The meaning of the name Farid. Characteristic. Compatibility

What does the name Farida mean? This attractive and extremely beautiful name translates as โ€œpearlโ€. The woman who received it fully justifies this name. She is a jewel, self-sufficient, tender and attractive. Just like the male Farid, this name has Arabic roots.

Farid name meaning


This girl at a young age is aware of its significance. Her parents and relatives spoil her. She is sweet and cheerful. The meaning of the name Farida suggests that this girl is proud and touchy. She has a sharp mind and a good memory. She studies well and quickly grasps everything on the fly. She is praised by teachers and often set as an example. Among peers, she occupies a leading position, as she knows how to gain attention and defend her views. Often, she manifests talents in sports, and if you develop them, you can achieve great success.

farid name

The meaning of the name Farid

Having matured, this woman remains stubborn and energetic. She knows exactly what she wants, and confidently goes to the intended goal. Farida has its own principles and rarely deviates from them. She does not succumb to the influence of others and adheres to her opinion. She will not tolerate if someone decides to make adjustments to her life or behavior. However, if Farida decides that someone is right, she will easily change her attitude towards the situation.

The meaning of the name Farida reveals to those around her a woman who needs to know that she is admired and appreciated. She constantly needs attention, and if she does not receive it, she becomes depressed.

The desire for independence often develops into self-will. Farida uses any means to achieve her goal, including cunning. She constantly needs to be in the spotlight. It does not even occur to her that her person might not be of any interest to anyone. At the same time, the meaning of the name Farid suggests that before you is a shrewd person who is well versed in people, sees a lie. Faridโ€™s bad attitude does not forgive anyone.

what does the name farida mean

This woman is leisurely and purposeful. Before doing anything, she will think it over and over again many times. She does not tolerate fuss. These qualities greatly help her to advance through the ranks. Those who want to prevent her from doing this should remember her insight. She quickly recognizes the ill-wisher and can easily eliminate it.

Personal life

Farida is a temperamental woman. She loves men, and even more - their attention. She is sentimental and sensitive. All this conquers and turns on a strong floor. She can choose and search for herself a suitable life partner for a long time, but when she gets married, she will surely settle down. Farida is a faithful wife. She is completely devoted to her husband and is ready to do anything for him. The mistress of her is not perfect. Farida is quite lazy. At any opportunity, she will shift her responsibilities to others. But if necessary, she performs her duties well. If Farida gets down to business, then she will certainly do everything at the best level. She loves children. With pleasure he is engaged in their education, leads to sports sections and circles. She will definitely play with the kids who adore her. Farida easily finds a common language with them.

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