapefruit is good for women

The composition of grapefruit found a large number of minerals and vitamins.

One red fruit weighs about 400 g. After peeling it, it weighs about 260 g. The total carbohydrate content in grapefruit is 9.8 g. The amount of dietary fiber is 1.9 g. In 100 g of fruit pulp 36 kcal = 152 kJ.

What vitamins are found in grapefruit? 100 g of fruit pulp contains:

  • vitamin C - 40 mg (53% of daily requirement);
  • sodium - 2 mg (0.13% of the daily norm);
  • potassium - 277 mg (6% of the daily requirement);
  • calcium - 22 mg (2.2% of the daily requirement);
  • phosphorus - 18 mg (2.5% of the daily requirement);
  • magnesium - 12 mg (3.75% of the daily requirement);
  • iron - 0.2 mg (1% of the daily requirement);
  • zinc - 0.19 mg (2.3% of the daily requirement);
  • copper - 0.07 mg (7% of the daily requirement);
  • Manganese - 0.01 mg (0.5% of the daily requirement);
  • iodine - 1.3 mg (100% daily requirement).

Grapefruit: benefits for the body's immunity

Since grapefruit is a citrus fruit, there is usually no doubt about the high vitamin C content. However, few people understand that one fruit contains more of this vitamin than in the daily dose recommended for humans. For this reason, it is often prescribed for colds, since no drug available in the pharmacy can replace a natural vitamin. It should be noted that depending on the variety of grapefruit (red, yellow and green), the content of vitamin C will be different. Grapefruit also contains provitamin A, also known as beta-carotene, vitamins B and E, folic acid, potassium, magnesium and flavonoids. All of them have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body, as they have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Grapefruit and circulatory system

What is useful grapefruit for the body

The citrus fruit has a positive effect on the circulatory system due to its fibers, potassium and antioxidants (including lycopene, carotenoids). These substances strengthen the walls of blood vessels and not only prevent their narrowing, but also cleanse deposits of bad cholesterol, helping to maintain the necessary level of good cholesterol in the blood. Answering the question of how grapefruit is useful for the body, it can be noted:

  • frequent use of fruit has a beneficial effect on heart health,
  • prevents from atherosclerotic changes,
  • relieves hypertension,
  • reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Antitumor properties of the fruit

The strong antioxidant properties of grapefruit protect the body not only from cardiovascular disease, but also from cancer. Antioxidants destroy free radicals and inhibit the growth of some cancer cells. This action is shown by the flavonoid, responsible for the bitter taste of grapefruit - naringin. Substances contained in Paradise Citrus are effective against cancerous changes in the stomach, intestines, prostate, cervix, and bladder.

The effect of grapefruit on the liver and kidneys

Flavonoids contained in grapefruit cleanse the body of toxins and act as a diuretic. Eating fruit positively affects the process of detoxification and regeneration of the liver. Naringin helps in the treatment of hepatitis viruses. By increasing the production of urine, the substances contained in grapefruit stimulate the functioning of the kidneys.

Grapefruit and diabetes

How much sugar is in grapefruit

Diabetics may not worry about the question of how much sugar is in the grapefruit. Fruits are low in carbohydrates, so they are included in the list of allowed foods for diabetes and insulin dependence. They have a low glycemic index (IG = 20), increase the sensitivity of body cells to insulin and indirectly lower blood glucose levels. Grapefruit is also recommended as an antidiabetic prophylaxis.

Grapefruit during pregnancy

What is grapefruit good for women during pregnancy? As a natural source of folic acid, which affects the proper development of the fetus, this fruit is an excellent dietary offer for pregnant women. Paradise Citrus also provides the body of expectant mothers with many substances that prevent infections, constipation or varicose veins.

Grapefruit and breastfeeding

Fruit, due to the large amount of vitamins, can have a positive effect on the health of mother and child. However, fruits, like all other citrus fruits, can cause allergies. Therefore, if you notice any allergic symptoms in your child, you should stop eating these fruits.

Slimming grapefruit

How many calories in 1 grapefruit

Knowing how many calories are in 1 grapefruit, it can be safely included in the diet menu for weight loss (100 g of grapefruit contain only 42 kcal). One fruit is an excellent solution as a lunch or a small snack between meals. The substances contained in it accelerate the metabolism and contribute to the burning of fats. Due to the antitoxic effect of flavonoids, grapefruit intake is also effective in cleansing diets.

Youth and beauty with grapefruit

The powerful antioxidants contained in the fruits slow down the aging process of the skin. Thanks to better blood circulation and fat burning, which is ensured by regular consumption of β€œparadise citrus fruits,” one can easily get rid of unsightly cellulite. Grapefruit properties are widely used in cosmetology. The extract of these fruits is part of moisturizing, brightening, cleansing and firming preparations for the skin.

Harm to the body

What vitamins are in grapefruit?

The health benefits of grapefruit and juice from it are undeniable. However, the topic of drug compatibility with grapefruit juice is becoming increasingly discussed. Anyone who takes medication regularly knows or needs to know about this fact. Juice from this citrus can enhance or reduce the effect of a particular drug on the body.

The interaction of grapefruit with medicines

In the United States in the late 1980s, grapefruit juice was found to increase the level of felodipine used by patients. Thus, studies have begun on the potential interaction of substances contained in grapefruit juice with medications. It was shown that it contains compounds that prevent the absorption of about two thousand drugs, among which can be mentioned drugs that lower cholesterol. And all this is caused by furanocoumarins contained in citrus fruits (mainly: 6,7-dihydroxybergamottin (DHB) and bergamotin). There is a loss of the enzyme CYP3A4, which is involved in the digestibility of drugs by the body. One glass of drunk juice causes a decrease in the content of the CYP3A4 enzyme in the body by as much as 50%. The most dangerous time for the interaction of DHA with drugs is observed 2 hours after drinking juice. Therefore, doctors recommend drinking it and eating grapefruit fruits at least 4 hours after taking the medicine.

DHB has a different effect on the digestibility of drugs, due to their bioavailability. You can be guided by the principle that the lower the bioavailability, the greater its increase in combination with grapefruit juice. However, the level of 6,7-dihydroxybergamottin depends on the variety, maturity and form in which fruits are consumed. The interaction of a particular drug with the substances contained in grapefruit depends both on the fruit itself and on the concentration of the CYP3A4 enzyme in the body.

Unfortunately, despite the above information about the incompatibility of grapefruit juice with some chemicals on the packaging of most drugs, deaths are often caused due to their simultaneous administration. Therefore, always carefully read the instructions for medicines or ask your doctor if it is possible to eat grapefruit when taking certain medications.

However, if you are not taking any medications and you are not allergic to citrus fruits, you can regularly eat grapefruit, which will help you maintain health for years to come.

How to choose a healthy grapefruit?

Choose saturated color fruits because they have the most vitamins and other nutrients. The larger and heavier the fruit, the juicier. Fruits should have flattened ends. Elongated fruits have a thick skin and little juice. The tips of the fetus should not be soft or green. Before peeling citrus fruits, brush them under running water to rinse off the chemical preservative that covers the fruit.

Now you know the benefits and harms of grapefruit for human health. Of course, they are one of the most healthy fruits for our body (with proper consumption), as they are full of vitamins and minerals. Studies show that regular inclusion in the menu slows down the aging process, lowers cholesterol, speeds up digestion, and also prevents the risk of cancer. In combination with their antibacterial and antifungal properties, we can confidently say that these fruits should become an integral part of the diet of every person.

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